Chapter Seven

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"I am not your darling!" I hiss, walking over to the armchair where Crane was sitting smugly. His arms were folded over his chest, and his usual sly grin was spread across his face.

"Are you not going to thank me?" he asks.

"Thank you?!" I exclaim, "Thank you for what? Kidnapping me?"

Crane stands up from the armchair, looming over me his face twists into a cruel grin, "I don't think you understand Sandie," A sharp breath escapes his lips as he gets closer to me, "I gave you all of this, nice clothes, your freedom, everything."

"And you trust me with freedom!?"

"It may be a weakness, but yes, I do," he takes a step away.

"Why...did you give me freedom Dr Crane?"

"Because, Sandie," Crane returns to his armchair, "I cannot have my perfect test bunny living in awful conditions, all your needs have been fore filled,"

"All of them?" I ask.

"Yes you will be fed three sustainable and healthy meals a day, that I will be checking you eat all of," Crane looks up at me, "Your room is to your desire is it not?"

"Yes, it's wonderful." I wasn't lying, it was the most gorgeous room I had seen in a long time.

"Your other needs, boredom, hygiene, or whatever you girls struggle with have all been fulfilled too," Crane spoke as if he knew everything about girls, which only irritated me more, "I have also hired Dr Quinzell to visit you once every two days for an hour, so your social needs can be filled too."

"You have thought of everything,"

"I know," He reached out toward the mahogany side table, picking up the daily newspaper, "Sandie..."


"You're not allowed to leave this house," he sighed, opening his newspaper.

"I know," I quickly replied, resting my hand on his armchair, and leaning over his shoulder to view his newspaper.

"You know?" He questioned, aggressively shutting his newspaper, "You know I faked your death to get you out of the asylum,"

"Well...I didn't know that" My voice trailed off as thoughts rushed through my head. I don't exist anymore? did I have a funeral? How did I die? I had so many questions, but I didn't want to give Crane the pleasure of answering them.

"Sandie?" Crane's voice sounded a bit sympathetic as he placed his newspaper in his lap, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm fine," my voice tinged a bit as I replied, "Think I just need a lay down,"

"Do you want me to show you to your room?" Crane moved the newspaper from his lap onto the mahogany side table, standing up from his armchair he placed a hand around my back, "It's a big house and we don't want you going into the wrong room, you might scare yourself."

I could feel his hand playing with the pyjama fabric on my back, rolling the fabric between his finger and thumb, while lightly brushing against my skin, "Sure, you can show me to my room,"

"Correct answer, Sandie," His hand got more aggressive as he pushed me along the corridor using his other free hand to push doors open, till we finally reached the bedroom. Moving his hand off my back, he walked over to the bed I woke up in, pulling away the dark green sheets, and offering a space for me to rest.

Nodding in appreciation, I moved into the bed, with Crane still holding the duvet back. Once I got into bed, he pulled the duvet over me and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "Sandie, we will experiment on your fear once a week, " he sat down next to me on the bed, "using different dosages of fear toxin till you either start to feel fear or... "

"or..? "

"There is a low chance you may die, Sandie-" Crane sorrowfully looked down at the ground, "Very small chance. "

"How small?" Crane stayed quiet. "How small Crane, " My voice grew sterner.

"Sandie... It's a five per cent chance-"

"Five?!" I exclaimed, sitting up in the bed, ruining the smooth quilts, "No- that's too big- Jonathan! "

"I know- it depends how far we test you... How much you can handle, " his voice sounded honestly sympathetic.

"You won't test me too much... Right, "

"Right, " but for some reason, I felt like Crane was lying, he couldn't look at me with his bright blue eyes, and instead darted his eyes around the room. "Do you like the clothing in the wardrobe? " he asked, obviously trying to change the subject, "If you don't I can always change them for you... Or if they don't fit. "

"They're fine, " I paused, "Thank you, it's honestly lovely... Everything. "

"This room used to be mine, " He glanced around, "I moved into the larger room, once it had been fully refurbished, "

"You're changing the subject, five-"

Crane cut me off, "The number of memories I made from only three months in this room, the bookshelves, that bed you laying in right now-"

"Jonathan!! " I yelled over his speech about the room, "Five per cent death chance!!! What will you when be doing to me!! "

"Nothing much, just weekly fear testing, with or without the fear toxin, during the rest of the week I will be studying your brain, to either find a way to make myself or others immune to fear, "

"How would that kill me? "

"If we scare you too much Sandie, your body could get sent into shock, "

"What will you be doing to me-"

"You should rest Sandie, " Crane smoothed the duvet over me, "We have a long day tomorrow, " Slowly he stood up.

"What do you mean..."

"Oh nothing, " He strolled to the main door of the bedroom, "Good night-"

"Crane! " I shouted, "I'm not done with you!!! " Ripping the duvet off myself, I rushed towards Jonathan, but before I could even get out of the bed, he slammed the door and turned a lock.

Running to the door I aggressively banged my hand on the oak, "Let me out! " the faint sound of Jonathan Crane chuckling came from the other side of the door, "You bastard " I cried out, just so he could hear.

Five per cent...

Mad Hatter - Jonathan Crane X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now