A Night in Ruinas (2)

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As the band followed the prince inside, Evelune noticed Koraedes dawned full plate armor, helmet, and all, behind him entered his retinue of 9 knights all in matching armor with the gold sigil of the city guard on the breastplate.

"My niece, it has been far too long," spoke Koraedes. "And where's that young brat Cyithrel."

"He's just left a few hours ago," Veritarre informed him.

"Ah, a shame, I haven't seen the kid in years"

"Please, sit," Evelune said, gesturing to the tables.

An attendant began removing Koraedes' armor as the rest of the knights began to filter through the door.

"I hope there's room at the table for two more." spoke the prince.

"You let your retinue eat at the head table with you?" asked Veritarre almost looking offended.

"Don't be foolish." laughed Koraedes, "I've brought an honored guest with me"

Someone that even the prince would call an honored guest, Evelune's curiosity was sparked as she watched one of the knights remove their helmet to reveal an attractive face and light gold eyes.

"Galifora?" asked Evelune.

"Little sister, It is good to see you again." replied the princess pulling Evelune into a hug.

Galifora was the oldest of Evelune's siblings, she had just turned 27 recently. As a child, Evelune had admired her, always beautiful and refined as a noble lady should be, whether it was sewing, braiding, or calligraphy Galifora was perfect.

Evelune cried the day her elder sister left the royal palace to be married at the Church of Bells. A royal princess as noble as Galifora deserved better than the political arrangement their father had spun together.

Evelune focused her gaze on the man in question, Gulatar Zamin, the Minister of Faith and the highest authority on religion in Zharaq.

"Lord Kaylen, Princess Evelune, my pleasure to make your acquaintances," he spoke.

Gulatar was from the Glass Coast, evident by his skin which was closer to obsidian than the typical Zharaqi brown. His hair was shaved low in a military style which clashed with his small frame, Evelune realized they stood at the same height.

"What's with the knight costume?" Veritarre asked pointedly.

It seems there's some hostility between the two Ministers, Evelune noted.

"There are many who believe harming me will harm the Church as a whole, pretending to be a member of the prince's retinue makes travel easier," Gulatar explained.

Veritarre didn't seem to be convinced by the explanation but he posed no further questions.

As the odd grouping of royals and Ministers began sitting at the head table, the knights of Koraedes retinue filled into the lower tables where the knights of house Kaylen already sat.

The servants began catering the food and pouring the drinks. Heavy brews for the men and light fruit mixes for the women.

Evelune was seated next to her sister and Minister Zamin beside her. As was considered formal Veritarre took the head seat and Prince Koraedes the one opposite him.

Rising from his seat Veritarre began the toast of honour for the guests.

"Today, house Kaylen has the privilege to host not one but three honored guests, Prince Koraedes, the rogue dragon, Princess Galifora, the flower of Zharaq, and Gulatar Zamin, the Minister of faith. May the savior bless our food and make our glasses flow with gold."

"By His grace." repeated the room.

After the toast was complete the room erupted into raucous conversation as the people were allowed to begin the meal in earnest. The Kaylen family's musician troop began playing an upbeat melody that mixed into the jubilee of sounds.

Evelune watched the knights and maids exchange jests and quips while at the head table, Koraedes told stories of his adventures. Veritarre seemed intrigued but everyone else was growing tired of the endless boasting.

Galifora leaned close to Evelune. "It's been like this the whole trip," she said. "Uncle speaks only of himself."

"The siblings take after each other don't they?" replied Evelune.

Her sister covered her mouth as she laughed, "Indeed, thankfully it skipped our generation."

Evelune snorted, "Unfortunately it hasn't skipped Jestullin."

Just then the sound of metal tapping glass drew the room's attention as Koraedes stood and raised his glass.

"I'd like to make a toast, and perhaps a proposal to the Kaylen family."

Zharaqi tradition dictated that a host must always toast a guest, but no custom compelled the opposite to be true. It was a cultural nuance that had endured for centuries, woven into the fabric of social gatherings and formal events alike.

Evelune felt a sense of unease settle upon her.

Turning to her side, Evelune noticed her sister's troubled expression, a furrow creasing her brow as she scanned the room with a wary gaze. Sensing her sister's discomfort, Evelune leaned in closer, her voice a mere whisper amidst the clamor.

"What troubles you,?" she inquired, concern lacing her words.

Galifora hesitated, her eyes flickering briefly before settling on Evelune's. "It's nothing," she replied, her voice barely a whisper.

Evelune looked past her sister, to the figure of the eccentric Minister of Faith, Zamin, who had a slight grin while he watched the prince.

"I'd like to toast the esteemed Veritarre Kaylen family this evening, my old comrade in arms who took me as part of his retinue when I was just a squire," Koraedes started.

Evelune exchanged a wary glance with Veritarre, both noticing the odd atmosphere.

"And," he paused and looked around the room before continuing,

"We won many a battle during the Telin war, I'll never forget the time you saved me from being trampled by a cavalry charge,"

"Is there a point to your rambling?" Veritarre asked, clearly growing impatient.

Evelune too, was beginning to wonder what surprise her Uncle was about to tell them.

"Don't worry, I'm getting there Lord Kaylen," Koraedes spoke as he looked to Zamin, "I'd like to announce here and now that I Prince Koraedes Celeria II shall be joining the Republic,"

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