Part 7

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Mr. Stans pov

I was staying late in my office grading when the clock chimed midnight, the only sound piercing the stillness of my office, when the shrill ring of the telephone shattered the silence. It was an odd occurrence, to say the least, to receive a call at such an ungodly hour, and on my school phone no less. A sense of unease prickled at the back of my neck as I reached for the receiver. "Hello?" I inquired, a frown creasing my brow.

"Sebastian, I need you and Anthony to handle a situation," came the dean's stern voice, tinged with urgency. "It's sorority house 108. They're flouting college rules with an unauthorized party, and I need it disbanded immediately. If they don't cooperate, don't hesitate to involve the police. I apologize for calling at this late hour, but I'm tied up at a family dinner and can't address it myself," he explained, his tone brooking no argument.

I assured him that Anthony and I would handle it, though the prospect of confronting a raucous party was not how I envisioned my night unfolding. I gathered my composure after hanging up and I strode through the dimly lit hallways to Anthony's classroom, where a sliver of light beneath the door signaled his presence. I knocked firmly, and the door swung open, "Hey Anthony, the dean needs us to break up a college party over at 108." I said annoyed. "On a Tuesday?" Anthony's brows furrowed, and he got up grabbing his phone and wallet, "God these kids are gonna be the death of me." he said now laughing slightly as we walked out.

The campus lay before us, an expanse of shadows and whispering leaves, bathed in the silver glow of the moon. "Let's take the car," I suggested to Anthony, the prospect of a quicker arrival appealing in light of the urgency. He agreed without hesitation, and we made our way to the parking lot. Our footsteps were the only sound, a rhythmic accompaniment to the distant throb of bass from sorority house 108.

The car's engine came to life with a low purr, piercing the stillness as we settled inside. The dashboard lights cast a soft glow on Anthony's determined features as I maneuvered the vehicle onto the road. While we drove we talked about how we were going to approach drunk teenagers who wanted to party no matter what. He was going to take the back while I was going to take the front that way no one could flee, at least not easily. When we arrived Anthony immediately headed to the back and I headed to the door but I wasn't expecting what happened next.

The night had descended into a cacophony of laughter and music, a stark contrast to the stillness that now enveloped me. I stood at the edge of the party's glow, a silent observer of the revelry within. That's when I saw her-Mina, her silhouette framed by the doorway, confusion etched upon her face. A sense of unease twisted in my stomach as I watched her stumble onto the porch, her grace lost to disorientation.

She was alone, and vulnerable, my instincts screamed to protect her. As she teetered on the edge of the steps, I moved without thought, propelled by a force I couldn't name. And then, gravity made its move, pulling her towards the unforgiving ground. I lunged forward, my arms outstretched, and caught her just in time. "Mina!? What the fuck are you doing out here!?" The words left my lips before I could catch them-a mix of anger and concern, betraying more than I intended. Her name felt like a prayer and a curse all at once, and I was powerless against the storm she brought with her.

As I cradled Mina in my arms, my eyes were involuntarily drawn to the dark red dress that clung to her form-a bold statement of sheer audacity that left little to the imagination. The dress was short, too short for my liking, its brevity a silent affront that fueled my simmering anger. The fabric, a whisper of temptation, played a dangerous game with the light, hinting at the curves beneath and challenging onlookers with its transparency. It was the kind of dress that could make a man forget his name, yet there she was, barely holding on to consciousness, completely oblivious to the fierce storm of concern, lust, and rage she had kindled within me.

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