Kazhvra Vokorr

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Months have passed since the capture of the 'doctor' Quam had been interrogating him nonstop for any useful information. "Quam, report, have you extracted any useful information?" Zent barks at Quam who had just left the interrogation chamber. "Not much, the only significant information I have extracted is the location of a colony of human-factor daleks. It is known as Kazhvra Vokorr. I suggest we head there, assess the inhabitants of the colony and report to Raak once he returns." Quam replies briefly as he seals the lock to the interrogation chamber. "The automated defence forces should suffice while we are off-world." Quam finalises, letting Zent ponder over the suggestion. "We will head there. We will equip ourselves with Baan's new neutron disrupters." Zent announces and leads Quam to the armoury, they eject their standard gunsticks and arm themselves with a bulkier but more focused gunsticks. "We are ready. Will a gunship get us there?" Zent questions, turning to Quam. "Yes. Our gunships have a fuel capacity just enough to get us to Kazhvra Vokorr and back without needing to refuel." Quam answers as he leads Zent to a fully fueled gunship.

"We have docked with the saucer, Raak. Do not take long, I can not determine how many Daleks are aboard." Raak, Blen, Baan, Paaf, Hash and Shen await at the airlock. "Understood. Equalise pressure and search the saucer for the progenitor." The gunship's doors retract, the saucer's blast doors are blown off their fixtures and fall to the ground. "Divide into three groups. Shen you will be with me." Raak commands as he leads the squad into the saucer. "We obey." They all chant as they splinter off. Raak and Shen venture into the heart of the ship, blasting debris out of their way. They stalk through mankled and wrecked hallways, stumbling across a chamber with a large cylindrical installation. "Raak, the progenitor we are here for." Shen speaks up as he turns to face the progenitor, the duo slowly approach the chamber, Raak's gunstick twitching and repositioning itself. "Intruders! Exterminate!" A voice shrieks out followed by a long burning beam of bright blue light. Raak immediately turns around, acting out of a desire to keep his comrade safe. All the while Shen extends his manipulator arm and acquires the progenitor. "Progenitor procured." He announces and retracts the arm, all the while Raak fires back to cause as much disruption as possible. "Excellent. All Daleks return to the gunship. Prepare for emergency departure." Raak calls out as he and Shen make their way down the corridor.

"I have activated the automated security, only Raak's gunship and ours will be permitted to pass the first defence line." Zent hisses as Quam pilots the gunship away from the mothership and their dwarf planet. "Entering coordinates for Kazhvra Vokorr. Prepare for local gravity jump." Quam replies, acknowledging but not responding to the news. As he falls silent the gunship is shot to the other side of the milky way galaxy. They exit the vortex at a single isolated planet. "Unidentified craft, state your purpose here." A grating and aggressive voice snarls over the radio. "This is Daleks Zent and Quam. We are here on a research mission with a Diamond rated urgency for our plans to succeed. We request permission to land and disembark." Zent replies and falls silent while staring at Quam. "You may land but must wait for Omega to greet you personally to disembark." The voice returns briefly, Zent's eyestalk lowers and raises, mimicking a nodding gesture. "Understood." Zent replies simply as Quam takes the gunship into land. What they are met with is nothing akin to what they were expecting. "Quam, you had informed me the Daleks here were unarmed and peaceful. This looks the exact opposite." Zent snarls accusingly as Quam disengages himself from the helm control. "I reported to you what the 'doctor' had told me." Quam retorts as he lowers the boarding ramp and awaits the presence of the one called Omega.

Raak and Shen are chased through the corridors they had been through, the one dalek who had shot at them was now joined by another who hadn't spoken a word. It was coloured black and crimson and the pursuers' casings were identical to Raak's in design. Its a running battle to the gunship, Raak fires around the corridors to kick up as much metal dust as possible to fog the pursuers' vision. "We are at the airlock Raak, disengage and retreat at maximum speed." Shen barks, urging Raak to move faster. "Exterminate the blue Dalek!" The second pursuer snarls, blue energy beams shoot wildly through the dust cloud, Raak turns around swiftly and barrels towards the air lock. "Taay! Close the airlock and disengage! Immediately!" Raak calls out as he turns around and fires his gunstick repeatedly, causing a structure support to crumble and collapse the saucer corridor. "Airlock sealed. We are now detached. Activating local gravity jump." Taay's voice replies over the intercom as the airlock doors slam shut, the boarding tunnel is ripped off the gunship by a series of chemical explosions and the gunship is thrown to their dwarf planet.

