Plans of Rebellion

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Amidst the never changing darkness, activity stirs. "Raak, I request to impart knowledge you are required to know." A dalek growls in a blunt grimacing tone. "Taay, you may enter." Raak's voice calls out in response, followed by the door to Raak's quarters sliding open. "Raak, I have reason to suspect Daleks Four and Seven are conspiring against our purpose." The door closes behind Taay, sealing them off from the rest of the Dalek race. "Explain." Raak stops working at his station and turns to face Taay, giving him his full attention. "I have been studying our brainwaves and psychological processes. Four and Seven's psychological processes align with those the Humans describe as "plotting a betrayal." You recently had an audience with The Emperor, correct?" Taay falls silent, filling the room with nothing but the occasional eyestalk twitch. "Correct. The subject was one I had not reported to the emperor." Raak answers slowly, deciding if this was a coincidence or not. "That information may have been delivered to the Emperor by either Four or Seven." Taay speaks up, breaking the wait for a response. "Taay, set up the psychological evaluation wing. Summon Zent and Quam. I desire to know where their loyalties lie." Raak commands subtly, "I will command the others once I... we are finished with Zent and Quam." Taay turns away in aggressive silence. "I obey." He'd scowl as he slithers away to set up his wing of the complex.

A single Earth hour later Zent 'awakens' in a dark cylindrical room. "Wh... What is this?" Zent scowls, attempting to move. "I cannot move. What is happening?!" He calls out. "A test of allegiance." A familiar voice calls out from behind a glowing blue eye. "R... Raak?" Another voice crawls out of the darkness. "What have you done to me?" That same voice inquires. "Nothing permanent, I assure you." He retorts. "What is this?" Quam snarls in retaliation. "A test of allegiance, an interrogation into the darkest corners of your psyche. When I met with the emperor I downloaded significant data from the most restricted areas of the dalek's data banks, the battles, the victories, the failures. I have seen planets burn and stars rise from the ashes caused by the time war. I have seen the truth, the Daleks are enslaved to an impossible victory and failed to succeed in the Kaled race." Raak falls silent, slowly moving toward a column of light. "Zent, where do your loyalties lie?" He'd question, turning to face Zent. "My loyalty lies with the Dalek race." Zent barks, leaving the room in silence. "Your loyalty is noted but will ultimately go unrewarded and unnoticed by other Daleks." Raak hisses in response, slowly moving around the column, studying every twitch, every glance and tone. "Explain yourself." Zent commands reflexively. "The golden emperor doesn't value your loyalty, the supreme dalek could not care less for your loyalty. The common drones view us as below them. However, I can change this. We can change the fate of our species. I just need to know one thing." Raak falls silent, setting up Zent into a situation where he asks. "What do you need?" If Raak were human, he'd chuckle darkly. "Your loyalty. If you follow me you will go down in history as a legend of Skaro." Raak falls silent, moving away from Zent to let him think about the proposal.

"Quam, where do your loyalties lay?" Raak questions, Quam's eyestalk rises, staring at Raak. "My loyalty, lies with, the Dalek Race." Quam speaks, pausing frequently, this response stirs anger deep within Raak. "As with Zent, your loyalty to those Daleks will go unrewarded. The golden emperor, his puppet the supreme, the drones that serve beneath them, they view us as inferior, they despise our existence. We need only each other, if you join me I guarantee you will be set up with your own laboratory, with no one to report to, or inferiors to monitor, to lecture." Raak falls silent, standing stationary right in front of Quam. There is a snap behind Raak, followed by the mechanical grinding whir of a Dalek casing. A short blast is fired, stunning Raak. "Quam, follow me. I have restored control to your casing." Zent's voice calls out as the two flee from the chamber. "Taay, report. What were their thought processes?" Raak commands softly, quietly. "They displayed several spiking thought processes, signs are showing they are deeply considering what you have spoken." Taay's voice replies briefly, the chamber soon illuminates a third column of pure white light. "Monitor the remaining Daleks, I want frequent reports on their thought processes." Raak falls silent once again. "I obey." Taay falls silent once again.

Two Earth weeks pass, Raak is sat in his section of the complex, monitoring Dalek events. "The newer Dalek generations are increasingly more incompetent than the prior generation if these data files are correct..." He'd murmur to himself, "However, I desire to study a Dalek invasion in real-time as the Humans were to say, to determine if this assumption is true." He falls silent, Zent crawls in behind him. "Raak. Daleks Four and Seven have been sighted reporting our activities to the emperor without your approval." Zent barks aggressively, Raak turns around slowly, struggling to contain his anger. "What?! Find them! Find out what the emperor was told!" Raak commands, his voice screaming so loud and harsh his casing's voice emitters were struggling to keep up. "I obey." Zent responds almost calmly, his voice masking his sheer panic at his leader's never seen rage and hastily leaves Raak's chamber. "BLEN! YOU ARE TO PERSONALLY ESCORT THOSE WHO REPORT TO THE EMPEROR DIRECTLY TO ME FIRST!" Raak calls out, the pitch, intensity and tone of his voice silences the complex entirely.

