Chapter 2.3 - Debt Repayed.

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Y/N dozily stood behind Tara, watching the screen as Sam came into the room. Y/N gave her a what's up nod. She just smiled back before looking at the TV. 

The news report read about Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner. Someone stabbed and killed Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner in their apartment, and many Ghostface masks were found at the scene.

Instantly, Sam looked to Y/N, as did Tara. 

"Y/N," Tara whispered quietly, "weren't you the one on the phone with Greg earlier?" 

"I-I..." Y/N stuttered, "Yeah, but he called me. I had no idea. I swear."

"You show back up, and instantly this happens." Sam told him firmly. Y/N looked to the other for support, but Chad was ushering 'Cute Boy' out the door. 

"No... No. I see, I..." Y/N didn't know what to say. Had he been set up? 

"Listen, just get out," Sam told him. He looked at Tara, who looked saddened. 

"Sam, just hear him out." She asked, but Y/N had no explanation. He was on the phone earlier with Jason. He had just reappeared as this all went down. 

"I... have no explanation. I've been set up or something. I promise. But I understand. You can't trust me for Tara's safety. I'll leave." Y/N began walking towards the door. Before he left, he looked at Chad and Sam. 

"Keep her safe." He asked before head-butting the door. He slowly made his way out. 

Y/N walked out of the house. He rounded a corner. The fresh air did nothing to sober him up as he swung side to side. He walked slowly, thinking of how to get home, but he was past that point. 

With Tara. 

"Tara, No. Get back inside. Lock the door." Sam told her.

"Are you serious? Now you don't want to stick together?" Tara replied. Eventually, Sam agreed and turned to walk down the street. They walked for a minute. In front of them was an uncrowded street, except for one man who swayed side by side. Suddenly, Samantha's phone rang, and she quickly pulled it out of her pocket. It was Richie's number. 

"I never deleted his contact. This is coming from his number," she added. 

"Don't pick it up; let it ring." Tara replied, but Sam swiftly answered it. 

"Who is this?" She asked on the phone. 

"Hello, Samantha. Did you miss me?" A deep, broad voice came through the phone. 

"I want you to think long and hard about whether you really want to do this. Because the last two people who fucked with us ended up dead." Samantha commanded. 

"You should be thanking me, Sam." The voice said, Further down the street, a man holding his phone walked towards the drunken man. " Jason and Greg were going to kill your sister's boyfriend, you and her.I gutted them before they had the chance." 

The hooded man on his phone crossed over, ignoring people. 

"So what? You're protecting us now?" Sam asked. 

"Not quite; I'm going to show the world who you really are: a liar and a killer." The voice informed her. 

"It's best you don't believe everything you see on the internet." Sam replied. 

"Don't be cute; you two will pay for what you did. First, your sister." The voice told them. 

"Come get her; I'll end you the same way I did, Richie." Sam threatened the voice. 

"Oh no, not her. You see that drunken man? I wouldn't believe my luck. That's Y/N. He's been muttering about how sorry he was for the last block. I'm going to gut him and leave him to die in your sister's arms. As fun as it might be to keep him as a suspect, I think hes paid enough already." The voice told the sisters. 

"Y/N!" Tara shouted quickly. He turned into an oncoming knife, which he caught. However, he was easily wrestled to the ground. Y/N quickly kicked the ghostface away. Sam and Tara quickly picked him up and helped him to a local bodega. 

As soon as they ran in, they begged for someone to call 911, but they were ignored. They turned to see Ghostface enter. He walked towards them before a man got in his way. 

"We got a problem here, pal." He asked but was quickly stabbed and sent to the floor. Another tried helping but met the same fate. Ghostface began walking towards the trio before a gun cocking was heard. 

"Hey!" The shopkeeper shouted. And shot barely missing Ghostface, who ducked out of the way, "Go out the back!" 

The trio ran, shouting thank you, but as they reached the door, they realised it was locked.

"The keys!" they shouted, and the man went to get them before he was caught by a knife to the shoulder. He was sent to the floor and shot with his own shotgun. Sam led the other two to hide. 

They crouched and stayed deadly silent; Y/N was at the back. They stopped completely still. The ghostface shot a round into a freezer, and everyone ducked. None of the glass caught anyone, luckily. They began crawling away.

The masked killer let off another shot before rounding a corner. Y/N, Tara, and Sam all sat at the end of the aisle. They heard the killer stalk closer. Sam came up with an ingenious move, throwing a can over the other side of the shop, distracting Ghostface. Once they heard he had moved, Sam instructed them to round the corner, and they did. They crawled into the end aisle, and as they crawled, Y/N stood on some glass. They watched as the ghostface turned his head to look towards them. They swiftly threw the aisle on top of them, sprinting towards the door. Making it out just in time. Y/N turned to look at Sam and Tara. They had their eyes set on the building as Ghostface ran out back. 

"Tara, thank you... You saved my life." Y/N looked at her with tears in his eyes; she looked back up at him, smiling. " Sam, please believe me. I just want what's right for Tara. I never tried to hurt anyone." 

Sam gave a small nod before Tara turned to Y/N and pulled him into a terrified kiss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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