It ment nothing

36 1 13

"Josie" "whoa ho I'm gonna stop you there what did I tell you about calling me Josie"he sighs and rolls his eyes "Jo"Jo nods and smiles "better."

"Jo can we talk"she smiles "of course,come sit"Jo moves over a bit so there's room on her bed for both her and Tom.

"I know a lot about you that you won't even know that I know" "okay?like what?your really
scaring me"she laughs nervously.

"You and The teachers"Jo nods
"what about them?"she chuckles nervously "we are looking back at your school life work on your pathetically sad past so today we're looking back at one of the professors and you"Jo scoffed "oh right...which one?" "Professor creek"She sighs in relief "okay...yeah that's,that's fine he was alright I guess I mean compared to Red he was...fine"Jo sighs again.

"Cool,yeah that's totally believable"

"How you feeling?" "I'm fine mays,it honestly wasn't that bad,my head is a bit icky though"Mary sighs and puts an arm on jos shoulder "I knew it wasn't that bad 'near death experience my ass'I'm going to get dinner do you want anything brought back"Jo shakes her head
"nuh uh I'm fine"Mary smiles "okay"

Regulus runs in with Tyler slowly trailing behind him "okay you two that'"Jo says smiling "yeah well we need too talk!and Tyler has to be lectured"regulus sits on a chair next to Jos hospital bed "Okay?ty what have you done wrong?"jo jokes with the last bit.

"Tyler killed him!"jo looks at regulus confused "Tyler killed who?" Regulus raises his brows and makes eye contact with Jo "that's creepy reggie"Jo says softly while laughing slightly.

"Mr creek!"regulus whisper yells "okay reg your really fucking confusing me" "I killed mr creek"Tyler says emotionlessly "what!"jo yells.

"Why?"She whispers in shock "he hurt you,isn't it obvious" "oh no.No,no,no,no Tyler you didn't"
She puts her hands over her face and starts sobbing.

"Please tell me You didn't kill him for me please please tell me it wasn't to do with me" Tyler shrugs "he was fired!he was out of our lives!why couldn't you let this go!"

"You weren't the only reason"

Jo looks at him "really?who else then?"

"Remus,he was like praising him and I was like fuming cause of what he did"

"Yeah what he did to me!it's all my fault he's gone oh my merlin this is not good at all"


"Sorry?sorry is all you have to say!"

Jo takes a shaky breath in and out "we won't ever speak of this none of us will okay?"tyler nods "totally agree" "what!I don't like this...I feel ill"regulus says crossing his arms.

"I can oblivate you if you like?"tyler says "can we not talk about oblivating people pleas thanks"Jo says then lies down.

"You two talk this out I'm going to sleep"
"Okay...night josie" "night reggie"

Tom doesn't hear much apart from sniffles.He turns too look at Jo "holy shit are you crying?"he asks actually concerned.

""Jo wipes her eyes snd looks away
"you are!"jo wipes her eyes again then her nose sniffling.

"Okay don't hide your tears from me I won't judge" "yeah right"Jo scoffs "okay I do judge but I won't judge you not now there's a time and place and that's whenever someone is not crying."

Jo turns around and hugs Tom "it's all my fault"she sobs "it will never leave my mind that Is all my fault that the poor man's gone."

"It's all Tyler's fault,and he had it coming"Tom says attempting to comfort Jo "he didn't"Tom pulls from the hug and holds jos shoulders.

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