Part 1 - Cherry

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I trudge inside my apartment, exhausted from the party and the unexpected stroll with Zayne. With my eyes half closed, I dropped my purse on the floor and slipped off my heels stumbling on my aching feet.

I landed on the bed and turned towards the window with a sigh. The beams from the moon covered the room in an ethereal blue hue, reminding me of the story about the witch Zayne and I spoke about.

I smiled and snuggled into the comforter as I thought back to how Zayne played along to the fantasy. I was surprised, but there are a lot of things I don't know about the mysterious Dr. Zayne. My eyes slowly closed and I drifted into slumber.


My fingers twitched as a warmth covered my face. I frowned from the harsh sunlight behind my closed eyes. My ears pick up the faint sound of birds chirping, signaling a sunny morning. I blink a few times, my eyes adjusting to the brightness.

I sat up groggily, stretching my arms high staring outside and seeing the trees and fence surrounding my home. The home I can't leave far from, but aching to stretch my wings and fly to the opposite end of the world.

I sighed and crawled off the bed, treading softly to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After showering, I chose to put on a red dress with off-the-shoulder straps. The skirt flares slightly at the waist, stopping at the mid-calf.

"A beautiful dress for a beautiful day," I said as I spun in front of the mirror. I strutted off to the kitchen with a smile. To pass the time while cooking, I hummed the tune I always hear sung by the birds.

The smell of eggs and toast fills the kitchen as I sit down at the table. The feeling of melancholy accompanies me as I sit alone eating my breakfast.

"Are the eggs cooked to your liking today, Emilia?" I asked as I looked across to the seat in front of me. A girl with curly dark red hair and soft freckles dotted around her cheeks appeared in the empty chair. She sat smiling as she nodded her head with her mouth full of food.

"So what should we do today? I was thinking we could go to the nearby creek and make sure the baby trees are growing well. Let's take a basket out there so we can have a picnic. What do you guys think?" I glanced at Emilia and Julia. Julia sits next to me with a pink bow in her blonde hair today. Her ocean-blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she smiled.

"Sounds like fun. I'll also add taking a nap or reading a book on the to-do list today as well," she said as I smiled at her. Then just as suddenly as they appeared, both Emilia and Julia, faded away leaving me by myself at the table. I sighed and stared out the window.

"I need to stop doing this to myself." I studied the trees, reminding myself that today was going to be like any other day, and I would be just fine. But today, however, I feel more alone than ever.

After cleaning, I walked out and started to water the flowers around the house. The birds flew above my head as they sang, their melody moving along with the soft breeze.

I reached the gate and saw a handsome man with dark hair standing by a tree a few feet away staring at me. Startled, I dropped the watering can in my hand and froze staring back at him. He looked around and approached slowly with his hands up, showing no harm.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just...somehow I've lost my way," he said as he stopped in front of the gate, now a little nearer than before. At this distance, I can see his eyes were a beautiful green with specks of brown, but with the sun shining on them, a ring of warm gold surrounds the pupils. He hesitates as I remain quiet. "Am I trespassing on your land? If I am, I apologize. I'll try to find my way back."

I studied his clothes and realized it was neat and clean, unlike the others that had been here before. The top he wore was a shade of blue and he folded the long sleeves to his forearms showcasing the veins and the muscular definition. He wore a black vest with gold trimmings and paired it with black pants and riding boots.

Who is he?

The man was about to turn away and go, but I stopped him. "Oh, I'm sorry for not replying. It's just...not many people pass by here. How exactly did you get here?" I asked as I took a step closer to the gates, peering at him through the metal bars.

He brushed back his hair with a look of embarrassment on his face. "I was out with some friends. I wandered off by myself hoping to take a shortcut to the same place we always go to, but I think I made the wrong turn and somehow ended up here. I've never been here before," he stated as he looked around. "It's beautiful. Even the grass and bushes look livelier and prettier here. Why is that?"

"I take care of them. This place is my home." Has he heard about me? He looks human and not like a monster or warlock. He's not the first one to stumble upon my home, but they always leave, and I always stay.

"Well, you have a beautiful home. I apologize again for being here unexpectedly, but can you show me the way back to the right path to get out of here?" he asked softly. I nodded my head. My heart sinks as I picture myself alone on this land like always.

"Follow the bushes with the pink flowers behind you. When you reach the large weeping willow, turn to the left and follow the small creek. It should lead you out of the forest. Hopefully, you can find your way back home from there," I replied. He nodded his head.

"Thank you, Miss. I'm sorry. I didn't ask before. What's your name?" I clasped my hands in front of me.

"Miss is just fine." He frowned at my response.

"You don't want to share your name? It'll make greetings and sentiments much easier," he pried as I shook my head. His lips turned upwards making my heart skip a beat at his beautiful smile. "All right, then. Well, my name is Zayne. Can I give you a nickname? It's not out of line, is it? It's okay if you refuse," Zayne said as he placed his hands in his pockets waiting for my answer.

I bit my bottom lip. Why is he so persistent? He's not thinking of coming back, is he?

"I'm fine with a nickname," I replied and immediately wanted to cringe and hit myself for being too curious. It's not a good idea to get attached to outsiders.

Zayne's eyes sparkled in glee at my response. "I think I should call you...," his gaze fell from my eyes and slowly down to my lips. My heart raced as he took his time studying my features. My breath quickened as his eyes dipped lower and lower.

Slowly, his green eyes swept across my dress and down to my shoes. I felt waves of tingles in every place his eyes landed on. After a few moments of silence, he finally met my eyes again. My breath hitched as my heart felt like it could burst out of my chest.

"I'll call you Cherry. It matches your red lips and pretty dress. Is that all right with you?" he asked as a glint of playfulness shone in his eyes. He waited as my face heated up, and one corner of his lips twitched.

"Cherry is fine," I replied quickly, wanting him to leave already.

"Thank you for the directions. I'll see you again next time, Miss Cherry," Zayne said as he nodded his head goodbye and turned around. I stood frozen and stared at his back until he disappeared behind countless trees.

What a strange man. I shook my head and picked up the watering can. However, I find my gaze drifting to the same spot Zayne was standing in, wondering if I conjured him in my mind like I do of others sometimes.

The next morning I sat at the table enjoying my breakfast as usual and stopped in my tracks when the bowl of fruits in the kitchen reminded me of Zayne. Fresh cherries sat on top of apples and oranges and shined under the sunlight through the window. I feel a blush form on my cheeks as I touch my face when his smile flashes before my eyes.

I'm never seeing him again. It's best to get him out of my thoughts.

Love and Deepspace - Upon a Fairytale DreamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