Truth 5

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As the morning light spilled into the chamber, a serene beauty lay beside the King, who awoke to the subtle weight upon his delicate form. His eyes opened, revealing the sight of his husband, the King, nestled comfortably between his bosoms.

Following the consort's alluring display the previous night, an intimate connection unfolded. The consort bore traces of the passionate encounter, with their collarbones and neck adorned by the lingering marks of affection from the prior evening's fervor.

The King, in his slumber, stirred slightly, and his lips unintentionally brushed against the consort's skin. Both remained unclothed, too fatigued from the previous night's escapades to bother dressing again.

The consort, with a tender gaze, smiled and gently stroked the King's hair to wake him. Official duties beckoned, and the King couldn't afford an extended rest, especially considering the watchful eyes of his ministers due to his youthful reign. Equally pressing was the need to avoid any scandal, ensuring that sharing a bed with the consort wouldn't become fodder for gossip and tarnish the King's reputation.

The King blinked his eyes open, radiating an enduring charm, and offered a sweet smile to his lovely consort. "Good morning, my precious," he greeted, with a gentle yawn.

"Morning, Your Highness," the consort greeted back, a hint of shyness coloring flushed cheeks, accompanied by a demure smile.

"I'm suddenly a Highness and not your Alpha?" The King teased, prompting the consort to playfully hide his face behind delicate palms in a bashful response.

The King tenderly uncovered the omega's face, leaning in to plant a kiss on those rosy lips. Their morning escapade continued with a playful make-out session, the King biting the omega's lower lip. Afterward, he effortlessly scooped the omega into his arms, carrying them both to the bath chamber for a joint bath. Post-bath, they took turns helping each other dry their hair and get dressed.

The omega adorned a pastel blue Hanbok, his beautiful, silky hair cascading down to his waist. The King, enchanted, wrapped a tress of the omega's hair around his index finger, gently twisting it. "You look ethereal, my moon," he whispered with admiration.

"And you look handsome, Alpha," the omega replied, casting a fond gaze upon the King's handsome countenance.

Their reverie was interrupted by a knock on the bedchamber's door. "My King, breakfast is ready. Your presence is required at the dining table," announced the maid. "I'll be there in a minute," the King responded.

The King turned to his dainty consort, "Jungkook, my lovely consort. About last night... don't ever do that again. You're my consort, not an entertainer. Just send a scroll, and I'll be in front of you. Getting my attention by doing things like last night will only make me angry. Besides, when did you become this bold? I know very well it was definitely not your idea. So, tell me, who is compelling you to do such things, and be honest with me."

Jungkook fell silent at the King's inquiry. The King frowned at the prolonged quietude. "No one, it was my own idea. I wanted your attention," Jungkook finally replied after a minute of contemplative silence.

"I said the truth! That's not the truth," the King spoke sternly this time, his tone reflecting a demand for honesty.

Jungkook gulped at the stern tone, apprehensive of angering his husband. Summoning courage, he decided to speak up, "Co-consort Yoongi came to me and..."

"And?" Taehyung urged him to continue, a sense of anticipation in his voice.

"First, promise me you won't say anything to the Royal Consort" Jungkook said earning a disapproving noise from the King

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