First Taste of Battle.

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Deep underground, the first of many new Human-factor Daleks roll off the fabrication lines. "Dizzy... dizzy..." They all chant as they all get accustomed to their casings, out of the shadows a pair of Daleks slither forward, one with a silver eye piece and the other an ordinary blue eye piece. "It would appear the first combat section has been fabricated before we arrived." The Dalek with the silver eyepiece announces. "Section leader Vilonite report on your section's status." The other commands in a soft-ish tone, the section leader turns to face the duo. "My section is currently getting accustomed to their casings." Vilonite replies in the same tone. "That is good to hear Section Leader Vilonite. Once every member of your section is ready you may lead them to training hall 1 to begin training." The Dalek with the silver eye piece trundles away with his aid, leaving the section leader to await that moment. "Production lines 1,2,3,4 and 5 have achieved mass production. Production lines 6,7,8,9 and 10 are commencing production. The first sections are estimated to be completed in 5 working days from today." The other announces as they make their way to the training sections. "I want these hallways at maximum capacity around the clock. I want the internal security forces training around the clock. Put them through the most rigorous training routines."

"Raak, Blen, deep space automated reconnaissance probes have detected energy signatures identical to Dalek built gravity turbines located approaching our materials supplier. I estimate they will arrive within 48 days from now." Zent hisses as he approaches the duo in the training section. "What is their strength?" Blen snarls in response, his gunstick raising and lowering. "The golden tyrant has dispatched three imperial motherships and six escorts." Zent replies briefly, staring at Raak. "Have Section Leader Vilonite's section training increased in frequency. They are to be trained in general combat skills within ten work days." Raak replies as he leads the other two to the temporary control room. "I obey." Zent replies as he breaks away from the trio. "Raak, will you lead the defence force personally?" Blen inquires as Raak takes his place upon the small podium. "Yes. If we are to convince the humans we are different from the golden tyrant's slaves I must be present."

Days blur together, Raak trundles through the training section with Blen. "I have begun removing those who are failing to meet the mark in their training and have transferred them to general duties." Zent explains as they overlook Section 1. "Only 5% on average are transferred out of each battalion." He continues as they stop to observe the training of Vilonite's section. "This section will journey with me to our mineral supplier's mine world in three days. Ensure Quarm's crew is ready for the voyage." Raak instructs as he moves off to observe the training off another section. "...And now I will show you how to exterminate a cybernetic humanoid with rotting soft fruit!" The voice of an instructor echoes out of the training hall. "You horrible shower of mutants! You could not exterminate the starboard side of a storage barn!" Another instructor's voice calls out, harsh and undermining. "A necessity, they need the mental fortifications to deal with the stress of the battlefield and possible stress caused by interrogation." Raak mutters to himself as he watches the rotary neutron weapons Daleks undergo firing drills. "Photon blaze max power exterminate!" Calls out the voice of a heavy weapons Dalek, simulating taking down holographic combat hoverbouts in the training hall adjacent to the one Raak observes.

Satisfied, Raak trundles away to the air wing training halls, he watches as Quam guides the pilots through their training alongside the instructors. "The most important tactic to remember when fighting against Dalek combat hoverboughts, gunships and battlesaucers is to think independently and never stay on a singular flight path for an extensive period of time. Allow the enemies to anticipate your movements and you invite defeat." Quam's voice roams around the hall, bouncing off every wall. Satisfied again, Raak trundles away, heaving towards an elevator shaft and heads to the surface. He trundles along to the gunships they'll be using in the defence, ground crews swarming around them, bringing them up-to-date to ensure they'll withstand the imperial daleks' shipborne weapons. "Supervisor, report on progress." He'd command as he trundles alongside a ground crew supervisor. "The gunships' shielding has been replaced with the energy radiation fields. The firing lenses have been replaced with diamond lenses fabricated by spare diamonds left over from 55 Cancri E as specified by Baan." He replies as he turns to face Raak. "Operating systems have been updated to prevent any remote access by imperial daleks." He'd finalise, awaiting Raak's approval. "Good work Rei. Continue as planned." Raak trundles away to his personal quarters, he sorts the dataslates on his desk for the remaining days of the week.

Out on the hanger fields the 1st section is lined up and ready to go into battle. "Zent are they ready and comfortable with fighting those who look similar to their section mates?" Raak questions as he inspects the formation of Daleks before him. "Yes. They have been fully briefed on who the enemy is. I had the paint plant fabricate targets identical to the next model of Imperial casings." Zent answers briefly as he joins Raak by his side. "Section Leader Vilonite, divide your section into two battalions, one battalion per gunship. Quam I trust you have had your crews preheat the gunships?" Raak turns to face Quam who had approached from behind. All the while Vilonite was directing his section to begin boarding the two gunships. "Yes. First Captain Vyre has taken the helm on gunship 2. I will take up the helm on gunship 1. We will be ready to depart once we have boarded." Quam answers as he guides Raak and Zet aboard the closest gunship. The trio make their way to the bridge of the gunship, Quam takes up the helm control and pilots the gunship out of atmosphere, tailed by the second gunship. Both gunships leer forwards and blink out of existence.

