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My eyes gently and slowly opened. Instantly being blinded by golden lights that filled a small warm room. I groaned silently as my eyes shifted, looking at my surroundings. I felt so exhausted despite just waking up from a who knows how long of a nap.
"Ah...You're finally awake." A soft old lady's voice spoke as she walked into the room. She had pale skin, grey silver hair, and was wearing a dark red simple kimono. I was so confused, where was I? Who was she? "I'll explain to you in a minute...just have some warm green tea." She spoke as she sat on her knees down next to me as she placed a hot steaming cup of tea down. I was lying in a warm futon, to be honest, I could barley get up or speak. I didn't even want to speak. "I'm Kami, your mothers trainer. Dear, are you aware of the existence of...demons?" She said as she gently looked down at me with kind eyes.
"Demons?....Does she mean the monstrous guy I killed?...I thought...I became a murderer...wait...am I?.." I thought as I stared up at the ceiling and slowly then shook my head when I looked back down. I just wanted to be asleep if I was being honest. For some reason though, I couldn't remember much. All I knew was what happened to me...nothing before that..at all. I mean, I definitely remembered what a huge jerk my father was, but it's like I was foggy in the mind a bit.
"I see, well. I hate to be the breaker of news, but since you've just experienced what they do, I'll explain it for you. Demons are monsters that were once humans, they eat humans which gives them strength and power. The more they eat, the more power they receive. Unfortunately, women are known for being the most nutritious. Theres also a type of blood, it's known as Marechi blood. When a demon consumes Marechi Blood, it's equivalent to eating almost one hundred humans. The good news is, demons are horribly allergic to the sun. If they go out, they die almost immediately. The only other way to kill a demon is to use a Nichirin ore Katana. Theres also demon slayers, people who slay demons during the night to make sure people stay safe. Each demon slayer uses a special breathing form, for example, your mother used Floral Breathing. I was the original user, then I taught your mother it as she was my Tsuguko. A Tsuguko is a slayer that is trained by a Hashira so that they'll be the next Hashira after the previous one dies." Kami spoke and let out a soft sigh. This was all crazy news for me, demons? Demon slayers? So my mother was trained? Would that mean, I would have to be the next in line? I tried to speak before I coughed out a bit of blood. I must've not fully healed just yet. Kami picked up the warm tea and held it against my mouth as she helped me drink it. I had been extremely parched so it felt nice. The fresh warm tea going down my sore throat, it's like it healed me.
"What does...a breathing style do?" I asked quietly as I looked at Kami tiredly. She smiled slightly and started to explain.
"A breathing style is what a demon slayer uses to specialize in killing demons. It helps enhance there moves to kill off demons faster since were only just humans without any wacky powers unlike demons. Demons can have this thing called blood demon art, it enhances there own strength to send out paranormal or fantasy like attacks." She spoke as she had her hands on her laps. As she explained, this made me wonder. Could I get revenge on all demons? I could slay them to death for what they've token away from me?
"Can...I become a demon slayer?..." I asked as I stared up at the ceiling. My mouth was slightly open as I coughed a bit.
"...You certainly can. I can also certainly train you, but there's something you should know. In order to become a demon slayer, theres a place called Final Selections. Hundreds of people who've trained there hardest go there, and they get sent into a forest with demons. They need to survive 7 days there and they get to become a slayer. Or, they find Wisteria Trees and they escape the forest. Demons are sensitive to Wisteria, as it's like poison for them." She spoke as she stared at the wooden floor. The only thing that lit up the room was a small fire in a fireplace warming up the house.
"...Please...can you train me? I want to get revenge...on all demons. I want them to pay..for what they did to my mom and Kaze..." I said as I coughed out a bit of blood between words. Kami quickly put a napkin over my mouth to prevent blood from getting on the blanket. I was 100% serious about this though, I was going to become a demon slayer and eliminate every demon in sight. I would laugh in there face as they begged to be spared.
   Kami stared into my eyes as she seemed slightly surprised.
"You understand that not everyone survives final selections, dear..." She said in a slightly concerned voice.
    "That's a risk I'm willing to take." I said with a cold emotionless tone. What was the point anymore? Everything had already been taken away from me. The only thing I really loved was Kaze and mom. And now they're dead. Thanks to demons, of course.
"Right...I suppose I can train you, but I'll have you know I take my trainings serious. I also suppose you're curious how I even found you, I was at my house when I found out about your mother stopped being a Hashira. I was curious as I decided to visit your house only to see what tragedies had happened. I'm truly sorry, a slayer should've been at your house by then.." she said as she lowered her head as an apology. She shouldn't be apologizing, It was completely out of her control. I hated when people apologized. It makes them seem weak.
"Don't apologize. It was out of your control. Apologizing only weakens yourself and only yourself. We live in a world where we need to be strong. So I want to be taken into your training as soon as you can." I said as I stared at the ceiling coldly. There was no such thing as being soft, you do what you have to do to survive, and's that's being tough. Kami then laughed softly as she heard my "silly" words.
"Dear, apologizing and showing emotion doesn't make you weak. Real weakness is being a bad person or not owning up to your own mistakes. Strength is being physically strong, owning up, taking the blame for others if in need, honesty, and elegance. Being a good person. Thats real strength, and I do hope you'll take in that consideration that showing emotion or apologizing isn't weak at all." Kami said with a gentle smile. I listened to her words carefully as I seemed unfazed, but I did pay attention. Though how was I just supposed to show emotion? Everything in my life was ripped away. Ripped away just as easy like soaked paper.

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