Dalek "Pirates"? Nonsense!

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Writer's note: Sorry if you see "Dalek "Pirates&qout;? Nonsense!" idk what to do about that

Through the dark, cold starless void a single ship bounces from place to place. A large assortment of abandoned human space vessels dragging behind the ship. "Scanners detect a human super battleship in this system. There are traces of organic tissues but they are deceased." Blen announces in a harsh tone, a constant reminder of the situation they are in. "Quam, pilot the gunship to the coordinates and attach a tractor beam to it, we will return to the landing site and begin to tear the wrecks apart for their resources." Raak commands, staring out of the bridge of the gunship solemnly. "I obey. However once we pick up the super battleship we will be unable to move any more vessels. This gunship was not designed to function as a 'tugboat' in the human dialect."

The saucer stalks along the system, slowly and carefully. Any wrong move could send them crashing into any of the gas giants surrounding them. "Tractor beam ready. Awaiting physical contact." Blen calls out as they stalk closer and closer. "Hack into its beacon and shut it down. We can not draw the humans to the crash site." Raak hisses as he watches every movement closely. The super battleship soon comes into view as it drifts beyond a large moon. "Firing tractor beam. Connection positive and secure." Blen announces as he hacks into the ship's computer systems to deactivate its beacon. "Take us back to the landing site." Raak orders briefly, overshadowed by two blasts on the alarm. "Human deep space fighters detected. We are at risk of being discovered." Blen's voice calls out as Raak turns to face the radar screen Blen was staring at. "Quam, get us out of the star system as soon as it is possible. We can not allow the humans to discover us." Raak's voice silences the room as he turns to face the viewport of the bridge. "I obey." Quam's voice replies almost calmly but certainly distressed.

The gunship drags the mass of tangled ships behind it as it struggles to navigate through the gas giants. More and more human deep space fighters emerge, heightening the distress on the bridge. "Ten more deep space fighters detected! We are now in danger!" Blen's voice calls out, shaking and unstable, aggressive and almost frightened. "Activating the gravimetric warp engines. Course calculated. Prepare to jump." Quam's voice shrieks out over the blaring alarms, no sooner does he fall silent, the ship, and its amalgamation of human ships are shot across the galaxy. "As the humans would say that was too close for comfort, Raak. We can not dare tow so many ships at a single time as we may not be so lucky to escape." Quam's voice continues as the alarms slowly fade into silence, the tension on the bridge still high. "We have enough to construct a fabrication foundry to construct a new galactic gravity lens. Once the lens is replaced we can start venturing into procuring human cargo ship wrecks to construct a base of operations. From there we shall plan for the future." Raak replies shortly, the ship's speed reduced dramatically as they exit the warp tunnel and begin their approach to the dwarf planet.

One by one the wrecks are cut loose and come to rest on the surface. The gunship lands in its hangar and its crew disembarks. "Raak, we are overlooking one important factor to our survival." Blen announces and pulls Raak to the side. "What is that, Blen?" Raak lowers his voice, urging Blen to do the same. "We outnumbered more than ten billion to one, as powerful as these casings are, they will fail if the imperial model is used in multi hundred-million number swarms. We need a force that is of greater quality to the golden tyrants' slave army's quantity." Blen explains, his voice shallow, soft and quiet. "We will focus on that later. Right now we need to focus on repairing, we can not rebuild with malfunctioning equipment." Raak replies and slowly begins to disembark from the mothership. Leaving Blen to follow loosely behind.

The process to build the fabrication line was long and arduous followed by failure upon failure. Raak, Blen and Quam zipping back and forth with more ships and draining their service tanks. "Activate the power supply. Diagnostics indicate this model is optimised and sufficient to fabricate a new lens." Raak commands, overseeing the operation of the gravity lens manufacture. The machine starts up slowly, creaking and groaning as gears turn, belts whir and hydraulics extend, retract and extend again in a circular motion. "Gravity lens at 5% completion. Estimated time of completion: 14 Earth days." Zent announces in triumph, the others raise their eyestalk and manipulator arm as high as they could and chant 'Victory. Victory. Victory' over seemingly near impossible challenge.

"Baan and Hash, you are to proceed to catalogue all of the chemicals and compounds we retrieved along with the human cargo vessels. I want a report in one work cycle." Raak commands, turning to Hash who approaches Raak alongside Baan. "I obey." The two respond simply and turn away and begin to make the small journey to a cave where they stored the chemicals for safe keeping. "Raak, now that we have succeeded in constructing a lens fabricator you need to consider what priorities need to be set for the first section of our base of operations." Quam stands stationary next to Raak and stares at the new lens under fabrication. "I have already considered that, Paaf has informed me that two point nine-five kilometres below us is an active magma channel, we will utilise that as a power source. The structure itself will be mostly contained below the surface with an access elevator shaft." Raak explains briefly firing his gunstick in a square formation to make where the shaft will be. "Once the new lens is installed we will begin construction."

Weeks pass, the new lens is replaced and the old one is broken down into its base elements, the chemicals and compounds moved inside the first cargo storage of the underground facility. Raak is sitting in the makeshift control room in silence, lost in thought. "Locating and tearing apart human space vessel wrecks is inefficient, we however can not deal with human governments directly... How can we collect the necessary resources for our future?" He questions himself as he scours through human intergalactic data streams. "Something is troubling you Raak." Taay slithers into the control room and stares over at Raak. "We need resources, yes. The human governments won't trust us, also yes. However, there may be a way we can get the materials without speaking with them." Taay adds, stopping just in front of Raak. "Explain." Raak commands, his attention turning to Taay. "I suggest we manufacture cures for Dalek made plaques, contact humans operating within a 'black market' to trade, we give them the cures they need. They will ask us what we want in return, that is where I propose we make the demands for the materials we need in bulk."

