Fire in the West (2)

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The early dawn air in Torer carried an unsettling stillness as Lerae led his detachment into the town. The soldiers took the gate easily, once Commander Edeas lodged an arrow in each of the guards.

After infiltrating the town they split into four groups, navigating the narrow streets cautiously. Lerae felt the weight of the impending task; they were on borrowed time, and every step echoed with a sense of urgency.

Lerae's group, the largest among the detachments, approached the center of the village where one would assume the grain deposits were stored. The houses, eerily silent, loomed over them like silent sentinels.

"Spread out, search every building," he commanded, the tension in his voice betraying his nerves.

The soldiers fanned out, their armor flickering in the early light. Lerae led the way, eyes scanning for any sign of the hidden granaries. As they moved deeper into the village, the scent of dry wood and thatch filled the air.

A shadow danced across Lerae's face as he rounded a corner, revealing the source of the ominous feeling that had gripped him. Halais, the pyromancer, walked by his side, her expression unreadable.

"Sir Lerae, we've found the storage," a soldier reported, gesturing toward a sturdy-looking building at the village's heart.

Lerae's conflicted gaze lingered on the structure. The revelation was both a relief and a curse. He swallowed hard, the decision weighing on him like a leaden armor.

"Prepare the fire," Lerae reluctantly commanded, his voice barely audible.

Halais nodded and began quickly inscribing the script to start a spark of flame, soon the smell of burning wood filled the air

Most of the city's inhabitants were still indoors and the few who weren't had been easily subdued by the Republic's veteran soldiers.

Lerae looked up, feeling a sudden sense of dread, and began scanning the skies for any signs of danger.

That's when he saw it—a shadow, large and menacing, soaring above. Panic gripped him as realization dawned, and he heard shouting from the Officer next to him.

"Dragon! It's a Dragon Rider! Take cover!"

A burst of flame erupted from the sky, engulfing far more than just the granaries and sending plumes of smoke into the sky. The roar of a mighty creature resonated through Torer, drowning out the chaos below.

Descending from the heavens on magnificent wings, the dragon, along with its rider gleaming with an otherworldly light, surveyed the destruction below with an almost regal demeanor.

General Sordin could do nothing but watch as the dragon lunged, jaws wrapping around Commander Edeas' armored frame. Lerae barely managed to shout as the jaws snapped shut sending his Commander's blood and viscera flying.

Lerae, felt terror, true terror unlike anything he had felt before, we're done, he thought, sword falling from his grasp.

Four of the other soldiers, Officer Oldaris, and three others that Lerae could not identify were lying on the ground charred from the dragon's initial attack.

The pyromancers had survived the flame, likely casting a defensive spell yet it would mean little in the end.

It's no good, Lerae realized, pyromancers are useless in front of a dragon.

Amid the chaos, a lone figure, Officer Kentraes sprinted toward the Dragon trying to draw its attention.

He's mad, Lerae thought.

Without hesitation, Kentraes unsheathed his sword, his blade immersed in a fiery glow, Sword Aura, Lerae thought, he's reached the level of a Blademaster.

Kentraes stabbed forward, his sword managing to pierce the thick scales of the dragon's hide, but only causing enough harm to draw its ire.

The dragon ignored him and focused on the opponent which had harmed it, its eyes filled with a beastly intelligence. From its back the lone rider dismounted, he was tall with the build and stature of a warrior.

His face was covered by a helmet but Lerae could always recognize the family crest of the six great houses, House Kaylen.

So it's Cyithrel, the infamous dragon rider, mused Lerae.

The clash that followed was a spectacle of bravery against overwhelming power. Lerae watched in awe as Kentraes danced between the dragon's attacks, his glowing sword striking with precision. The mighty dragon, a creature of legend and myth, found itself challenged by the tenacity of a lone soldier.

It's still not enough though, Lerae thought as he charged at the dragon, we can't deal enough damage and if we get caught by its flames we're done.

The other soldiers, however, were faring even worse. Despite their formidable numbers, Cyithrel alone proved to be a force beyond reckoning. One by one, the Republic's soldiers and pyromancers fell before they could complete their spells, limbs strewn across the ground as his blade reaped their flesh.

Lerae saw one of his warriors Tiernan, deal a blow to the dragon rider which bounced off his plate armor. Cyithrel countered by before driving a thrust to his ribs with the but of his blade which sent Tiernan to one knee.

Halais had completed a spell, sending a fireball hurling at Cyithrel and forcing him to retreat a step. Likely saved Tiernan's life.

Somehow, Lerae and Kentraes were avoiding the dragon's claws as they poked at it with their blades. The creature seemed hesitant to use its flame breath, possibly avoiding setting the village further ablaze.

Like a dancer Kentraes skirted around the periphery of the dragon until he misstepped, twisting his foot. Lerae ran to his aid but was too far and could only yell as the dragon swatted him into a building leaving 4 claw marks raked through his chain mail and across his chest.

"Retreat!" Lerae shouted to anyone who would listen, "Retreat!"

Then he charged at the Dragon hoping to buy his remaining men some time.

An entire unit turned away by one man and his pet, how pathetic.

However, the dragon rider wasted no time and dashed forward to intercept him. Lerae delivered a vertical slash which Cyithrel caught with his sword.

"Retreat!" he shouted again, grateful to see Halais, Tiernan, and Oldaris turning to run.

Does that mean all the others are dead? he wondered.

Kicking forward, Lerae knocked Cyithrel back before once again engaging in a furious exchange of blows.

Alright, I need to find an opening to escape as well, then we'll regroup in the hills and retreat, Lerae thought while batting away Cyithrel's blade.

"It seems you've misunderstood your position," spoke the dragon rider, "None of you will escape here."

Lerae Sordin watched in horror as the dragon rider's blade took on an ephemeral blue glow.

The General could do nothing but watch as the aura-clad sword cut clean through his sword and severed his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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