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It was about a day's drive from Pennsylvania to Colorado. Twenty-five hours to be exact.

Before we'd officially gotten on the road, the boys were kind enough to stop by my house and allow me to pack up a few things. I didn't own much to begin with...didn't really have a whole lot of sentimental items that I couldn't live without...so it wasn't too complicated.

Just some clothes, toiletries, books and a few other miscellaneous things. Nothing too fancy. I mean...apparently they'd all seen me with my guts on the ground and blood all over me, right? They'd quite literally seen me at my worst, lower than worst, so...I didn't waste my time with things like makeup and flashy clothes. If I'm to be on a team of 'hunters'...I think a few hoodies and a few pairs of jeans would do me just fine.

But the entire time I was packing, I just had to stop and really think about what in the ever-loving fuck I was doing. 

I mean...this is absolutely batshit crazy, right? I'm batshit crazy?

This type of thing just...doesn't happen. It's not real...it only exists in movies. Where the leading female actress is way too fucking pretty to be realistic, there's bad CGI animation and loud, dramatic music in the background constantly. Only in books and movies is it okay to wake up in a motel room full of supposed 'monster hunters' and go off on a journey into the unknown by their side.

If that happens to anyone in real life...you'd be locked up in a mental institution. Or possibly arrested for possession of hallucinogenic drugs...if the men who brought you to their motel room don't murder you and throw you in a ditch first. 

And yet...there I was...packing up my bag like the happiest son of a bitch in the world, daydreaming about angels and vampires like I'd taken a little too much of the brown acid. 

But...I know I'm not crazy. Because everything I witnessed, everything I felt...it was all real. It wasn't a dream...it wasn't a hallucination. They saved my life...they hunt things in the dark that no one else in the world knows about. And Castiel...Castiel is really an angel.

So after all my internal debating, I decided that maybe it was okay to be a little outlandish and do something completely stupid. I couldn't exactly put my finger on why, but I trusted those three. I actually trusted them more than anyone else I'd ever met, even though it'd only been less than two days since I'd crossed paths with them. Which is kind of an ironic thing to say... because my trust, after all I'd been through...isn't exactly an easy thing to earn.

But there was just something about them. Sam had gone in depth with me about what it is they do. He told me the whole spiel of how they investigate crime scenes by pretending to be FBI...which, was off-putting, I'll be honest. I feel like anyone would be thrown off by someone admitting they're an on-the-run felon. But they talked about how to keep myself safe, what kinds of things I should expect...they genuinely cared about my well-being, it seemed. Let alone the fact they literally called upon an angel to raise me from the dead. 

I think anyone would be willing to put blind faith and trust in someone after experiencing something like that...call me crazy. 

I had no clue why, though. They didn't even know me...not a single thing about me. Truth be told, there's really nothing interesting about me...especially not as interesting as what they've experienced. But after Castiel suggested that I stay...for whatever reason...they were all about me. All of them...even Dean, who I gathered to be the leader of the group, and quite the hard ass...were extremely welcoming, and understanding of where I was amongst all of this. 

Fallen - A Castiel x Reader FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz