CHAPTER 16: His Unexpected Gift

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It's been a week today. I didn't come out of my room or take a bath. My parents occasionally knock on my door to put food on my doorstep for me to eat, but after that, I close my door and keep to myself.

I look at Ken's photos and videos to reminisce about my memories with him. I go back to our old conversations over and over again to feel like he's still alive and that he's just in Canada for a vacation. Someday he will come back to me, and we'll be together and happy once again.

I suddenly felt like throwing up, so I got up and hurried to the bathroom. I threw up the entirety of my stomach in the toilet bowl and I immediately flushed it after. This has been going on for some time. I declined my mother's request to visit the hospital for a checkup so she could find out what was wrong with me. I guess I'm currently slowly killing myself because I want to die. I want to be with Ken.

I kept asking God, Why Ken?

Why him out of all the horrible people in this world? That day, despite my fervent prayers, he nevertheless took my love away. He took the one who restored my faith in love.

I went out of the restroom towards my room when I suddenly had vertigo, causing me to fall to the floor. The last thing I remember before passing out was the worried faces of my parents and their attempts to lift me up.

I woke up in a hospital, and there's an IV attached to my arm. I noticed that I feel fresh now; maybe my mom washed me up while I was passed out. I looked around to see Sage sitting beside me and waiting for me to wake up.

"Sage." I called her. She immediately lifted her head, and her smile instantly appeared.

"Thank God you're okay. We were all worried about you," she said.

"What happened?"

"Danny, do you have any idea what's going on with you lately?" she asked.

"No, what do you mean?" I asked confusedly. Before she opened her mouth to answer, a doctor came in with my results in his hands.

"Oh! I'm glad you're finally awake. Miss Gomez, I want to congratulate you that your baby is fine. It is safe and healthy." Before he continued, I stopped him.

"Wait, did I hear that right? A baby?" I'm in disbelief. The doctor looked at me confused.

"You... didn't know?" he asked.

"No. I didn't. I know I wasn't feeling well but I thought it was just stress.

How far along am I, Doctor?" I asked.
"You're 4 months pregnant." he said after he checked my ultrasound results. 4 months, which means that on the day that Ken and I made love after our engagement, I became pregnant.

Ken, you left me a present. A reason to live. When I realized that Ken had been completely unaware of my pregnancy the entire time, I sobbed uncontrollably. My best friend immediately comforted me.

---To Be Continued---

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