Dont worry

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"Heh Lupin hi.."

"Where Have you been?we almost got worried"

"Uh I got lost.."

"Did you happen to see Jo on your travels?I swear I could've heard her calling my name"

"I did,I sent her home"

"And she listened?!she didn't Listen to me"

"She was worried about you,I told her to go it's best for all of us"

Tyler nods "well thank you...what about Mary?"
"What about her?"Tom asks and Remus scoffs
"Look Ty she probably got lost too"
"No!Im telling the truth here she like fell through the floors it was weird!"
"Mhm..mhm sure Mary fell through the floors"
"Shut up Remus!"

"Both of you shut up!merlin your acting like five year olds"Tom spits and the two guys look down "sorry"they both say.

"I'll go look for Mary my self you two go together"

"Is that safe Tom?"

"Yes.Trust me"

"Look who decided to come back"

"Oh you don't have to be so snarky about it Regulus"

"So what happened?did you panic?Did Tyler send you away?"

"Can we not talk about it?Im back now aren't I"

"Something happened I know it"

"I don't have to tell you anything,I'm the grown up here"

"Your right...I'm sorry Mattheo was just really sad when you left he was really worried about you he doesn't need that"

"I know..And I feel bad I feel really bad but come Regulus I can't sit here knowing my husbands and best friends are on suicide mission without worrying so when I worry I act,so I acted on that worry and went to them...and it's not going great for them either"

"Really?what's going on?"

"Mary's missing,and the others are having trouble actually finding the dark lord"


"Regulus what if they don't do it quick enough?what if I die all because..because my nephew thinks it will save the world"Jo shakes her head "I have to go back"
"The person who should be killing Voldemort is me!he's behind the deaths of everyone I love!James,lilly,Marlene a version of Peter,Regulus,My daughter!"

"Jo I can't let you go back there,all you have to do is stay here,be with Mattheo and be happy!please just be happy with Mattheo protect him"

"All I want to do is protect Mattheo...And if me staying here is what it takes then fine I'll hold my revenge deep inside of me and never unleash it"

"Good,Mattheos just with Andy right now they'll be back soon"


"Reggie Andy and Daphne just started kissing and they fell down the stairs-Mum?your back"Mattheo walks in the room laughing but stops when he sees jo.



"Mattheo I'm sorry for leaving...I'm back now and I'm back for you"

"Your back for me?"

Jo nods with a soft smile "yes"He smiles "so now I'm back how about a classic Jo,Regulus and Mattheo movie night?"
"Yes!"The two boys say smiling and putting there arms around one another.

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