How could you!

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It's been two days and Jo gets no response from Tyler so she decides to go back home.

She makes it back to there house,Remus is in the kitchen making some tea and as he sees Jo in the window he gives her a faint smile.

Jo walks in the house then places her bag down,she hears Two male voices are in the living room "Tyler hi hunny who's your friend"Jo asks while faking a smile "uh it's Jeremy,from school"Jo nods "ah yes Jeremy I forgot all about you heh"Jo hits Tyler's arm "can we talk"She does it again "Now,in the hall"

Tyler and her stand out in the hall "whore"
"Excuse me?"Jo spits "you and Riddle"Jo rolls her eyes "he came onto me!I told him to back off I told you what happened...merlin for all I know you and Jeremy have been up to shit"

"I'd never do that too you Jo" "neither would I!"
"Riddle!" "He came onto me I swear Ty,I told you,I told you that I hated people using me because of my looks and you never done that and that's why I love you no one else"She looks up at him "forgive me for my mistake"he smiles "your forgiven"

"Now why's he here" "he showed up,said he had no where else too go" Jo rolls her eyes "I don't like the thought of him being here with you alone" "we're not alone Remus is here"
"He goes to work"Tyler holds Jos waist "Don't worry I don't feel anything towards jer"Jo moves his hands of her.

"Jer?" "Jeremy"he smiles innocently at her "mhm"

Jo walks back into the living room "Jeremy heh what brings you too my home"she smilies politely "I had no where too go I got fired from the ministry and I heard Tyler lived here so I thought he could help me out" Jo nods along as he speaks "yeah well I live here too heh I'm Tyler's wife"
"Yeah I know he told me about yous two and the baby"Jo smiles "great,well please look for a job until you find one I guess you can stay here but I'll definitely need to go back to Hogwarts for more space"

"And my ego"She whispers "Tyler!"
"Yes love?" "I'm hungry" "I'll cook you whatever you want" "just surprise me" "okay"he kisses her forehead then goes to the kitchen.

"Your still a selfish brat"Jo looks at Jeremy
"w-what?" "Tyler do this Tyler do that can't you do it yourself"Jo scoffs "I let you live in my home and this is how you treat me,I'm pregnant and ty likes helping me out"

She stands up "iv never been selfish or a brat!I care about everyone else more then myself"
"Yeah that's why you faked your death"Jo sits back down "how do you know all this stuff"
"I uh work with the ministry we talk about it there I mean of course I only found out a Few years ago" "oh right okay that sounds like a good enough reason sorry"Jo gets up and walks into the kitchen "don't touch anything"She says firmly to Jeremy.

When she's in the kitchen she crosses her arms and looks up "Jo"she ignores him "oh your in deep shit now"Remus says with a slight laugh,Tyler glares at him "right okay sorry"Remus goes into the living room.

"Your being petty if your ignoring me about Jer being here"she scoffs "again with the nick name"
"He's my friend you gave Mary a nickname and regulus" "Yeah but I never fancied them!"

"Your being a bit dramatic" "sorry I know I am,I'm just really cautious I always lose the people I love"he wraps his hands around her waist "you won't lose me"she smiles softly at him.

"I also just feel like there's something not right with him"

"Jo is this your jealousy getting the better of you"

"No,No really there's just something sketchy about him"

She shakes her head "oh shit I have to go"
"What your not long back" "yeah but there's some important shit happening in school"Tyler nods and frowns "oh okay right...just no sleeping with other guys"he jokes "Ty...I'd never do that"he raises his brows and smirks at her "holy shit not this again it was all Tom not me Tom"
"Well I'll kill him if he comes near you again"
"Aw thanks ty"they give each other a quick kiss.

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