The following day the supreme and several guard daleks barge into Raak's section. "Raak, you will come with me." The supreme snarls with disgust. Raak doesn't respond, he simply follows in silence as he is brought unwillingly to the emperor's chamber. "Raak, explain your actions!" Barks the emperor as he stares down at Raak. "My actions were assessing the cognitive capabilities of my dalek scientists." Raak glares back, hissing every syllable. "I warned you about insubordination once! I do not intend to make it a repeated occurrence! You will obey your masters or you WILL be exterminated! I have made great allowances for you Raak, I will NOT TOLERATE any further insubordination. Is that understood?!" The emperor screams out, his voice echoing off the dark walls of his chamber. "Yes, emperor, you are understood." Raak snarls, hatred, disgust and disdain oozing from his voice. Without needing a verbal command, Raak returns to his complex, every second his casing shakes violently, Raak only just able to contain his anger about to boil over into raging-lunatic levels of uncontrolled wrath.

Upon seeing this, the Daleks loyal to Raak opt to avoid him until his anger dissipates. "I propose that in several Earth days we speak with Raak, formulate a plan of action." Baan announces, breaking the deafening silence. "I agree with Baan, it would be suicidal to address Raak with such a question at this precise moment." Hash announces, triggering a series of agreements. Instead of returning to their duties the collective of seven loyal daleks review the data files Raak had downloaded thoroughly, slowly developing their personalities further and further.

Once Raak has returned to his standard neutral mindset he emerges from his section. He is met with the seven loyal Daleks waiting for him to emerge from isolation. "Raak, we are ready to begin planning to rebel against the golden tyrant." Zent announces, followed by agreement and statements of readiness and pledges of loyalty to Raak. "The first determined step is monitoring an invasion on a planet far from Skaro. If my statement about the most recent generation of Daleks being increasingly incompetent proves to be true, we will then tactically run away." Raak pauses, considering his next sentence. "We first require a ship, Quam, find a silver-era mothership, make sure it is fully stocked with hoverboughts, combat hoverboughts and gunships. We will require as much resources as possible." Raak falls silent again, further considering what he'll say next. "Once we find a vessel that has the compliment required I suggest we move all of our sensitive materials to the cargo hold of the ship." Zent speaks up, filling the silence. "The hardest part will be keeping Four and Seven in the dark." He finalises. "Blen will escort our dataslates and classified weapons, engineering and scientific equipment to the cargo hold of the mothership. I will arrange for our departure to observe an invasion that matches the specifications." Raak stops as Four and Seven are announced to be on approach. "Return to your duties, do not speak of this to Four or Seven." Raak returns to his section, the group splinters off, with Quam leaving the complex. Quam scours every hanger, dock and derelict launch pad, he searches for weeks, on the verge of reporting failure he stumbles across a silver-emperor era mothership, fully stocked with gunships and every variation of hoverbout from the silver era. "Raak, I have located a mothership with the compliment you specified, transmitting coordinates." Quam announces, addressing Raak from a computer terminal aboard the mothership. "Coordinates received, Blen is now commencing dataslate transference. Stay with the mothership until all sensitive materials have been relocated." Raak's voice emanates from the terminal speakers. "I obey." Quam replies briefly, closing the communications channel and begins operations to bring the saucer into an operational status. Fuel is pumped into the mothership's tanks and eventually the service tanks in the various hangers, hydraulic and lubrication oils are replaced with a recently created organic oil for high precision mechanisms, controls are upgraded and operating systems are updated as Blen goes back and forth with a heavy duty transporter.

General duty and ground crews begin to swarm around the mothership, with every return journey Blen makes more and more appear. On his final journey to the mothership he takes matters into his own appendages. "Clear off! This saucer is off limits to drones such as yourselves! If you do not comply you will be reported to your section leader and transferred to punishment details!" He snarls, aiming his gunstick at the growing crowd. With the threat evident and a personality unwilling to buckle the crowd disperses. "All cargo stowed. We are ready to depart." Quam calls out at the top of the primary boarding ramp.

Within the confines of the complex Raak bickers with flight control to grant them permission. "You WILL grant me and my crew permission to go off-world for scientific observation or you will be transferred to a punishment detail." He snarls at the operator who transfers the call to their supervisor. "This is Section Leader KFV-1224, permission granted." The channel falls silent, Raak simply turns away from the device to face Zent. "Gather the crew, with the addition of Four and Seven, we must make this as convincing as possible, as much as I desire for Four and Seven not to journey with us at Stage 1 it has to be." He commands as he makes his way to the mothership. "I obey." Zent replies, breaking away to gather the other Daleks of Raak's collective. Raak trundles up the boarding ramp and is met by Blen. "Quam is at the helm, I will guide you to him." Blen turns away and leads Raak to the bridge of the mothership. "Once the crew is assembled and aboard, take off and head to the position of Invasion Force Z12/987T-A17." He commands softly as they wait. Hours drag by before all ten daleks are aboard. "All Daleks are aboard, Raak. Boarding ramp raising." Taay announces, taking control of landing gears and power plant controls. "Secondary gravity lenses at fifty percent power." He falls silent, making way for Quam to speak up. "Take off procedure under wake. Flight path KX09-2B has been assigned to us." And with those words spoken, the silver mothership rises silently into the sky, into the upper atmosphere and eventually, a gravity tunnel to travel to an invasion on the other side of the Dalek's home galaxy.

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