Temporary Farewells (1)

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Evelune hesitated before the grand door to the dining chamber, she still felt nervous seeing her husband, Cyithrel Kaylen, the first son of the Great House of Keylen. A month had passed since their marriage yet comfort continued to elude her.

Pushing the ornate doors open, Evelune was greeted by Cyithrel's piercing gaze. The rumors of his formality proved true and more.

"I trust you slept well," he stated.

"Of course, husband."

He frowned, running his fingers through his hair.

"Please sit, I had the chefs work through the night for your last day in the palace."

"Thank you, that's awfully kind," replied Evelune, attempting a smile.

However, Cyithrel's frown deepened, as he returned to his meal.

"Are you excited to return to your estate?" she asked, seeking to break the awkward silence.

"Of course. I've missed my siblings very much since coming to the capital. Though I must say, the architecture here in Velon-Ril makes Ruinas seem like a group of peasants playing at being kings."

"The royal palace is truly beautiful, isn't it?" Evelune added.

"Indeed, it is."

An awkward silence settled over the room, a familiar discomfort that Evelune had grown to detest in the past month. She bore no ill will toward Cyithrel; he was always polite and kind. Even on their wedding night, he seemed hesitant to touch her.

He's not a bad man, she thought, but what we have is not love; it's respect.

He respected her position as the princess of Zharaq, and she, in turn, respected him as the first son of the Kaylen family.

Cyithrel was one of the few esteemed dragon riders, the heir to Ruinas, and a general of the Empire. His days were consumed by sparring and discussions of the war effort with other generals.

Perhaps, Evelune pondered, there is no room left in his mind for love.

"I worry," he began, "that I will have to leave you shortly after we arrive at Ruinas."

"I see," Evelune replied, disappointment mingling with a lack of surprise.

"Forgive me," he began, "The republic is recruiting from the common people. Their swelling numbers are a concern, even if they are ill-trained."

"Will you be heading to the battlefield yourself?" Evelune asked, concern lacing her voice.

Cyithrel nodded, "It is likely."

"None of the other generals fight on the ground," she spoke.

"None of the other generals ride on the back of a dragon," he replied.

Evelune managed only a smile at his remark. He was nothing if not consistent, fueled by honor and pride.

"I'm sure the Savior will see that you are safe. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must tell my family goodbye before our departure."

Signaling to the attendants to clear her plate, Evelune made her way toward her mother's chambers.

Walking down the stone halls, she realized it might be the last time she would see the hanging garden or the hidden attic where she used to hide from her tutor. She would especially miss her room, with its closet full of luxurious silk dresses from the Glass Coast and a hidden drawer of books her handmaiden Ellae had helped her steal from the royal crypts.

Evelune felt tears beginning to well up, and she forced herself to remain composed. She would not show her mother such an unbecoming sight.

Standing in front of her mother's door was her personal guard, Klorais Vehir, a member of the Empire's Ten Swords. He cut a regal figure, wearing grey dragon scale plate armor, contrasting against his dark skin.

"Klorais, could you be so kind as to inform my mother that I wish to see her?"

"There is no need for that," a voice called from within the room. "Come in, dear."

Klorais opened the door, and Evelune walked into the familiar room, adorned with gold on every curtain, rug, and decoration. Even the queen herself was covered in a fine white dress with gold lining, accompanied by even more gaudy jewelry.

"Mother," Evelune started but was forced to stop as she was pulled into a hug.

Before she could think, tears were streaming down her face as she returned the embrace.

"Be careful; you don't want to ruin your makeup," said Emelina, handing her a cloth.

"Sorry, I just... " Evelune started, "I didn't realize how much I would miss this place."

"You'll be alright. The blood of royalty flows through you, after all." her mother responded.

Evelune nodded.

"Have you seen your siblings yet?" she asked.

Evelune shook her head, "No, I came to you first."

"And for that, I am grateful," said her mother. "Come, I have a gift for you."

Beckoning her over to a dresser, Evelune's mother pulled a necklace from a drawer. It was a Savior's star, likely made from dragon gold collected off the Glass Coast. They said dragon gold was the most valuable material per pound in the world, even the royal family had to use it sparingly.

"I can't take it." Evelune spoke, flustered, "Wasn't it father's betrothal gift to you?"

"And now it's yours." Emelina responded with a smile, "Here, turn around."

Evelune obliged as her mother wrapped the charm around her, it was surprisingly light.

"It brings out the gold of your eyes," said Emelina.

"Thank you," Evelune replied, but she could already feel herself beginning to cry again.

"Go now, to your siblings before your tears stain your dress."

"Goodbye, mother," said Evelune before wrapping her in one last hug.

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