"Bad Decision"

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Kelly's P

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Kelly's P.O V.

Since I was a child I've always been very spiritual. Unlike most kids, I loved going to church, studying the bible and praying. I was devoted to God and to the Catholic church. And at the young age of eighteen, I decided to get a degree in theology so that I could become a priest.....

My best friends Beyoncé and Michelle thought I was crazy! Becoming a regular pastor was one thing. But becoming a priest meant I could never have sex or get married. I was supposed to remain unmarried and sexually pure for the rest of my life. I was married and committed to the church only....

"I still can't believe you have literally spent twelve years of your adult life without having sex! Why you gotta be a thirty year old virgin to serve the Lord?!", Michelle asked as she, myself, and Beyoncé had dinner together at my house.

"Michelle, I have been telling you the same thing since we were teenagers. I just feel like I was called to serve God this way. Not everybody can do it. Nor is everybody called to do it. But I am", I explained to her for the one thousandth time!

"So you really don't ever want to get married or have kids, Kelly? Or most importantly, bust a nut?!", Michelle asked.

Before I could answer, Beyoncé said, "Chelle, marriage is overrated. I wish I would've never did it. Kelly is smart in my opinion."

"Bey....what's making you say that? Is something going on between you and Megan?", I asked.

Most people are surprised when I tell them that my best friend is gay. They're even more surprised when they find out that I'm the one that officiated her and Megan's wedding. Unlike most church leaders, I do not condemn homosexuality. The only time I see homosexual acts as sin is when someone sexually assaults someone of their same gender or if an adult is having sex with a minor of their same gender. But consensual, same gender relationships are not sinful in my eyes. Nor God's eyes according to proper interpretation of scripture.

"I caught Megan talking to her ex, Onika, on the phone....", Beyoncé replied.

"I know you better be lying! Because if not I'm going over there right now to punch her ass in the face!", Michelle exclaimed.

She was always our violent friend....I pray for her deliverance daily....

"Oh my God, Bey! When did this happen?", I asked in shock.

Beyoncé sighed. "About three weeks ago. She didn't hear me walk into the house.....she was laughing and talking with her on the phone....I heard her say they could meet up for lunch or something and that's when I snatched the phone out of her hand, threw it and slapped Megan across her face....That was the first time I ever hit her. I still don't regret it though", Beyoncé said.

"Didn't you say she left her ex because their relationship was toxic and emotionally abusive?", I asked.

"That's what she told me. But evidently she must want that old thing back. I told her if that's the case she can have it!", Beyoncé stated bitterly.

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