ch 11

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Taylor-22 pov

"Hi, I would like to report an illegal orphanage". After days of going back-and-forth on whether or not I have time to report this case, I decided to do it. I want to help these poor kids.

"Alright. And what is the address may I ask?" The police on the other end questioned.

After I gave her the address, she said that she'll look into it, but it will take a few days.

A few days later
Conan-11 pov

"Everybody get down here!" Mya screamed. I turned around and checked the clock. It is only 6 AM.

Reluctantly, I slowly got up and got dressed.

"You children better hurry up cause the last of you to come down here will get 3 whippings." I froze to her statement before quickly running downstairs.

When I went to the dining room where all the kids meet up for emergencys just like how the orphanage workers told us to, I saw olivia. I let out a breath. At least both of us are safe for this round.

"Back up!" We, and a bunch of other stone-faced kids all jumped, startled at the roaring sound behind us. Of course it's Mya.
Collectively, we all backed up.

"Alright, which of you naughty little barstard will be getting the whipping today?" Just as Mya finished scanning around the room, a tiny little girl named Tina, scurried downstairs.

The girl's little frame looked tiny, helpless and afraid, as her innocent doe eyes realized what is coming for her. She tried to just sneak back in line, but Mya was way too quick for her.

Mya lunged at the little girl. She grabbed the broomstick next to her and slammed it into the girl.

"You tiny little barstard, how dare you disobey my order and showing zero respect to me?" Mya roared, "now get back in line".

Tina, who's clearly shaken, tried to hold back her tears as she used all her strength to show us that she is okay as she walked to the end of the line. Crying means another five whips.

Our eyes, which were all beared with sympathy, turned towards Tina, as if to tell her that we are deeply sorry for her. No one was allowed to help the wounded, we are all taught that from the day we walked into the orphanage, since we all witnessed, with our own eyes, those fearless helpers getting destroyed to the end of their life.

Mya, who is now furious, started rambling, "which if you little kids decided that it is a good idea to report this to the police? All my fortune, all my victory is now wasted!  You should be grateful that you're still alive and well fed! What more do you want!? Do you really think I will raise you guys in vain? No! Everything comes with a price, and your price is to make money for me forever!!!"

My eyes widened at her declaration, no wonder we never got our money back from all those performances we did. When we asked the orphanage for our money, they just told us that they will keep our money for safekeeping. And now everything adds up. Why Mya stole our money. Why we never got adopted. And much more. I have to make up a plan to get out of here.

"One of you guys better step out and say that you're the one behind this or none of you will be seeing the world tomorrow ever again!"

"I'll counted three, and if no one steps out, I will torture you guys one by one"

"One, two, three!" No one came out.

"You!" Mya, who is now malicious, yelled as she randomly grabbed a boy next to us. Her eyes already popping out. "I will start with you."

She said as she dragged the boy outside.

Seeing the chance, I quickly turned towards Olivia and said, "I will go up to get the phone from taylor. I will dial 911 and then give it to you. And then, I will tell Mya that I was behind all of this. Then she will probably abuse me. So when that comes you tell the police that I am getting slaughtered. Try to get all your roommates to speak to the police so it looks as messy as possible."

"Conan, you shouldn't do that" fear was written all over Olivia's face.

"Someone will have to do it and I will be the brave one to step out. If no one does it, we'll forever be trapped here. Do it for the cause, okay? Just follow my instructions and don't worry about me. I will protect myself."

Olivia slowly nodded and I went upstairs and grabbed the phone. Let the games begin.

I know I hadn't updated in like months. I apologize for that, but I've just been so busy with school and stuff. This part will be split into 2, since combining it into one chapter is a little bit too long. Anyways. This chapter kind of gives Matilda vibes, don't you think? Please stay tuned because I have a lot of fun stuff planned ahead. Bye and I'll see you in the next one!

P.s. plz check the comments if you want to see my cover of stranger by olivia rodrigo>>>

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