Sick - psh x khj (f)

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The sunlight peaking through the curtains couldn't have been any more painful.

His throat burnt, his head hurt, he was shaking...

He felt like utter shit.

He tried to sit up, feeling his entire blood flow drop and shut his eyes tight, seeing black dots.

He dropped back onto the bed slowly, feeling terribly light headed yet insanely heavy at the same time.

He shot back up as a gut wrenching pain hit his stomach, feeling everything he ate last night coming back up.

He sped to the bathroom, black dots covering his sight.

Dropping to his knees, he emptied his stomach of everything that was in it, throat burning even more.

He felt a presence next to him, not caring much for it.

He felt a hand on his back, massaging it lightly.

It finally stopped.

He lifted his head, leaned back and inhaled sharply, body shaking and crushing into a warm, firm chest.

Arms wrapped around his weak body, petting his hair gently.

"...-oong, hey, Hongjoong, can you hear me?"

"Mm," he mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, onto a shoulder.

"You're okay, I've got you, hm? Everything's okay."

He relaxed his muscles and leaned further into the warm hold, breathing deeply.

They sat this way for a few long minutes, Hongjoong regulating his breathing.

His muscles burnt, he felt so weak and was still freezing.

"C-cold..." he mumbled quietly, not able to speak louder than a whisper.

"Let's get you back in bed, come on."

He helped him stand up slowly and let him wash his mouth, walking him back to bed.

He laid him down, covered him in blankets and rested his warm palm against his forehead.

"Mm..." Hongjoong leaned towards the warm touch and closed his eyes.

"You're burning... I'm gonna get you some medicine, alright?"

The smaller nodded, barely able to speak.

Seonghwa got up and walked out of the room quickly, returning after a minute with a cup of water and a small bottle of pills.

He sat back next to the younger, helped him sit up and take two pills.

"Rest a little, okay? I'll cook some soup for you."

Hongjoong nodded tiredly, lying back down and cuddling into his fluffy blanket.

Seonghwa smiled, got up, closed the slightly opened curtains and left the room, going into the kitchen.

The two were college students, too broke to afford an apartment yet not wanting to live on campus.

They rented an apartment a couple minutes from their college, the two not too close to each other.

Their friend, Yunho, introduced them to one another, both looking for a roommate to share their rent with.

They only saw each other a couple times a week, classes not synchronized.

They didn't have much time to talk and actually get to know each other, but knew they each were nice and kind, they had no problem with each other.

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