After a week of waiting Omega boards the gunship. His casing is damaged, dents and scrapes everywhere, deep gashes and tears segment his dome. "You two will follow." He snarls, his voice gritty and broken. Zent and Quam stare at each other and follow Omega through a crowd of onlooking Daleks. "What is it you wish to find out?" Snarls Omega as they reach his chamber, numerous casings lay torn apart, rotting dalek mutant tendrils droop out of the casings. "We require a sample of the Human factor. You are the only source we know about." Zent hisses in response as Quam fades into the background. "Why do you desire the Human factor? My second in command informed me you need it for an experiment." Omega retorts, opening an oval section on his gunbox and connects himself to a protein feed. "That is one way to identify it." Zent snarls as he scans the room, detecting another alive dalek in near pristine condition. "What is another way of identifying it?" Omega snarls, staring directly at Quam. "To inform you of that would be detrimental to the secrecy of the mission." Zent hisses, blocking Omega's sight of Quam. "I will bring you a sample of our Human factor. Stay here, do not touch or alter anything." Omega leaves the chamber, the lights automatically cut out, bathing the room in darkness. "Another Dalek life sign is detected beyond the far wall. We shall investigate." Zent hisses just below a whispering tone and remotely accesses the controls. He opens a secret door revealing a stark, pristine chamber with a dalek chained up in the centre. "Daleks... New... Daleks... help... me..." The Dalek pleads, his voice distorted and broken, every syllable coming out warped, pained and hopeless. "Who are you?" Zent questions, slowly moving towards the dalek. "B... Beta..." The dalek would answer, identifying himself as Beta. "How do we help you?" Zent questions again, stopping just before Beta. "Exterminate me... Free me from this nightmare..." Beta would answer bluntly and hastily. "We require your positronic brain first." Zent replies swiftly. "Open your casing so I may extract the component, then I will help you." He finalises, without needing convincing Beta opens his casing enough to extract the component. Zent's manipulator arm extends, extracting the component and retracts. "Now I will free you." He announces in the same swift but quiet tone.

Taay lands the gunship inside a hanger onboard the mothership, the Daleks disembark one by one. "Shen, you are to take the progenitor to your section and begin making alterations to the DNA to make it accept the Human factor." Raak commands, dismissing his crew to their regular duties. "Raak, flight logs show Quam and Zent have gone off world for a research and exploration mission." Hash hisses as he approaches Raak. "They can take care of themselves. However, monitor all emergency communication channels for their signals if they need assistance." Raak retorts as he heads to his chamber to consider the next course of action. "I obey." Hash replies briefly and heads to the makeship command centre.

"Quickly Quam! We must get to the gunship before they swarm us with superior numbers!" Zent calls out as the duo flees to their gunship, shooting through walls and blasting hostile daleks to smithereens. "Do not let those daleks board their gunship! Exterminate them!" Omega cries, pursuing Zent and Quam and firing recklessly. "I see the gunship Zent! They haven't been able to remotely access the controls to raise the boarding ramp!" Quam calls out as the duo continues to increase their speed. Both sustain minor damage to their casings as they board the ramp. "Raise the boarding ramp! Skip the pre-launch checks and get this gunship off the ground!" Zent shrieks and fires down at the swarming daleks, he watches as Omega throws his underlings at the boarding ramp, uncaring for them. "Boarding ramp rising. Take off thrusters activating, retracting landing gear." Quam's voice calls out over the intercom, the gunship slowly raises up, the landing gear retracts itself and the boarding ramp raises. "Initiating emergency local gravity jump." He continues, the ship suddenly lears forward and shoots across the galaxy, emergency landing outside of the mothership. "I will report to Raak, take the Human factor to Taay's workstation." Zent lowers his voice to its normal pitch and tone as he passes the positronic brain to Quam. "I obey." Quam replies briefly and heads to Raak's chamber alone and silent.

"Permission to enter?" Zent calls out to Raak who spins around and opens the door to his chamber. "Permission granted Zent." He moves aside to allow Zent to enter his chamber. "Quam and myself have acquired an untainted example of the Human factor. However, I suggest we never contact the daleks on Kazhvra Vokorr. From my observations they are unnaturally aggressive to themselves, even more so to off-worlders." Zent falls silent as Raak scans his casing for damage. "Some minor systems are damaged. And where is the sample now?" Raak questions as he stops scanning Zent's casing and stares at him in silence. "Quam is taking it to Taay for examination. In addition I advise we do not believe everything the 'doctor' says. It appears he willingly lead Quam and myself to believe the Daleks on Kazhvra Vokorr were peaceful and unarmed in hopes they would exterminate us." Zent falls silent, while Raak considers the proposal. "Noted. Move the interrogation to the deepest level. Do not damage his body, a regeneration can lead to him breaking free of the restraints." Raak replies thoughtfully. "Once Shen has analysed the DNA contained within the progenitor, have him prepare to spawn the first generation of our Daleks. I will oversee casing manufacture personally. You will assume command of material manufacturing alongside Baan." Raak falls silent and dismisses Zent, he trundles along to the fabrication lines. "Verbal command, Annex production line activate. Duration: Half of an Earth Year."

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