"See to it Shen starts research into cures. Make sure they have a success rate of 100%. We will pose as human-factor Daleks to the humans when we reveal ourselves." Raak agrees, dismissing Taay and prompting him to inform Shen of his next task. "I obey." Taay replies simply and leaves. As time passess on the first section of the facility is complete, a stockpile of cures had accumulated and Raak, acting under the guidance of Taay began conversing with a Human resource trader operating in the local black market. "Very well. We shall arrive unarmed. My crew will remain on the saucer we arrive with until we have an agreement. My personal guard shall remain outside the parlour. Correct?" He questions a gruff, one-eyed human over a communications device. "That is correct, meet me when you are ready." The human replies and closes the channel. "The meeting is arranged. Baan, the artificial fuel holds greater efficiency for the gunship engines, correct?" Raak questions and turns to face Baan. "Yes. The gunship is fully fueled and stocked. We are ready to depart." Baan answers, all eyestalks were on Raak now. "Let us get under wake. The sooner we get the materials, the sooner we can expand the facility." Raak announces, personally leads the group to the gunship. Once aboard Raak sees to it he removes his crews gunsticks before Blen removes Raak's.

Quam takes up position on the helm and the other 8 take up control of other controls. "Feed the course into the helm, deactivate all weapons and defences and initiate take off." Raak commands, spinning around on the spot slowly to monitor his crew. The gunship slowly and quietly rises, the landing gear is retracted and the ship flies off with ever increasing speed. The journey is less than a day and the gunship prepares to land on a small reddish planet. "Blen will accompany me until we reach the entrance to the parlour, he will remain outside. Do not do anything until I give the command." Raak snarls and disembarks, Blen going down the boarding ramp first. "These humans will be used to seeing the genesis and imperial designs, our advanced function casings should show we are different to the likes of the golden tyrant's slaves." Raak subtly hisses at Blen as they approach the parlour. "I do not trust the humans, they may be deceiving us." Blen snarls as they stop outside the parlour. "That is why you will wait here, if I need your aid you can crash through the wall." Raak replies as he turns away and enters the parlour.

The atmosphere in the parlour is rowdy, drunk and unafraid. Raak scans side to side for the man he is to meet, and spots him in a dark corner. He slowly trundles to the corner, waiting patiently but unwillingly for parlour patrons to move out of his way. "So, you're the dalek who ranaway from home? What can I help you with?" The gruff man from the communication chuckles. "Heavy metals. I require an astronomical figure of heavy metals, building materials and natural gases. I am willing to 'trade' one resource only I can provide in turn." Raak answers bluntly, staring at the man, watching him and recording their encounter for later study. "And uh what's in it for me?" The man retorts, gulping down their alcoholic drink. "Diamonds, precious metals, power. Assist me in procuring every quantity of material and element on this list, and I will provide you with diamonds larger than you could see, more gold the banks of the Human Empire possess." Raak falls silent, looking around him to ensure their secrecy and to ensure no one may attempt to deceive him. "And where would you get the gold and diamonds? By stealing them from a civilised world?" The human would snort, using the Daleks' history to shame Raak. "The gold will be produced by refining it from asteroids, the diamonds will be mined from 55 Cancri E. Do you agree?" Raak falls silent, allowing the man to ponder over the proposal as he glosses over the list Raak had supplied him with. "Tell ya what, I agree. I'll get you your heavy metals and building supplies, if your cures work." He sneers, distrust but honesty clear in his eyes and tone. "Leave the crates by the spaceport, I will load them up myself."

Raak silently leaves the parlour, trundling towards the exit as slowly as he came in. "Blen, we are done here. Have Zent offload the cures and leave them at the space port. The human will load them to the cargo hold of his vessel himself. The metal and building resources will be supplied once the cures are administered." Raak snarls as he turns to face Blen. "This behaviour is only natural from humans, to them anything resembling a Dalek is a threat. We need to make them trust us." He falls silent as he and Blen make their way back to the gunship. "Zent has begun offloading the plague cures, he estimated all crates will be offloaded by the time we arrive at the gunship." Blen replies harshly as the pair stare at the setting star. "What did the human demand as payment?" He asks uncharacteristically. "Diamonds and gold. Once we have the necessary infrastructure we will extract gold from asteroids and harvest diamonds from 55 Cancri E."

"We can harvest the diamonds now. Once we return to the mothership, Paaf and Baan travel to 55 Cancri E, tell them to harvest 50 gigatonnes worth of raw diamonds to be processed." Raak continues as they stop at the boarding ramp, the last of the plague crates being offloaded. "Raak, we are ready for departure, the plague crates are stacked and awaiting the human to take possession of them." Zent hisses as he returns to Raak's side. "We will depart now." Raak replies, leading the trio of Daleks up the boarding ramp. "Zent, take up command of the bridge, Blen, you have your orders." He instructs as he breaks away, heading for the gunship commander's quarters. The gunship takes off and hits hypersonic speeds faster than anyone could blink.

Months pass, Raak and his crew change their colours to look less militaristic. Their small underground facility had become a sprawling but empty city. The humans had begun calling Raak and his crew pirates, and Raak himself a captain. He has adopted the title informally, simply because it made him sound respectable and trustworthy. "Raak, we are ready for the final transfer of plague cures. The diamonds and gold has been stowed in the cargo hold alongside the crates containing the cures." Blen snarls harshly. "Understood, let us head to the meeting point for the final time." Raak replies softly as they head to the gunship, they embark and the boarding ramp closes. The ship takes off and heads to a large moon orbiting a super-earth.

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