Chapter 1

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On January 13th, at the mall on a Sunday afternoon, Robbie attempted to play a tune on his guitar.

"Dude, I told you, I don't want to hear you play," Rex said, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, Rex; it's a really good song," Robbie argued.

"Ha! No one's going to want to hear it," Rex retorted.

"Wanna bet?" Tori asked with a sarcastic smile as she came in. Andre and Beck followed her in, and they all came to sit down at Rex and Robbie's table.

"What's up, peeps?" Robbie asked, obviously pleased to see them.

"I heard you and Rex were arguing," Andre said.

"Yeah. I'm trying to write a new song for Cat. But whenever I try and play it, Rex keeps telling me to shut up," Robbie said looking at his puppet.

"Because it sucks," Rex said annoyingly.

"No it doesn't!" Robbie said back. "I just need to tune the guitar better."

"That's not all that needs tuning," Rex answered with a chuckle.

"Will you guys please cut it out?" Beck demanded, annoyed with both of them.

"What's got you down, Beck?" Andre asked.

Beck sighed. "My big brother's in town and he's coming to see me today."

"Oh, we're finally going to meet that famous big bro of yours?" Tori asked with a grin.

"Yeahhh," Beck started.

"And how's that a bad thing?" Andre asked with a shrug.

"He and I get along alright," Beck said, "And don't take this the wrong way, but we don't always see eye to eye. Like that's a different level."

As Beck spoke, someone came up behind him.

"What's up, bro?" Blake asked. Beck paused for a moment before standing up to face his brother.

"Blake," Beck greeted him. "Nice to see you. You remember my friends, right?" Beck gestured towards the people at their table. Tori gave Blake a small wave.

"Yeah. Tori, Robbie, and Andre, right?" Blake asked, slowly confirming their names one after the other. "Beck has told me a lot about you guys" He turned back to Beck..."So, how's the girlfriend doing? I thought she'd be here too."

"She's at home. Sick in bed," Beck answered simply.

"How'd she get sick?" Blake inquired.

"She went to this party last night," Beck shrugged. "The details are hazy; nobody knows exactly what happened at the party. Something there caused her to start coughing and sneezing a lot. She didn't say what it was, so maybe one of the other partygoers was sick or something, and she caught it. I don't know. Anyway, she wanted me to come to the party with her, but I already had plans."

Blake nodded. "Listen, Beck; I'm only here for a week. So, if she feels better before I go back home, I'd love to get to know her. I'm sure she can't be that bad," Blake requested.

Beck eyed his brother. "I think that could be arranged," he said finally.

"So Blake," Tori began. "What brings you to Hollywood?"

"Do I need an excuse to see my little brother?" he asked, then paused with a shrug. "I was coming to Hollywood anyways and I've got people to meet."

"And you'll be here for a week?" Tori asked him, smiling. Blake just nodded.

"So, Tori; how's prep for that audition coming?" Andre asked, changing the subject.

"I'm a little shaky on the song, but you helping me prepare is working," Tori said.

"Awesome. If you want, we can rehearse again later this week," Andre suggested.

"I'm down!" Tori said.

"Well, you guys have fun with that," Beck said. "I need to go pick up some vegetable soup for my girlfriend. Come on, Blake. I'll show you around while I'm at it," he told his brother.

"Sweet!" Blake said as the two brothers left.

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