Temporary Farewells (2)

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Leaving her mother's room, Evelune bid Klorais farewell and made her way toward the sparring grounds. She knew for certain Jestullin and Mar would be hacking one another half to death under the guise of training.

Stepping out onto the balcony overlooking the sparring ground, she saw Ilva, another of the ten swords and the warrior her younger brothers were apprenticed to.

Evelune was quite fond of Ilva. Aside from her house Crescaedes being close allies with the royal family, she respected Ilva for being the only female of the ten swords.

"Princess," Ilva saluted upon noticing Evelune.

"At your leisure, warrior. Are my brothers sparring again?"

"Indeed," she replied, pointing at the two boys swinging at one another with blunted swords.

Even Evelune's untrained eye could see who was superior. Jestullin, heir to the throne, stood nearly six and a half feet tall with muscles like a veteran warrior, his locs flowed like a mane past his shoulders. Mar, however, was barely taller than Evelune herself, his shaved head and frail build giving off the image of a starved peasant.

"This is hardly a fair fight," Evelune stated.

Ilva nodded in agreement, "Prince Marikaedes is the one who requested the duel; he always is."

Evelune watched Jestullin bring blow after blow down on Marikaedes, who was struggling to defend himself.

"Can you do nothing but defend?" taunted Jestullin, "You do our father's name a disgrace."

Evelune saw the moment Mar snapped; she knew the look in his eye, the same look as when he challenged their father during a public council.

With a shout, Marikaedes dropped his sword and lunged under Jestullin's blade, tackling him to the ground like a rabid hound.

"What the hell are you doing!" growled Jestullin. "Get off me!"

But Marikaedes paid him no mind as he clawed at the first prince's face. The guards looked at one another, seemingly torn between which of the princes' safety to prioritize.

"Enough!" shouted Ilva. "Every day your spars devolve into senseless violence. It's no wonder both of your sword skills aren't improving."

For a moment, Evelune was worried her brothers' anger would turn on Ilva. Nobody spoke to members of the royal family that way. But to her surprise, the two boys listened.

Walking down the steps from the balcony, Evelune approached Jestullin first.

"Sister, a shame you had to see that." stated the prince.

"It's my last day here, you know. I don't want to see the two of you fighting." Evelune stated, "You should apologize to Mar."

Jestullin smirked, "Apologize, for what?"

"Must you always be so crass?" Evelune sighed in frustration.

"Hah, fine. I'll apologize later. Give Lord Kaylen's daughter my regards when you arrive; I've heard she's quite the beauty." Jestullin said before storming off.

Evelune hated Jestullin, but he was her brother, so she held her tongue. Though it was times like this when she thought someone like him didn't deserve the gift of royal lineage.

"yeah fuck off Jestullin," spat Mar, walking over to her.

she shook her head, "You shouldn't say something so unbecoming, you're a noble."

the prince shrugged, "You were thinking the same thing."

Evelune's was always closest to her younger brother so she knew about his temper however, she thought he would grow out of it. unfortunately seventeen years later he was still the black sheep of the family.

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