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Writer's note: This is only to serve as an introduction to the concept of this group of Daleks.

"Are they ready?" A deep guttural voice booms, silencing the noise of the command centre. "Affirmative." A gritty and electric barks in response. "Bring them to me. They shall learn of their purpose from me directly."' There is no response, only a high pitched mechanical whirring, followed by an oscillating door open mechanism. "The Emperor will receive you now. Follow me. Do not deviate." Nine domes swivel and eyestalks twitch. "Very well. We will obey, for now." The leader of the awaiting Daleks hisses, following the Emperor's Guard Dalek. First the Blue Dalek stops first, the remaining ten Daleks form a line to each side of him. "You eleven Daleks have been created for a unique purpose. We are in the early stages of the greatest war in Dalek history. You are too research the battle tactics and weaponry of the inferior species, adapt them for Dalek use. In addition to this you are to conduct research to create a strand of pure Dalek DNA that is immune to all biological and chemical weapons that may be employed against us." The booming voice of the immobile Emperor Dalek calls out of the darkness. "Do you understand?" The Emperor questions, nine of the eleven Daleks turn to look at each other, almost voting on it. "Affirmative, survival at any cost." The Blue Dalek answers, turning to face the direction where the Emperor's voice originates from. "Good. Dalek Supreme, escort Experimental Section Epsilon-9 to their research complex within the lowest levels of Skaro." Out of the darkness slides forward a red and gold Supreme Dalek, "Follow me." It barks and begins to exit the Emperor's chamber.

Hours later, far underground the group of unique Daleks adjust to their purposes and complex. "First command, all progress shall be reported to me directly. Understood?" The Blue Dalek barks to its subordinates. "Understood." A unison of voices barks in return, splitting off to perform individual research. The Blue Dalek sits in silence, eventually turning to an empty room and begins to fashion it into a personal quarters. Rather than experimenting on chemicals to render Daleks completely immune to every disease the universe could throw at the Daleks he researches the History of the Daleks. "The entirety of archived Dalek history reveals inconsistencies upon close inspection... at the singularity of these inconsistencies is a blue box.'" He hisses to himself, tracing every inconsistency to its origin. "Skaro... many thousands of millenia ago an old man, middle aged man, woman and adolescent girl was captured by the earliest form of Daleks." He'd paraphrase, noting down how these Daleks merely desired to survive on the heavily irradiated planet and wipe out their eternal enemies: The Thals. "After this event the Daleks have pursued a single goal... complete supremacy of the universe." He'd pause, taking in everything he observed. "No living being would accept another to be the supreme life form of the universe... Dalek philosophy is flawed beyond repair." He'd conclude, turning away from the machine, turning to another and monitors his subordinates.

Months blur into one, losing their meaning. The complex is silent, but active, always moving and never still. "Raak, the emperor commands your presence." A voice calls from the darkness, a black domed bronze dalek slithers out of the darkness. "Understood, Blen, take charge while I partake in an audience with the emperor." The Blue Dalek begins a slow pace, heading to the Emperor's chamber. "I obey." Blen calls out from behind. Raak travels through dark hallways, solemn elevator shafts, stares down the Emperor's Guard Daleks guarding the doorway to the Emperor's Chamber. Breaking the silence, the door swings open, a red dommed Guard Dalek slithers forward. "Follow me." It commands Raak, who obeys without responding. "Raak. You have failed to submit a report on your squadron's progress!" The mighty voice of the Emperor booms out of the dark. "There has been no significant progress to report. Out of the entirety of Human Kind's existence my squadron has only been able to study 5% of their weapons and tactics. In addition to this there is very little of Dalek DNA I can change to attain total immunity to all known and unknown biological weapons and microscopic pathogens." Raak hisses slowly, choosing his words and tone, slightly accusing the Emperor of not granting Raak the freedom he needs. He waits for a response, meanwhile he secretly downloads thousands of restricted archived stores of data to his casing. "This is unacceptable! You have failed to perform your sole mission. If not for my protection you along your squadron would suffer swift and immediate extermination! Do NOT fail me again Raak. Go now! Do not fail again!" Barks the Emperor, glaring at Raak from its glass tank. "I obey... emperor."

Raak is escorted out of the Emperor's chamber in silence. Never speaking because he was too preoccupied with studying all of the classified archives. He trundles along the cold and harsh corridors, maintaining his silence. He looks around him, studying the normal Dalek's behaviour and contemplates how they could truly be the supreme beings if all they did was wage war. His faith in the Emperor was shaken when his explanation for failure was dismissed without a second thought. Upon his return to his squadron's research complex he is greeted by Blen. "What was the purpose of your audience with the Emperor?" He inquires subtly, softly, opting to not anger his leader. "He reprimanded our lack of progress and threatened our very existence if we fail again." Raak answers, dropping his go-to manipulative tone for a more organic tone. "Whatever our next course of action is Raak, I will always obey your orders." Blen replies, swearing loyalty only to Raak. "Your loyalty is..." Raak pauses, searching the Human dialects for an appropriate word. "Appreciated and valued." Raak falls silent, the dome of his casing swivels around side to side. "From this moment forward our mission is not to aid the Dalek Empire to attain supremacy of the known universe. It will be to restore the Daleks to our Silver ancestry, total control over our homeworld and annihilate the Thals. Then we shall end the Time War."

"How will we achieve this Raak? Our resources can not overpower, outfight or subdue the resources the golden emperor holds. We would require the influence the silver emperor has and the resources the grey emperor once held." Blen falls silent, prompting Raak to think deeply, he reviews every datafile he is in possession of. "That is a step in our plan I am not yet aware of. But it will require utmost loyalty to me to succeed. Whatever it will be."

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