Commitment: Nia

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C H A P T E R 9

So, what are we going to do until then?" I asked a glazed Thomas. We were in a van not far from the club and I was getting anxious just sitting here because we had to wait out the day until it got dark so our plan would go unnoticed.

We've been sitting here chatting, bored out of our minds until it was time to execute. I'm supposed to wait for Xander and Apollo to come back from scoping the place out before we could make our move. The club has a pretty White and Blue theme going on in the inside from what I can see through the window and even though everything was beyond luxurious, I felt out of place. Big bold letters in neon White says 'PANTIES AND BOOZE'. A dumb name but a man is going to be a man and it's a strip club so what did I expect?

Kali is sitting next to me in the van with a table sitting in the middle with weapons sprawled out all over. Thomas was stationed near me as well, typing away at his computer with hacker code stickers and he's adjusting everyone's ear peice. He doesn't speak as Kali and I are looking at the variety of weapons. Davi's in the front seat with Adam talking about the men who's outside of the club waiting in line while the girls are getting in with no problems. They are calling it 'pussy privledges'.

"Sit here and wait?" She says sarcastically. She grabs a pink AK.47 and two knives.

"I mean, what is there for us to do while the guys look around?" I question smartly.

Looking around the table, I glance at a Mk27 pistol and I grinned. It's really pretty with specks of gold around the handle.

"Hey, can I use this-''

"Wanna go do a scouting of our own?." Davi interrupts.

"Umm.. no? The plan was for them to scope and we follow after he gives us the signal. Then you go down there to lure Draco into the trap." Kali explains to us. She wipes her knives clean with a rag and she turns it over, admiring the weapons. "There's no need for your childish games right now, Thomas. Just listen to the orders Apollo gave you. We rob him-"

"Then kill him." Thomas adds.

"And that's if Nia can succeed in seducing him first though." She adds and I send her a glare. "If she doesn't, then I get the pleasure of killing her."

"Your having doubts about me?" I say defensively.

Thomas frowns behind his computer. "It's Draco we're talking about. He knows how a mafia works and he knows our group, which means he knows how a girl like you can work. So excuse me us for being just a little cautious." He rolls his eyes.

"A girl like me?" I ask feeling a little offended.

Kali puts his hands on his hips. "Yes, a girl like you. Soft, fragile, scared. You couldn't possibly handle all of this. So yes, I have my doubts. I still don't know why Apollo asked you to come, it's like his head is somewhere else."

Davi snorts and reaches behind his seat to look at us. "Call me bias, but I'm prett sure she can handle her own. She has literally been kicking my ass in training everyday. And even if she do messes up then Apollo crazy ass will be there to set her ass straight. Not you."

"You guys do see me sitting here right?" I add in disbelief. Everyone goes silent.

The van's double doors opens and Xander walks in, signally with his fingers, telling us it's time. At that moment, everything became a reality. I'm really about to go out here and seduce someone so they can get robbed and killed. This is all so new to me and I am worried that I'm going to mess it up.

Apollo and Xander jumps into the large van with us as Adam starts the car. He drives around an alleyway that leads to the back door of the club where we will sneak Draco out of.

"Remember the plan and don't fuck this up." Apollo sternly tells us. "Nia, lure him in. Kali, take care of his right hand. Xander and Davi, get the bouncers and security on the third and second floor. The first floor is the main club so we have to blend in with the crowd until you can get upstairs. Thomas will hack in to his cameras so we'll go undetected and I will handle the rest. The money is in the basement so that is where I'll be waiting for you." He points to Davi. "Meet us back at the van in exactly two hours. Do this and you will all be rewarded."

"alright." Thomas breaks the silence with of clap of his hands. "Let's go get this son of a bitch." He hands everybody an ear piece.

"Does he know we're coming?" I ask. Im really fucking nervous and in the back of my head a voice is screaming at me to turn away and let Apollo murder me but I knew I had to put my big girl panties on and do this.

Do it for my freedom.

Apollo grins menacingly . "He knows."

At that, Adam turns off the engine and I make my way out, one at a time and around the corner to the front entrance.


Third person POV:

A few hours earlier...

No matter how much a snake sheds its skin, it's still a snake.

You Draco are a snake

And I will be seeing you soon


Draco is sitting at the desk of his office, scumming through the incriminating letter he held in his hands. He couldn't pinpoint who it was from because he had many enemies around the world and he knows none that has the balls to send him a threat. He wasn't worried but he felt his stomach harden at the thought of something happening.


Draco lifts his head from the letter to see Kyle, his body guard, standing by the door, watching him.

"What?" Draco snaps. He balls up the letter and toss it in the trash.

Petty threat , he thought, no one would ever try me like that without knowing the consequences.

Yet, there was still one man in the back of Draco's mind who would and could try him like that.

"The men are here for you." He points behind him and Draco nods, shooing his guard away.

Draco stands up and adjusts his suit jacket. He has to get ready for poker night upstairs with the guys and he wasn't about to let a simple letter distract him from losing this game.

COMMITMENT: BWWM ✔️   Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now