chapter thirty -two

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Finally after waiting for so long the day for the children national camp has come I was very glad as I pack my things, just the necessary things I will be needing. Its a three days program, the activities are as follows; first day ;arrival of guest ;second day Bible quiz competition and Bible recitation competition with other recreational activities; third general worship and farewells. Its from Thursday evening to Saturday morning, so I had to skip school on Friday but I've never been this happy about skipping school. I bid goodbye to my cousins when the bus arrived at our gate and left I was so ecstatic. I really can't put my feelings at the time in words .I saw my Sunday school teacher waiting outside the bus for and I greeted him as he took my bag and issued me in ,I quickly went inside and saw my other colleagues which I love to call (talk-mate) I'm not  found of them much neither they of me but our relationship is on a mutual level. I found myself a sit at the back cause its quite after settling down I look to my right and saw Jonathan a guy who we both of us will competing side by side to bring victory to our church. He was going through his Bible and I can guess his still reversing his memory verses I just shook my head and close my eyes as I lean my head on the bus sit . they others where singing joyously and the song was so soothing that I fell asleep without realising it . I woke up to Jonathan taping me ,don't you want to get something to eat he ask ,oh God that voice again, did I forget to tell you earlier how handsome and good looking Jonathan is ?,well now you have it ,his skin is fair and smooth, don't get any ideas I haven't touch him before though we've had handshakes before and hug a few other times his palms are as soft as that of a new born baby and  looking at how his skin is always glistering I came to the conclusion that his skin must be as smooth and soft as his palms .least I forget he has this deep golden voice that makes you want to keep listening to him talk or better still sings and by the time you look into his eyes ,its a shade of dark brown that gives you the feeling of wanting to look deeper and find something,  if I must say God really did justice to him ,with his looks ,voice and brain every single girl in my Sunday school class is dieing to be with him , most of them are teenagers already except for myself and another girl who is twelve her name is lina, so they all want him for themselves but they only bother him in school according to what lina told me sometimes back ,my church owns a junior school where all of my church mate attend except for me alone ,I won't lie I like him though, but I never showed it or even bother about it ., hi,hi, are you OK ,I was still busy describing his looks forgetting that I've been stirring at him all this while ,I felt embarrassed when he call out to me again so I quickly reply ,no I'm fine thanks anyway ," for once I thought you were different from them guest you're all birds of  a feather ".I had him say loud enough for everyone to hear and trust me you don't want to hear or see the laughter and look of mockery I received throughout the rest of the drive,. I still don't get it is there anything wrong in looking or appreciating someone's looks and the way he made the whole thing sounds like I've been pestering him all this while ,I felt really offended but being good at hiding my emotions I lean back down on my sit and pretend like nothing happened  I close my eyes but I couldn't continue sleeping because the voices which were singing earlier are now taunting me ,.I was about opening my eyes when I heard our Sunday school teacher Mr Isaiah talking to Jonathan I had no idea when he got to where we were sitted but the only thing I heard him say was " you can't talk to people like that ,you might mean something different but others could read meaning to it differently "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean for it to come out that way ,you know like I said earlier I'm having a bad day Jonathan replied, its OK Mr Isaiah said  before living and returning to his sit ,what were they talking about me ,was it about just happened I ask myself but then I decided not to read meaning to it, it's already bad enough that I   listen to their conversation.
I sat quietly  throughout the rest of the drive .
From afar we could hear songs of praise and laughter and we knew that we have arrived our destination and immediately they all started singing once again, when the bus drive inside and I look out of the window and saw the amount of people gathered I started feeling the pressure, I can't believe I was going to stand in front of this much people to compete. When the bus packed we said a Thanksgiving prayers before dropping down to go take our bags .we did our registration and we were assign our rooms. The rooms were big enough to carry everyone that is to say that every church is assigned one room and we were to share it with the boys though there were two bathrooms which we divided ., one for girls and the other for boys .the beds were up and down ,so one person sleeps up while another sleeps down ,that's how  the beds where attached together as for the teachers their rooms are separates after getting to our room and seeing we had to share there was argument about who will sleep with who and yes all the girls want to share a bed with Jonathan so Mr Isaiah suggested that we sleep according to our registration number. So he call the names one after the other and assigned the beds according., I know I'm the last person to pay for my registration so I have no idea who I will be sharing with moreover the person you share beds with is the same you share the lockers with so I was praying that it will be lina because she is the only I'm comfortable with but most times you don't get what you wish for .,Lina's name was called and she was to share a bed with another girl call faith .I was still standing there when Jonathan's name was called and then mine was called., wait !what !! is God testing me right now ,like seriously, I turned and look at Mr Isaiah with questions written all over my face and he said here is the list you all can take a look, looking at the  list his name is second to the last while mine is last ,I looked at him and before I could get carried away by his looks the words his said earlier in the bus was ringing loud in my ears so I walk to the locker attached to our sides of the bed and put my bags inside before walking to the bathroom and taking a few clothes with me to wash up and Change because according to our program we should be having dinner anytime soon .when I returned everyone was doing what matters to them and Mr Isaiah was not longer there possibly must have gone to the teachers room to get ready as well ., I saw Jonathan's bags on the down bed meaning I'm taking the up bed which I'm grateful for .I claimed up and lay down until we were called out for dinner .we were just about to leave for dinner when Mr Isaiah came and asked us to wait inside and moment later three ladies walked in carrying takeouts with them and shared it amongst us and left ,before we could say anything Mr Isaiah told us that we will be eating our food inside the room and when we ask why he said that our parents payed extra money to get us a well cooked food so our food is prepared differently from that of the others. Wow I had no idea but I'm grateful because I'm not a fan of eating in a crowded place. We eat our dinner and went for the welcoming service where every church and its members are called and you all stand up and your teacher says hi on behalf of everyone., it was 10:00pm before we said the nights prayers and went to sleep .
I woke up to the sound of bell ringing indicating that it was time for the general morning prayers and cleaning. After that we all took our bath have breakfast before going for the first activities of the day which is ;football competition between the boys and girls ;the female teachers and the male teachers; and the organizing committee with parents who were able to make it.
I was just about leaving the room Mr Isaiah when Jonathan words stopped me on my track "sir do you think this girl can do the Bible recitation"? Of course Mr Isaiah replied, why did you ask ,well from the best of my knowledge I haven't seen her going through her Bible since we arrived., I I turned and look at him....

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