Part 7 - Another World

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A fading honk in the distance wakes me up. I blinked my eyes open as they adjusted to the brightness of the room. I sat up and looked out the window. Tall buildings and the far horizon were the view. I'm in Linkon City.

I laid back down on my pillow as the dream replayed in my mind. Each scene moved by as I closed my eyes, feeling the warm sun and the scent of the forest. I blush when I think back to all the kisses and touches I had with Zayne in my dream.

The Zayne in my dreams, however, was different from the one I know here. He smiled more and seemed a bit more open even though he had a dark past.

How am I going to face Dr. Zayne on Monday? I kicked my feet in protest and embarrassment before sitting up.

The dream was so romantic but sad. It left a longing feeling in my heart and throughout the weekend, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream of the witch in the forest and the man with the frozen heart.

"Dr. Zayne will see you now." I stood up from the chair and thanked the nurse at the desk. I pushed open the door of the office and went inside, trying to avoid Dr. Zayne's gaze as he looked up from the screen.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Hi, Dr. Zayne. How was your weekend?"

"It was uneventful. I was mostly in my office." He typed something into the computer and looked at me as I stood in front of the desk.

He pulled a chair next to him. "Come sit. Let's start the check-up." I walked around his desk and almost stumbled while sitting when his piercing gaze fell on me when I got close.

Zayne moved closer and leaned into me as he took out his stethoscope. Our knees are almost touching. I looked down at his hand holding the stethoscope to my chest. It was the same hand caressing my face and my hair in the dream. My heart raced as I tried to think of anything else to slow it down.

"A fast resting heart rate. Is there something you'd like to tell me?" I shook my head.

"No. Nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe I just need better sleep." My fingers fiddled with the sides of my pants nervously avoiding his gaze.

"Hmm." He tilted his head with a serious expression. "It's nothing to be alarmed about but we can never be too careful."

The check-up finished and I walked a few steps forward past his desk, but stopped and turned around. "Dr. Zayne?" He looks up from the screen.

"I know you're busy, but if there are days when you're free, shall I take you away from here? I heard there's an event coming up at the park soon and it'll be filled with activities, food vendors, and shops." I smiled as I copied what he asked me that evening when we played into the fantasy.

The corners of Zayne's mouth lifted as he glanced away and then back at me. His green eyes twinkle from behind his glasses. "All right."

I left the hospital and stood by the doors with my face tilted up to the sun feeling its warmth. Zayne's words from that day followed me and left a mark with an ache deeper than I imagined.

Zayne: The outside world can be very boring sometimes.

Me: Why should I go there then?

Zayne: It's a different story when you meet someone special. 


There is a tale about a man with a frozen heart and a beautiful witch in the forest. They were lovers you see. Their love was doomed to be fleeting. They met when the man stumbled upon the cottage shouldering a boulder of a dark past while the beautiful witch led a life of monotony in a cage built by trees. They fell in love showing each other their worlds. One day the ground rumbled and an army of birds flew over the trees as the witch made a promise. Then, when the sun was setting, the two lovers shared tears and a last sweet kiss, disappearing quietly within the forest.

Someone said sometimes you can hear them in the middle of the night laughing and dancing in the kitchen. A teenage boy and his friends swore they saw the couple's shadow once against the wall of the cottage as they shared a kiss under the moonlight. Someone said they made a deal with the devil so they could be together forever, fading into the forest and forgotten by everyone.

As time goes by, the cottage decays, and the flower garden rot. A little girl wandering around the forest by herself, left on her own by a tragedy, touched the frozen jasmine sitting alone in the dust in a faded cottage. Her weak heart raced at the wonder of it while holding the sphere up towards the sunlight. She glanced out the window when she heard birds singing a beautiful melody. The forest leaves swayed with the breeze, excited to hear the song of the birds once again after all of these years.

The End

The End

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