Life in Easton

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Wanting to create a place so that Mash and Regro can live peacefully, Morgan went to attend to Easton Magic Academy so she could become a Divine Visionary. By becoming one, she shall be acknowledged as someone who is chosen by God, and could change the society to gain support. She passed the entrance exam and successfully transfer to the academy. What's left is packing her stuff before she leaves.

One Week Later...

(Burnedead Residence)

At their house, Mash and Regro are helping Morgan in packing her stuff so she can move to the dorm during the House Selection.

Morgan: Toothbrush, toothpaste, extra underwear, extra clothes, books, and my other things... All things are done. Thank you, Pops, Mash.

Mash: 'Kay.

Regro: I can't believe that you are leaving this house. I truly can't believe the day has come for me to let you go! Waaah!

He cried while Mash patting his back, Morgan smile wryly at their adoptive father for being very emotional.

Morgan: Pops, don't worry. I'll come back whenever I could, so you don't have to worry about me.

Regro: Remember, Morgan. These are the things I wanted you to always kept in mind.

He take out a paper and it rolled down all the way to the ground when Regro uses his levitation magic, and the paper even reach near the wall.

Morgan: *in mind* Where did Pops get that kind of long paper?

Regro: First, do you act like you're an adult woman before you graduate. Second, do not drink any kind of liquor no matter what even if your friends invite you. Three, do not interact with bad people. Four, do not wake up late or you will be late for your class. Five, do not cause any trouble to anyone at the school. Six...

Morgan: *in mind* This is just way too many rules... I know, Pops, I'm a young woman. But I know how to take care of myself...!

One Hour Later...

Regro: ...One hundred, always remember that your family always watching you. You can come home anytime you want if you wish to see us. Okay, that is all the rules that I set for you--

But when he look at Morgan, she is totally overheated. Same goes for Mash who is listening to the talk. Smoke literally coming out from their head.

Regro: Ahh, you two get overloaded with information and lose your consciousness?! Morgan, Mash! Hey, kids!

Morgan/Mash: Ah!

Regro: *sigh* Anyway, just take good care of yourself, Morgan. I don't want you to get into bad crowd, that's all.

Morgan: I will do my best to do that, Pops. I wanted to become a Divine Visionary so I can give both of you a fine life than this. Just wait, Pops, Mash, I'll make sure the new society that I create could bring you peaceful life. I still don't like how the system is currently moving.

Regro: Just be careful.

Mash: Nee-chan, you can do it.

Morgan: I will do the best I can! No, I will make sure that it will happen no matter what! Raaaah!

She gets fired up, with the background gets in flame around her.

Mash: Oh, Nee-chan is on fire.

Regro: She literally is.

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