ch 8

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Conan-11, Olivia-8 pov

O-"Hi how are you guys? it's conan and olivia, right?" Taylor asked and I just froze: How does she know our name?

C- seeing that olivia was too dumbstruck to speak, I decided to act quick and play it cool, "yep, that's us"

"I heard so much about you guys! You guys are amazing singers!" Wait, how does she know that we sing?

O- "wait, how do you know that we sing?" I asked.

"OH, I saw a video of you two singing at the park, it was so amazing, thanks for choosing to sing my song"

C- "anything for you taylor" I replied.

"This is why you are also chosen to come here to the secret session".

"Wait, so you hand-picked us? And we were supposed to keep this meet and greet a secret?"

"Yes, I hand picked you guys, and yes, it's better if you keep this a secret, but you don't have to".

O- we chatted for a couple of minutes on light conversations such as our favorite color and such, until taylor asked, "I was wondering, were your parents here tonight? Cause I didn't see your parents anywhere and the rule is that minors have to be accompanied by their guardians."

I froze to this question, not sure how to answer it. Me and conan usually keep this information a secret, only telling our closest circles. But I'm not sure if taylor counts as our closest circle, since we literally just met. Uncertainly, I looked over at conan for help, and Taylor, sensing that the air in the atmosphere is a very tense one, immediately continued, "I'm just curious, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I know that you want to keep the family matter out of here since it's a bit too personal."

Conan however, gathered his thoughts and slowly worded out, "We don't have a family. We live in the orphanage, and me and her consider each other family." He said simply.

C- Saying that lifted a huge weight off my shoulder. And I'm glad I told someone about this.

"I'm so sorry to hear that", taylor said after hearing about our story, "I know that it must be hard for you guys".

"Sure is. Especially after we lost all of our money saved for this tour to Maya." Olivia, who's oblivious, continued.

When I heard her say that, I glared and whisper shouted at her, "watch what you're saying!".

However, it is already too late. Taylor, who is now intrigued in the story, continued on,
"Can you give more context? Who's Maya? And why is she stealing money from you guys?".

O- I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Now we are going to get in trouble by Maya because of me. Feeling guilty, my eyes met with Conan's for split second and then I immediately looked down. But then I look back up again since I saw in conans eyes that he is urging me to answer the question. So I took a deep breath and did, " Ever since we found out that this tour is coming, We were so excited, so we decided to ask the orphanage if we can go to this tour. They said yes, but the deal is that we have to make all the ticket money all by ourselves, so that's what we did. We performed in local shows and earned money from people in the neighborhood. However, on our last day of performing and when we almost got all of our money. Maya, who was dressed like a criminal, rushed in and grabbed our money box and ran away.

"So if it weren't for you and ruby, who apparently chose us to be here, we won't even have a chance to go to this tour." Conan added.

C- "whoa. I'm so sorry to hear that you guys have to go through something like that, but may I ask you more question? When Olivia told me this, why did you tell her to stop?" Taylor pressed on.

"Well, Maya threatened everyone in the orphanage that if any information even just about the orphanage gets out, then we're gonna be in big trouble." It's true, but since Liv already spilled this information, I might've just well tell the whole story.

"Wow, that's insane. I'm glad that you guys told us me. Conan and olivia, you need to know, this is not getting in trouble. This is getting neglected. What if the orphanage did something illegal? Would you guys have told it told somebody? No, because you got threatened to keep it in yourself."

When taylor said this, my face darkened
It is true. Many of us in the orphanage all got abused. They hit us if we don't agree to do something. But it makes me wonder, why did Maya start this orphanage if she hates kids this much? Isn't it a waste of time and money? Is she just pitying us too much and she can't stand to see us be so vulnerable?

"Wait. So If Maya's stole you guys's money in the last minute, how did you even get here? I know that you guys got chosen to be here , but how did you arrive here? Did you speak with another adult in your orphanage and they agreed to drive you here?"

"No. Ruby drove us here. She ask for our address the day she met us at the park and then told us to meet her at 10 AM today in front of our driveway. She even escorted us into the arena and to here. But the problem is, she left right before we came in here for the secret session, so we don't know how to get home."

"Don't fire ruby though. She is the nicest person that I've ever met. If it weren't for her then I will miss the best day of my life, and I'm more than thankful that she's so kind and decided to drive us. I guess we just didn't think through this, because we planned this at the last minute. I know what she did might be against the rules, but for the sake of me, please don't fire her." Olivia begged, and I laughed. She's got a big heart.

O- I begged taylor to not fire ruby. Since she is so nice that such a bad fate won't even exist in her life. Conan laughed at me after I said this. And I glared at him. Then, I looked up at taylor and my heart sank: she's carrying a very hesitant expression. But at last, she agreed.

"Okay, I'll keep your request, but now let's talk about how to get you home. Do you want me to drive you home? I don't think the orphanage is too safe for you guys," taylor said as she reached over to grab a piece of paper, "here. I'll write down my number, call me if you need anything. Also, can you give me the orphanages address? I might need to report this."

C-  My eyes widened. Report this? No wonder why the orphanage threatened us to not spill anything. But now we're going to get in trouble. But maybe it is time to speak up. So confidently, I replied, "yes, I would love it if you can drive us home. And sure, we have an old flip phone that a older kid at the orphanage gave to us, so we can call you, " if there's any other time where the taylor swift have told that she would like to drive us home and give us her number, i would have freaked out. But this isn't one of those times. This is serious. I also gave our address to taylor.

"It looks like our five minutes is up. It's been seven minutes already actually. Since I'm driving you guys home, you guys might need to wait until the end of the secret session until you can go. Sorry, I know it is going to be very late, but this is the best that we can manage. Also, here take this," Taylor said as she pulled out a piece of paper will her number on it, "and please called the people who is next in line: Sarah and Georgia."

O- we existed the room and I am ecstatic. Since the tension in the room a few seconds ago is not a pleasant one, I wasn't able to freak out over the fact that not only did Taylor herself offer to drive us home, she also gave us her number.

As we waited at the couches. I told conan, "you know how a few hours ago we thought that this moment is going to be the end of all great things and our lives will go back to normal again? Well, I guess this is not the end, this is just to be continued."

This is the longest chapter that I have written so far since I wasn't able to write at all this past week due to 4 projects literally a week before my birthday. So, I decided to write this chapter a little bit longer for all of you guys who's dying to now what's next. Anyways, see you in the next one!

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