Chapter 7

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Both Emmeline and Alistair stood in front of the priest, exchanging vows, and a kiss binding both Emmeline and Alistair as husband and wife.

Once the little private ceremony was performed, both made their way out of the church holding hands making their way back to the mansion, unaware that somebody remained in the shadows watching them both.

So, you went and replaced my darling sister as quick as you could. I know that you did something to her. Anne would never leave without telling me. She would expect me to follow shortly after I wrap up business here. I have a funny feeling that Alistair Crump did something to my sister, that way he could replace her. Though I might as well be nice to Alistar's new wife and warn her, that she too will end up missing once he finds another young woman who catches his eye. I honestly would hate to see anything happen to her, because she is beautiful, Parker thought to himself.

The next morning Andrew was sitting at the table reading his paper when he noticed Alistair walking in with a smile on his face.

"What did you do now, you wicked man," Andrew asked.

"Not even your name calling could ruin my happiness, old man," Alistair said.

"Answer me, before I cut you off the Crump wealth, and leave you to figure out a way to make your own fortune," Andrew snapped at Alistair.

Alistair's smirk only grew. "Now I know for a fact that you wouldn't go and do something like that. Not when I'm now married to your friend's daughter. Besides old man, you try and remove me from the family wealth, something could happen to poor Emmeline. And when the police come around to question what happened, I will make sure it's you who hangs for the death of my beloved wife."

"You are truly a monster dragging my good friend's daughter into this. The very woman that you call your wife to be," Andrew snapped.

"Correction, she's now my wife," Alistair said watching his father grow annoyed with him. "That's right father. Emmeline and I eloped last night, not wanting to wait another moment to become husband and wife. Don't look so shocked. You know it was bound to happen. Now that Emmeline is my wife, she and I can get started on making children," Alistair said.

"Does Emmeline's parents know what you made their daughter do," Andrew asked.

"They will find out soon enough. I will be the one to break the news to them. I don't want you trying to twist the good news into something terrible. I know you are dying to tell them only bad things about me. I won't have you paint me in a bad image to make my new in laws regret giving me permission to marry their daughter, with the promise of giving their daughter a life that she will be treated like a queen," Alistair said before hearing the voices of Emmeline, her mother and her father. Alistair turned away from his father. "There they are. The wonderful guests who have allowed me the chance to marry their beautiful daughter."

"We couldn't have asked for a better man to take our daughter's hand in marriage. It also helps that you are a son of a dear friend of mine. That helped make my decision easy to choose you to marry our daughter, without putting much thought into it," Jakob said.

"Good morning my beautiful bride to be," Alistair said trying to keep up the charade that he and Emmeline didn't go sneaking off in the middle of the night to get married.

"Good morning," Emmeline replied while sitting down at the breakfast table with her mother and father. Emmeline glanced over and gave Andrew a smile. "Good morning Mr. Crump."

"Good morning my dear girl. How did you sleep last night," Andrew asked earning a glare from his son.

"Father now is not the time to start unnecessary drama," Alistair said.

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