A Night in Ruinas (1)

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Evelune was more fond of Castle Ruinas than she initially thought. Her rooms were nearly as large as her old ones, the people were all kind to her, and they even had a garden as beautiful as any she had ever seen.

"Ellae, do you know what the commotion is about this morning?" asked Evelune.

Her handmaiden Ellae was one of the main reasons the change of location had been bearable. She was always there for Evelune, whether it be in conversation or helping her prepare her hair and makeup as she was now.

"I'm afraid I don't know for certain my lady, though, there is a rumor floating around the maids."

"Please do tell me."

"His Majesty Prince Koraedes will be arriving in Ruinas."

"Uncle will? Does he not have to preside over the city guard in the Capitol?"

"I am not capable of answering such questions my lady."

After Ellae finished braiding her hair Evelune found her way to Cyithrel's chamber.

Knocking on the grand wooden doors she waited to be let in. Carved into the surface were crude depictions of a deity with a halo like the sun and people seeming to worship them.

The Kaylens can be quite strange, she thought, though I suppose I'm a Kaylen now as well.

"Who is it?" came a gruff voice.

"It's me Sir Kaylen."

"Evelune? Come in, please. Also, I told you to call me Veritarre."

Sitting behind his desk was Cyithrel, his father Veritarre standing beside him overlooking documents likely related to the war effort.

"Are you busy?" Evelune began, "I can return later if you'd like."

"No, please, I've grown tired of my father's overall foulness," Cyithrel stated, "you're presence is a breath of fresh air."

"Ha, foulness? You're just upset that your information is incorrect."

Evelune walked over to Cyithrel's side and looked down at his desk. There were numerous papers but the duo seemed to be discussing a map with hypothetical troops on it.

"Why would Dorund Kocelli divide his only experienced troops in the region to take a rural village?" asked Veritarre. "He'd have to be a damn idiot."

"Or perhaps he knows that we are hiding enough grain for a small army in Torer."

"As Minister of War, the only people that I've informed of this decision are you and members of the royal family." Lord Kaylen stated, "It's impossible that they know this."

"What if they know our plans the same way we know theirs?" Cyithrel replied, a serious look in his eyes.

"You think there is a spy," said Veritarre.

"A spy in the royal family, that is absurd," spoke Evelune.

The two men looked at each other with surprise as though they had forgotten she was in the room.

Grabbing hold of her hand Cyithrel spoke, "I'm sorry to suggest such a thing but I cannot think of any other explanation."

Evelune shook her head, "But who in my family would support the republic, what would they gain?"

"Speculation will only send us into disarray, what matters is that we know they have found out about Torer," spoke Cyithrel.

"So what would you have me do? Mobilize a force to defend the town? It is important but not that important."

"Indeed," Cyithrel began, "an army would be wasted upon such a task. So I will go instead."

Evelune was not surprised he was leaving, after all, he had warned her.

But she felt disappointed all the same, it hurt to know she would never be first in his life. Just as she had never been first in her mother's or her father's, or anyone's for that matter.

"Must you go so soon?" she asked sounding more pitiful than she had intended.

He matched her gaze before averting his eyes.

"I'm afraid I must, on dragonback I can reach the town in a third of the time our men could."

Verritarre smiled and slapped the table, "Don't worry young lass, my son ain't the type to go down in some backwater town. I've been training him with a sword since before he could walk."

"You're right," said Evelune, perhaps trying to convince herself, "I'm sure the Savior will see him through."

"By their grace." repeated the father and son duo.

"On a more uplifting note, your uncle sent a messenger last night. He says he will arrive in Ruinas by nightfall." Cyithrel spoke.

Evelune smiled, "Is that so, I'll go have the maids prepare the large dining hall."

"Thank you dear, truly," spoke Cyithrel, a solemn look overtaking his face.

Evelune saw herself out of the room and began overseeing the preparations for the feast.

Zharaqi customs dictated that guests of equal or higher status receive a feast when staying at someone's estate. Koraedes' title as prince and captain of the guard meant nearly everyone was inclined to prepare a meal for him.

Her uncle was a strange man though, twelve years younger than her father meant the prince was a healthy thirty-four years of age. Despite the age gap the brothers got along well, Koraedes was content to oversee the guard, uncaring about the games of court politics.

Evelune watched the hours pass on the clock as she oversaw the preparation of the estate with Ellae's assistance. Cyithrel had already left with Yrass some time ago.

He didn't even say goodbye, she thought.

Pushing it out of her mind she continued the preparations, by the time her uncle arrived, she had been working for several hours.

Evelune watched from behind as Veritarre opened the door to greet the prince.

"Hah quite the retinue you've brought," said Veritarre.

"A man can never be too prepared in times of war," replied Koraedes, "isn't that right my old friend."

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