Chapter 6: Death Isn't Permanent

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Bobby stood from his seat on the couch and made his way up the stairs. Jack went to stand but Dean placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. "Let Bobby deal with her right now." Dean glares at his dad. "He knows how to calm her down and won't get chewed out."

Bobby knocks on Lex's door. "Go away!"

"I know you ain't talking to me that way." Lex opens the door. "Can I come in?" Lex nods her head.

Bobby sat down on her bed, his weathered face softening with concern. Lex could see the lines etched deep from years of hunting, but also the warmth and understanding in his eyes. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for snapping at him, knowing that he'd always been there for her, like a surrogate father.

"Lex, I get it. Your dad showing up out of nowhere, it's a lot to process," Bobby started, his voice gentle yet firm. "But you gotta remember, he's been through hell. Literally. And he ain't perfect, none of us are. Least of all your old man."

Lex fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, unable to meet Bobby's gaze. "I know, Bobby. It's just... it's hard, you know? He acts like he can just waltz back into our lives after everything, like nothing ever happened."

Bobby reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I reckon he's trying, in his own way. Ain't easy for him either, I'm sure. Losing Mary, then finding another person he loved and her dying too. It's a lot even for your dad."

Lex sighed, feeling the weight of her anger and resentment slowly melting away in Bobby's presence. "I know, Bobby. It's just... I don't know how to feel anymore. About any of it."

Bobby gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "That's alright, kiddo. Ain't nobody expecting you to have all the answers. Just take it one step at a time, alright? And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Always."

Lex managed a small smile, feeling a flicker of gratitude amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling inside her. "Thanks, Bobby. I appreciate it."

Bobby nodded, rising from the bed. "Anytime, Lex. Now, why don't you try gettin' some rest? Tomorrow's a new day, and who knows what it might bring."

With that, Bobby left Lex alone in her room, the soft click of the door signaling his departure. She lay back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as thoughts and feelings continued to whirl through her mind. But for the first time in a long while, she felt a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, knowing that no matter what, she had people like Bobby and her brothers by her side, even if it meant having to deal with her dad. And maybe, just maybe, things would turn out alright in the end.

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