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I stirred and shifted as my body started to wake itself from its deep slumber.

My eyes stayed closed, but my limbs stretched, and I became aware of a strange soreness radiating through all of them...like I had just completed one hell of a workout.

I rolled onto my side, and let out a relieved sigh as I felt a soft pillow pressing against the side of my face, and warm bed sheets wrapped around me.

In bed...safe and sound.

But that.... was one intense nightmare.

I'd have to write a journal entry about it...though, it was so vivid...I don't think I'll be forgetting it any time soon. It was so real...the pain I'd felt...the life fading from me...those strange voices, that glowing face...

I'd never seen any of those faces before or heard any of those voices...I don't know how I could've dreamt them up. I thought the human brain could only dream about people it has interacted with before, or so I'd read in some article somewhere.

But it had to be a dream...because clearly, I'm not dead. I could feel the tinge in my muscles, the crick in my neck. I could feel my heart beating, strong and steady...not in danger of giving out on me anytime soon. And I'm not on the forest floor, either. I'm in my bed.

So, it was a dream....but where the hell did it come from?

I let out a soft groan as I stirred more, turning onto my back once again as I pressed a hand to my aching forehead. I poked my tongue out between my lips, and as I felt the cracks and ridges in them, I realized just how parched I was. Thirsty....so thirsty.

I slowly allowed my eyes to flutter open, and my vision was blurry at first, but I could at least make out the rays of morning sunshine drifting in through the window on the side of the room, glowing behind thick, gray curtains.

I smiled to myself slightly as I felt the warmth of the sun spreading out in through the room...but that small blip of peace was suddenly stripped away and replaced by panic...as I came to the realization that I did not, in fact....own gray curtains.

My eyes drifted to the sheets wrapped around me, and that only worsened my state of panic and confusion...because I noted they were white.

I don't own white bed sheets either.

I jolted upward, but the sudden movement caused my head to spin and my brain to pound inside my skull. The blurriness of my vision worsened, and I blinked rapidly as I desperately tried to regain it and figure out just where in the ever-loving fuck I was.

Tan walls...wood floors...a second bed neighboring the one I was in...a TV on a stand directly across from me.

A....motel? Am I in a fucking motel?

My eyes continued to focus in on the foreign colors and shapes, way slower than I would have liked...but they then settled in on the shape of a person...a very tall person, sitting at a little table near the window. He wasn't looking at me, but instead looking at a laptop set up in front of him.

My vision settled enough to make out a head of long brown hair...curling an inch or two above a set of broad shoulders, clad in flannel.

I know that hair, I think...from...my dream?

I let out a small sound of fear as I fully registered where I was, and the fact that I was not alone...and I guess that sound was enough to draw the attention of my company. He lifted his head toward me, and quickly closed the laptop before rising to his feet.

Fallen - A Castiel x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now