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Mar watched his father step out of the carriage, the attendants stumbled over themselves to be of use to the man for some inane reason he would never understand.

Marikaedes Celeria did not maintain the appearance of a king. He was overweight and his hair was beginning to grey in a way that made him look old rather than wise.

His golden eyes which signaled their royal lineage looked more like a piss yellow.

"I see the whole family has come to greet me." spoke the king.

"Welcome back dear," said Emelina. "You just missed Evelune's departure."

"A shame indeed, I'll need to visit Ruinas once again it seems. How has your training been coming Jestullin?"

"Ilva believes I can challenge for a spot among the swords next Tournament," responded Jestullin, puffing out his chest.

"Excellent!" bellowed the king. "Sarulid, prepare a banquet for my return, every noble in Velon-Ril shall be in attendance."

"Yes, your majesty." replied the king's aid.

"Now," spoke King Celeria, "I am quite fatigued from my journey and will retire to my chambers."

Mar watched as his father walked past him and into the palace, his procession close on his heels.

"Perhaps you should have said something, you know to remind Father you're still here." smirked Jestullin.

Mar smirked, "Unlike you, I feel no desire to kiss his ass."

"Oh, sweet brother you should really be far kinder to me, when I'm king I'll have every right to exile you."

"Exile would be mercy if I don't have to watch an incompetent fool such as yourself play at being king." spat Mar.

Trading insults with a simpleton brought Mar no joy, though watching the pompous grin fall off his brother's face did bring a certain warmth to his heart.

"Marikaedes, I believe it's time for your lesson." called his mother's voice.

"Run off now," said Jestullin, venom dripping from his words. "Practicing your little parlor tricks will never make you heir."

Jestullin turned and made his way toward the stables. Mar knew he was headed to the Red Cat, his favored whore house.

Mar had gone once, it wasn't his cup of tea, more a menagerie than whorehouse, they displayed exotic creatures next to slaves in collars of gold and silver.

Striding up the auxiliary staircase Mar found his way to the royal sanctum. It was a large workspace used by the mages employed in the palace.

The king had little respect or trust in mages or magic, it was part of the reason he had such a disdain for Mar.

"You're late." spoke a grisly voice when Mar opened the door.

The sanctum was a mess as always with books and papers strewn about. Behind the messy desk was a library that put most nobles' collections to shame, on the other end of the room was Tyrais Lisae. The man was 62 years of age but appeared no older than 40 as he fumbled through his collection of research items.

"Forgive me master Tyrais, I had to be there for my father's return."

"Excuses, excuses, perhaps you need another day of just scrubbing down furniture."

"It is the truth though," he protested "You can ask my father if you wish."

"Ha, you think mentioning the king will scare me away do you."

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