"Prayers Answered"

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Author's Note: I gave y'all 2 updates last night. So if you didn't read "Big Mess" please do before reading this.


Kelly's P.O.V.

Despite the drama....it turned out to be a nice dinner. I enjoyed getting to know Michelle's man, J Cole, and Courtney's friends, Robyn, Normani, and Reneé. Terrell and Destin were the life of the party though. Two comedians! Terrell actually ended up bonding with Courtney. They have so much in common and were even completing each other's sentences. The two of them had to have been married to each other in a past life!

But once most of my guests started heading out, I made sure I caught Mrs. Beyoncé Knowles-Pete before she tried to make her exit.

"Um....Bey....come see me..." I said.

"Hey, best friend..."

"Don't hey best friend me....why didn't you tell me what was going on?", I asked.

"I told you. I just didn't want to be fussed at", she whined.

"Bey....even though I did warn you not to cheat back, I still wouldn't have thrown it in your face. Nor would I have judged you. Just because I'm a priest doesn't mean I don't understand that people are human and make mistakes. I make mistakes as well. I'm not perfect", I told her.

"Are you still going to marry her? Or do you feel weird now knowing she was hooking up with me?", Beyoncé asked.

"It's definitely cringy! I've never felt so awkward in my life. But I just know Courtney is the one....I'm still going to marry her, Bey" I replied.

"Sorry for not confiding in you. I was just so vindictive and wanted to beat Meg at her own game. Not knowing that she wasn't even physical with Onika until she knew for certain that I was messing around with somebody else. We both messed up big time. But we're trying to overcome the dumb shit we did. I just hope her seeing Courtney won't set us back because we were doing so good", Beyoncé said.

"I don't think it will. I was talking to her while she was helping me cook. I told her not to let this cause her to become bitter all over again. She wants me to counsel with y'all once a week though", I told her.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea...Sorry for keeping this from you. I know I can trust you with my business. I was just embarrassed", Bey said.

"I understand, Bey. But I'm always here for you", I told her.

We hugged and then walked into the living room. Courtney and Megan were talking. No one threw any punches so Bey and I weren't alarmed.

"You ready to go home, baby?", Megan asked Beyoncé.

"Yeah, I'll give you a massage. I know you probably need one after helping Kelly today", Bey said to her wife.

Megan smiled. "I would actually like that, hottie..."

Courtney and I said goodbye to the married couple. Once we were alone, I asked her what were she and Megan talking about.

"I apologized to her for messing around with Beyoncé", Courtney replied.

"That was nice, babe. Did she accept your apology?", I asked as we sat down on my living room couch and watched TV.

"Yeah....she said she knows her wife is a hottie and she wouldn't have been able to resist her either...But, I need to know if we're still good...", Courtney replied.

I was about to answer her, but Victoria just had to pop up! I knew she was coming!

"Y'all better be! Look, y'all got three months to get married! Then I can move on to my next assignment!", her little sassy self exclaimed.

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