CHAPTER 3: Awkward Situation

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Notification: Ken Sison posted a picture.
@notfelix: Touch down Iloillo!

Finally, he is here. Ken became my everyday routine after several months of communication. He texts me "Good morning" in the morning and "Good night" when he's on call in the evening.

I have to admit that I am starting to develop feelings for him, but I'm holding them back out of fear of being wounded again. I'm also unsure if he shares my sentiments. He is definitely out of my league, in my opinion. In all honesty, I'm happy to call him a friend.

Upon receiving the notification, I immediately texted him on Instagram.

Me: Hey! I'm just outside the airport. I have a banner with your face on it.

Ken: Hahaha! What? Why would you do that? We've been talking for months and I know what you look like, Danny.

Me: Just for fun.

Ken: Haha. Okay, well I'm just waiting for my bag. I'll be out shortly.

Me: I'll be right here waiting.

Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel at the moment. I'm both anxious and eager. Every emotion is contradicting. I cannot believe I will finally meet the person with whom I have been communicating online for the past six months.

I craned my neck around so I could see him as a crowd of people filed out of the exit. Is he not out yet? I can't see him. I must admit that I'm a little concerned. Possibly he got lost. But that's a little bit impossible, right?

The random person behind me asked, "Hey. Who are you looking for?" He called, and I was going to ignore him until I recognized his voice. As soon as I turned around, I had the greatest surprise of my life.

I jumped towards him, so excited that I said, "Ken! Oh my god." I hugged him so tightly. We both gave each other tight hugs as he simply laughed.

"I am so glad for the warm welcome, Danny." He chuckled.

"Yeah. I know. You surprised me."

"Yes, I did. I went out via a different route."

We haven't yet parted ways. We kept holding each other and talking in one another's ears. People in our immediate vicinity are noticing us and appear to be fond of what they witness. Some of them have smiles on their faces, and I can hear the sweet "aaaws" from them.

Young love is so beautiful, an elderly couple observed, but I ignored them just as much as Ken did.

After a few minutes, we break the hug, but he tightly grips my hand in its place.

"Come on, I've got to check in to my hotel right now." He said and I just nodded. We ordered a cab and told the driver to take us to the hotel.

Once we reached our reserved room, I followed him inside and was surprised to see that there is only one bed. Ken went straight to the phone to ask them about this situation.

"Wait, I'm calling the front desk at the moment." He said. I waited for him to finish talking to them, and Ken was simply sometimes nodding while on call. I made the decision to head to the window and take in the lovely scenery outside.

Behind my back, Ken went his way toward me as we both took in the stunning scene outdoors when the call was done. He started speaking while we were both gazing outside. "They don't have other available rooms. We have to share one bed for our whole stay here."
I merely nodded, but on the inside, I'm screaming. What the hell is going on?

All this time, he and I must share a bed? Oh no.

---To Be Continued---

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