On the other side of the milky way galaxy the two gunships blink back into existence. "Final approach, all combat daleks paratroop positions." Quam's voice barks over the intercom, Raak and Zent turn to the door and march towards the paratrooper deck. "Vilonite, are your soldiers ready?" Zent inquires as they take up the last two brackets. "Yes. We are ready to fight, and utterly exterminate the golden tyrant's slave-soldiers." Vilonite answers as the floor collapses into two panels and pulls away from each other creating an open gap in the floor. "Drop zone approaching in 35 rels." First Mate Rabe's voice calls out with a harsh gritting tone. Silence floods the room as they all wait to drop into battle. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1. Clamps released!" Rabe's voice returns after the wait, the clamps release and the Daleks drop down to the surface, columns of superheated air funnelling around the bottom of the Daleks like meteoroids. One by one the Daleks hit the land and begin firing their weapons. "Heavy cannons take down the flyers, special weapons take out the slave-special weapons and give me an evaluation of their armour and weapons. Rotary cannons take the front ranks, mortar section drop rounds in their rear ranks. We will box them in, take out their air cover and exterminate them." Raak announces as he focuses on exterminating the imperial officers.

Soon after the second battalion enters the fray from above. They each start firing the moment they touch the ground. "Exterminate the imperials! Total extermination!" They all call out in unison, almost excited from finally fighting a real battle. "Communications Dalek, signal the gunships, instruct them to take out the motherships." Zent snarls, turning his dome to face the communications Dalek fighting between Raak and a rotary weapons Dalek. "I obey." All around the Humans stopped fighting and gawked at the sight before them. They had never seen Daleks like Raak, Zent or the others, nor have they seen Daleks fight other Daleks. "The gunship crews have responded. They have begun their attack runs against the imperial motherships." The Communications Dalek announces through explosions and mindless chanting coming from the imperial daleks. "Their right flank is beginning to collapse." A Rotary Weapons Dalek announces triumphantly, concentrating his firepower at the collapsing right flank. "Raak, all imperial skycraft have been totally annihilated. We are now beginning to concentrate our photon blazers at the Imperial's left flank. Our photon blazers may not be as accurate but in such a target rich environment I do not believe accuracy will matter." Explosions rattle the sky all around the single section of Daleks and two supreme officers. Both sides taking casualties, the imperials mindlessly attempt to swarm Raak's forces' fortifications as the two gunships outmanoeuvre the slower and cumbersome imperial motherships.

"First Captain Vyre reports one mothership has been destroyed, he and Quam are beginning attack runs on the other two motherships." The communications Dalek announces over gunfire, explosions and screams of agony. "Keep updating me on the situation with the gunships, Zterm. They are massing in the centre with special weapons. Jukk, Nevros reposition to the front ranks. Destroy their special weapons before they can be set to independent control." Raak snarls as he moves aside for the two heavy weapons take up the front rank. "Leave no survivors. Zterm, contact Vyre and Quam, they are to commence ground attacks when the motherships are destroyed." Raak hisses as he takes up another position. "Message transmitted. They will obey when possible." Zterm replies, a loud supersonic boom deafens the ground temporarily followed by another. "Vyre reports the remaining gunships have been exterminated. They will now swing around the spyre to the south and begin their attack." He continues with a sense of premature victory. "Contact the Second battalion, have them merge with the First. We will teach them how to fear. We will funnel the imperials into a tight line for the gunships to inflict maximum casualties." Zent commands, a lucky shot from an imperial grazes his radiating shield. "Raak, their new special weapons have upgraded armour and shields, their targeting system is sloppy and below average for a Dalek. However they are still armed with the old M30 Destructo Demolition Gun. Our energy radiation fields can sustain several of their hits. They are no match for our photon blazers." Jukk calls out as he and Nevros finalise taking out the imperial special weapons daleks.

"Message received from Quam: He and First Captain Vyre are beginning his attack, Second Battalion is moving in on their rear and saturating the rear three ranks with deceased imperials." Zterm announces, through the smoke and horde of white and gold fabricated drones the colours of the Second Battalion fluttering high on a flag can be seen. Followed by enthusiastic and blood-thirsty chants and screaming of fear and agony. "Second Battalion reports they have boxed in the imperials, the rear four ranks have sustained casualties from our mortar barrage, the survivors have been dealt with." Zterm announces, turning his dome and raising his eyestalk at the sound of approaching gunships. "Their fate is sealed. Our gunships are making the final attack runs." He falls silent and returns his attention to ensuring the imperials don't break through the makeshift wall of carcases littering the front two ranks. "All units break formation and withdraw, the gunships will take over the mopping up duty." Raak commands and waits for his second in command to turn and withdraw before he makes his way backwards. A moment later he would have been caught in numerous domino-effect explosions as the gunships swoop in and strafe the boxed imperials. The second gunship swoops in and repeats, taking care to decrease its speed to a snail's pace to saturate the ground in fire to guarantee the imperials are defeated.

"Zterm, issue a command to Quam. Have him transmit a command to the nutrient preparation brigade: they are to bring the nutrient tanks in the casual halls to maximum capacity with the artificial Kwalorblmn proteins. Performance of the 1st Section has greatly exceeded my expectations." Raak instructs as he watches the gunships swing around victoriously and come into land. "I have sent the command, Quam has replied he has relayed the message. Quam suggests that two gunships return with engineers to salvage the wreckages of the imperials casings and motherships. He believes Baan can devise a method to break the compounds down into their base chemical elements for recycling." Zterm replies as he takes Raak's left side, Raak simply looks up at the gunships descending. "Recommendation accepted. Dispatch an additional two gunships with 2nd Section to guard the engineers." Raak instructs as the saucer lands and the Daleks begin to board. "The battle has been won Raak, but the war may just have begun." Zent hisses just above a whisper to Raak. "Our enemies will make their move, and we will be anticipating it. For now join the troopers. Entertain yourself on the return journey." Raak instructs as he and Zent board the ramp, the ramp closes with a hiss and a whirr. Raak leaves Zent behind and heads to the bridge.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the universe, hidden amongst the city of Skaro. "By the Emperor's command, Dalek Saan and personal aids."

Note: Dalek Saan is the OC of my friend Dalek Saan on YT

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