Part 4 - Red Ribbon (Spicy)

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 I rushed inside the cottage and grabbed two soft blankets. Zayne fumbled catching them as I threw the blankets to him. I giggled as he raised his brows, confused as to what was going on.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a basket filling it with napkins and snacks including cherries. I grabbed a lantern and turned it on as I headed towards Zayne looking out of place inside the living room waiting for me.

"Let's go. You're going to love it," I said as he grabbed the basket out of my hands when we reached the door.

"You seem excited. How do you know I'll like it?" Zayne asked as we followed a dirt trail behind the cottage. The sun is setting now casting a pink and orange hue across the sky.

The shadows are getting darker as we walk deeper into the forest allowing the trail of small lanterns to lead the way to the destination. I held the lantern in front of me as I turned to glance back at Zayne who was a few steps behind. He stopped in time before running into me with a bemused expression.

"It's an experience. Somehow, I'm sure you'll find that more memorable than an object. I still remember the look on your face when I showed you around the land. You had the face of an excited child." I turned back around leading the way again with a small smile on my face.

I slowed down as we reached a clearing past the bushes and trees. It was an open area filled with long grass above my knees and a small trail leading to the center of it. "We're here," I claimed as Zayne looked around at the darkness.

I followed the small trail and placed the lantern on a wooden stand in an area where I last trimmed the grass. I grabbed a blanket from Zayne's arms and placed it on the ground.

"Come on. Sit." I pat the spot next to me as he sat down and placed the basket in the center. "I got some snacks and wine if you want some. Would you like a glass," I asked as Zayne studied the area, confused.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" He grabbed the bottle of wine from my hand and poured a glass for both of us. I nodded.

"I know it doesn't seem like much, but let me turn off the lantern, and we wait." As soon as Zayne was done pouring the wine, I leaned over to turn off the light. "Look! Over there!" I pointed and allowed the moonlight to show the direction of where I was pointing. Zayne turned his head and suddenly small lights flickered on top of the tall grass.

I smiled when more fireflies lit up the area. Tiny dots of soft light float around us in all directions as I gaze at the view. I glanced at Zayne who was sitting in silence holding the glass of wine in his hand and admiring the scenery.

"So, what do you think?" He turned to me with a big smile.

"It's wonderful. Thank you for showing it to me," he said sincerely as he finished his wine.

"What other places have you been that you wanted to show me?" I asked him as his eyes followed the fireflies. He turned to me with a gentle expression on his face. The moonlight highlights the soft contours of his nose and jawline, enhancing his handsome features.

"There are many places I want to show you. There are also so many things I want to do with you. Promise you'll come with me and we'll experience it together." My heart raced as I placed my hand on his.

"Of course. Like I said, we have the whole future ahead of us." Zayne looks down at our hands and then back to me.

"I have something I need to tell you. I just don't know where to start," Zayne began and before I could stop myself I kissed him. He always kisses me at unexpected times, and I want to do the same to him. Leave him dumbfounded and breathless like he always left me.

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