ch 9

37 2 0

Taylor- 22 pov

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed, as every head in the room turned towards my direction. Whatever expression they had before all changed into shock, then excitement, as they rushed towards me.

My eyes focused on the wave of people that rushed towards me, as I embraced them with open arms. But somewhere in my peripheral vision, I saw a red little figure stumbling to the ground. Hundreds of eyes turned from me to the figure. Pity filled their eyes as they watched oblivious fans stepping over the fragile body.

My instinct told me to drop whatever I'm doing to check on the person, which is what I did. I rushed forward and saw a little girl laying on the ground, helpless. Whereas an older boy, which I assume is her brother, is trying to comfort her. I rushed forward and kneeled on the ground as I took her in my tight embrace. After she felt a little better, I let go and took a better look at her. And looking back at me, was the 8-year-old girl with the angelic voice that I stalked online along with her brother. My heart fluttered. The girl and the boy are something different. Most of the fans that I chose to be here runs a fan account. But conan and olivia? They use their voices to conquer people's hearts. I usually like little kids and think their cute, but I felt a special connection with these two immediately when I saw them.

After a little longer, I let go of Olivia and told her to call for me if she needs anything. Then, I went and set up a table for signatures and told my fans to lineup for them. When I reached conan and olivia, i was surprised to find out that they didn't bring any CDs for me to sign. This made me wonder: did their parents not tell them about this? And why didn't I see their parents in this room? But I didn't question them since I can see the sheer panic in their eyes. Instead, I drew thirteens on their hands like conan told me to and even got a paper and separated it into two pieces, one for conan and one for olivia, of course. I signed my name onto both pieces and asked them for their favorite animal.

"I like kitties" Olivia said.

"Same" conan added.

"You both also like cats?" I exclaimed in excitement. Gosh, I feel even more connected to them now. I drew little cats onto the paper and handed them to the siblings. They politely thanked me and left the line.

After I'm done with the signatures, I went and started a karaoke section, "alright, here's how it works: all of you guys should request a song, it could be a song that I already sang on the tour or it could be a song that I hadn't sung. After everybody put in their request, I will ask all of you guys and you guys can volunteer to sing the song. Of course, if you came with a group of friends or came with you family, you can also sing the song together. Since I only have 4 albums, we might have some repeats when requesting, so you don't have to worry about some songs not being sung when we have duets and groups. However, if there are songs that hadn't been sung yet, then we can have a volunteer go again and sing these songs. If you don't feel comfortable singing, you don't have to volunteer. However, I will highly suggest you to be just be you and have fun here. Any questions?"

After I made some clarifications, I pulled out a paper and pen and wrote down people's requests.

After that, I started asking for volunteers, "who wants to sing the song 'forever and always?"' ... "who wants to sing the song 'our song?'" ... "who wants to sing the song 'red?'" And there it went: two little palms shot up in the air and their eyes eagerly eyed me. "Alright you two, you can sing this song." As conan and olivia stood up, my anticipation was at an all time high. The two people that went before them are good. But as far as i've heard, they are golden. I set up this karaoke station not only because I want all my fans to continue singing the songs that they like, but also because I want to hear them sing in front of me.

After the workers handed conan and olivia the microphones, they got ready and tapped to the beat. As they began, I got lured into their voices: how angelic and pretty they both individually sounded and how perfectly their voices matched up together when they sung the part together. And everything about them is so natural. Their stage presence, their voices, their expressions, as if they're just made to shine...

After we wrapped up the karaoke section, I decided to spend time individually with each of my fans and get to know them better. Because some of my fans that showed up here are quite young, I decided to greet them based on their age since it is way pass the younger fans' sleep schedule.

After greeting some 5 and 6-year-olds, who are half asleep, and their families, I finally reached the moment that I've been waiting for: meeting up with Conan and Olivia. I have been drawn to them from the moment that I saw them on that tiny screen of mines, as if they are some sort of mystery that I need to solve, or as if I have been sent here to protect them, or they have been sent to accompany me. A sense of curiosity is also brewing inside of me: where are their parents? I don't see them anywhere. Who let them into the concert without an adult? That is not allowed and whoever did it will get fired. It's funny how two little kids can drive me insane, but they are doing it to me right now. I must meet them and get to the bottom of this mystery, which is what I'm doing right now. I must do this quick, since they say "it's a mystery, mysteries have a way of driving people mad."

It's been FOREVER since I last updated, so apologies for that. School's just been super busy lately (and I like to procrastinate). But I think I can go back to my normal schedule of updating once a week. Since spring break is coming up, I might be able to write an chapter a day (it's just a stretch, so don't count on it). Anyways, I'm brain dead from writing this chapter, so I don't have anything more to say. I guess I'll see you in the next one!

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