CHAPTER 9: Forgiveness and Revelations

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Ken is being confined here at the hospital. His grandparents were having a conversation with the doctor outside as I took a seat in the empty chair next to his bed. As I stared at his unresponsive face, I was unable to control my tears. I still don't know what happened, and I'm waiting for his grandmother, if she chooses to, to inform me.

"Danny, I bought some noodles from the cafeteria. Please eat. You haven't eaten since last night." I looked up to see Ken's grandpa offering me food, and I gladly accepted it.

He took a seat next to me in an empty chair, and we both ate quietly while gazing at the unconscious person in front of us.

"I want to apologize for what happened last night. It was our fault. We were so excited that the Lorenzos proposed a marriage between our grandson and their daughter that I forgot Ken's feelings." He said.

I nodded, "It's okay. I know that you only want what's best for him."

"Now that I am talking to you and I saw how you sat here all night without sleeping to look after Ken, I understand that you truly love him. The moment that he yelled at us to defend you last night and he didn't think twice about packing his things to leave with you is enough proof for us that he truly loves you too." These comments from his granddad briefly made me smile. At least now they are aware of our sincere affection.

"I'm grateful that you apologized to me, Sir. Thank you." I said.

"Don't call me Sir. I'm you Grandpa Philip from now on." He said as he smiled at me.

Moments passed, and Ken's grandmother went inside the room with us.

"Danny, can we please talk outside?" She asked.

"Sure." I nodded and followed her.

"I genuinely regret what occurred last night and want to apologize to you. Philip and I acknowledged the error of our ways. Our grandchild shouldn't be coerced into marrying someone he doesn't want to. I want to sincerely apologize for being unkind to you when we first met. Now I truly see what Ken saw in you. I hope you can forgive me."

I looked straight in her eyes and I saw the sincerity in them. I get why Ken is such a nice person. He got it from his grandparents. Even if it was initially harsh, I accepted it and I don't have a reason to harbor resentment towards them. They are still part of Ken's family.

I smiled and nodded at her. She then reached out to give me a hug, which I gratefully accepted. Before she started talking again, we were in an extended embrace.

"By the way, the doctor told me what's wrong with Ken and I want you to know." She began, and I cocked my head to listen to her intently.

"Ken is suffering from Cronh's disease for the entire time and he didn't take his pain killers last night so it flared up."

I asked confused, "Crohn's disease?" She nodded.

"Yes, Cronh's disease. He didn't tell you too? I called his mom, and she told me that Ken has been diagnosed for years. We didn't know either since he doesn't want us to worry about him." She said worriedly.

"Crohn's disease." I repeated. My head almost exploded. Cronh's disease. Those words are familiar to me. My cousin had this disease. Crohn's disease is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. This disease has no cure. This disease is there for a lifetime until a patient's body will give up. This disease will remain even after an operation. Ken has this disease.

I knelt to the ground. As I concentrated on my breathing, my surroundings got distorted and hazy. I might faint. This is too much for me. Ken's long-term suffering from this disease is something I find incomprehensible. Although I observed him take a pill, I was unaware that they were antibiotics and painkillers.

"Danny?? Are you okay? Do you need water?" I overheard Ken's grandmother asking. She joined me on the floor and used her hand-held fan to fan my face.
I spent a lot of time sitting here and gathering my thoughts.

Ken's granddad unexpectedly approached us and informed us that Ken had awoken.

---To Be Continued---

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