Part 6

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Trigger Warning ⚠️ Mention of Drugs and their effects ⚠️ Mention of Alchohol ⚠️ Peer Pressure ⚠️
Skip chapter if this is too much for you. Stay safe everyone. Don't do drugs.

As I stepped out of Mr. Stan's office, his sweater draped over my shoulders and down just above my knees, my heart was still racing. The weight of his gesture lingered, filling me with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I couldn't help but replay the almost-kiss in my mind, wondering what would have happened if we had given in to our desires. There was no time to lose myself in fantasies. I still had to attend his class, trying to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the electric tension between us. I walked into the classroom, his gaze met mine, a subtle understanding passing between us.

Just as I settled into my seat in Mr. Stan's class, people started to fill the seats and I couldn't help but feel his presence beside me, even though he was standing at the front of the room. The air was charged with anticipation, and I found myself stealing glances in his direction whenever I could. During his lecture, our eyes would meet, and a knowing smile would dance across his lips. It was as if he could read my thoughts, understanding the turmoil that churned within me. And then, as he circled the room, his hand would lightly brush against my shoulder or linger for a moment on my desk, sending shivers down my spine.

Each touch, no matter how fleeting, left an indelible mark on my senses, heightening the desire that simmered beneath the surface. It was a dangerous game we were playing, and we both knew what could happen if people found out but I wanted him so badly, even if that meant I had to sneak around and lie to everyone I knew.


"Ugh! Just try them on Mina!" Ava said as she handed me 8 dresses to try on of all sorts of colors and styles but they were all incredibly short. "Fine, but just know I don't like this." I sassed back, Ava, Cooper, and MJ all laughed hysterically at me and I glared at them just before I shut the door. After trying them all on, I held two dresses up in front of my friends not being able to choose between the two when Tom came around the corner with three more dresses and I spotted a beautiful dark red almost black dress thats kinda of see-through. I grabbed it immediately and ran into the dressing room.

The dress I spotted was not just any red—it was the kind of deep, sultry maroon that whispers of midnight rendezvous and stolen glances. Its fabric, a delicate mesh overlaid with intricate lace, played a daring game of hide and seek, revealing just enough to set the imagination on fire. The silhouette was body-hugging, sculpting my curves with an elegance that was both sophisticated and tantalizing. As I slipped it on, the dress seemed to meld with my skin, the hem flirting with the very notion of decency as it landed just below mid-thigh. It was bold, it was mysterious, and it felt like it was made just for me. I looked in the mirror and saw a reflection that took my breath away. The dress clung to me like a second skin, its dark hue a stark contrast to my light skin. I was in absolute awe.

I ran out to my friends who were still confused as to why I grabbed the dress and ran without an explanation or the rest of the dresses but when I came out into Veiw they realized why

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I ran out to my friends who were still confused as to why I grabbed the dress and ran without an explanation or the rest of the dresses but when I came out into Veiw they realized why. Their mouths hung open and Ava was squealing with excitement. "OH! MY! GOD! MINA! you look fucking incredible! If I wasn't straight I'd hit that." Ava exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. MJ, always the cool and collected one, chimed in with a nonchalant comment, though her impressed expression betrayed her. "She's right, Mina. You look stunning," she said, unable to hide her admiration.

Cooper's cheeks flushed crimson and added his own compliment. "It's like the dress was made just for you," he stammered, his words laced with genuine awe. Blushing at their praise, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. Their support and excitement fueled my own excitement, and I couldn't wait to see what the night had in store for us.

As we made our way to the event, the air was charged with anticipation and loud music, my heart raced with a mixture of nerves and exhilaration. I couldn't shake the feeling that this night held something unexpected. Ava wore a short slim pink dress and MJ wore a skintight purple dress with flares at the bottom hem, the boys wore casual party outfits even though Ava wanted them to wear tuxes.

We all piled out of the car and made our way inside. The house was already bursting with a lively crowd, laughter filling the air as drinks were passed around. There was a variety of people swaying to the infectious beats of "Dance Monkey" by Tones and I. Amidst the energetic scene, I felt Cooper's hand in mine, pulling me towards the kitchen where a tempting array of alcoholic beverages awaited. Ava, always the life of the party, handed me a solo cup. "hey! Mina! You have to try this!" Ava yelled over the music to me and handed me a solo cup filled with a dark unknown substance but not before putting something in it. "What was that!?" I asked Ava still yelling over the music "Something that will relax you and make you have more fun! You work too hard and deserve it!" Ava said urging me to take a sip. "I won't drink it unless I know what you put in it!" I yelled, she rolled her eyes and did the same with her drink but this time she chugged hers, "It's LSD! Just try it!" Ava said. I didn't want to disappoint her or be the one who destroyed the fun for everyone so I went ahead and drank it anyway, I knew it was a bad idea. I hesitated for a moment, but the anticipation overwhelmed me and With a gulp, the liquid slid down my throat, its bittersweet taste lingering. Cheers of praise erupted from my friends as Ava and Cooper grasped my hand, leading me to the dance floor.

About 10 minutes into dancing the room around me started contorting into a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of vibrant colors. The pulsating sound of the music was now a distant background and time seemed to slow down, my head was spinning and I felt like I was being pushed and pulled in all sorts of different directions. I wanted to go home or lie down somewhere so I tried to speak "I-I need to... I- have to... Lay down." I said my voice coming out barely a whisper.

I heard Cooper say something but I couldn't make it out and then I felt someone grab my hips and start grinding on me, it was Ava. She was smiling and laughing and telling me she was glad I wasn't a boring friend. Everything was in slow motion and I started to get super dizzy. I pulled away and tried to find a room or somewhere I could lie down but Navigating through the room became a challenge as gravity seemed to toy with me, as I was walking gravity pulled at me in every direction, pushing and pulling me towards every surface. Whether it was the floor, a wall, or a table, it didn't matter I ran into everything.

Finally, I felt a doorknob and I twisted it, but before opening it confusion consumed me and as I scanned my surroundings strangers filled the night, and my friends were nowhere to be seen. As I cautiously opened the door a cool breeze brushed against my sweaty skin as I stumbled onto the porch. Questions began to arise in my head, was I outside? Where am I? Where were my friends? As I stood on the porch, gravity once again played its cruel game, causing me to lose my balance and I fell over the steps leading up to the porch. Just as I was about to hit the ground, a pair of strong arms caught me. "Mina!? What the fuck are you doing out here!?" I heard a deep angry voice speak but I couldn't see who it was, the voice sounded familiar but not one that matched any of my friends.

Writers note: The next chapter will be Mr. Stan's pov.
Hope you like it so far and what do you guys think will happen to Mina?

I would love to hear your feedback and ideas!

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