chapter forthy six

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I wasn't bother with the sitting arrangement but the boy sitting next to me seem to be on the edge so I decided to bring up a conversion and maybe I might get to know a few things about this Naomi girl who keeps giving me a wearying feeling after all the say "knowing your enemy beforehand is the best way to avoid danger or so I can't seem to remember how the saying goes " hey I'm Nabila what's your name ,he seem surprise that I'm talking to him so he turned looking behind him just to confirm its you I'm talking to I said to him ,oh my name is moses JJ,what's the JJ stands for I asked, Joshua James, umm nice so why did you seem surprise earlier when I introduced myself to you?,are sure you won't to know? ,of course why will I ask if I don't intention of listening so I'm all tell me or are you scared of your girl, hahaha he burst out laughing saying ah Nabila don't say that I don't have a girlfriend after all the school doesn't favour that behavior, so are you saying if the school hasn't warned against it you get a girlfriend, well even if I want to no girl will accept me ,why ,because I'm dumb I've been in this class for three years ,what do you mean ,I failed my exams no matter how hard I read once I get to the exam hall I tend to forget everything, hmm so what have your parents done about it?,I'm an orphan I stay with my uncle who is the English teacher here in this school ,your uncle is a teacher in this school, yes ,and he didn't do anything about your constant repeat ,well apart from the beating I receive every time I fail he did nothing else ,wow I see ,can you tell me exactly what normally happens when you get into the exam hall, I get scared that I might fail again after that I feel nervous and before you know I won't be able to remember anything at all from what I've read  in fact at that even if you ask me to spell my name I won't be able to do it ,wow that's very serious have you ever answered question in the class ,no ,have you ever presented or stood in  front of a crowd of more than 50people before, no I don't even have the confidence to talk to my classmates let alone 50people ,OK I'm not promising you anything oo but I'll try to see if I can help but you have to be  willing to do anything I ask you to do ,how ,don't worry when the time comes you'll find but from now onwards you must do anything I ask you to do and you must be in class before me do you understand me ,yes ma ,tell me something who is this Naomi girl,oh that one she's too full of herself, I know but what's her relationship with Mrs Rhoda, Mrs Rhoda is her guardian and she came to school a month before your set admission was released, why what was she doing in school at that time ,I don't why she came that early but she has been attending class with year two students, which explains the proud attitude earlier during the test ,just be careful with her oo,why ,since she came before everyone she developed a good relationship with most of the senior prefect and teachers so if you gets in her bad book she might report you those seniors and they will punish you ,oh I see thanks for the information I really don't have that much interest in her ,OK since you've ask me things about me can I ask you too ,of course what do you want to know ,you speak so well so I don't need anyone to tell me I know you must be very bright ,moses we're all bright the only difference is our way of understanding things, hmm so you parents must be rich ,you think so ,yes na haven't you heard the remorse going around the school, what remorse, everyone is talking about you having uniforms for each day that you don't have to wash within the week like others do ,is that a strange thing , its like you don't know how much just a set of a complete uniform coat let alone buying double of each set ,how much does it cost , if you want you can go to admin office and ask ,come on ,I really don't know the amount but I know for sure that its expensive that's why the management never tell the students anything about the cost the parents pay so as not to make one child feel less than the other ,its a wise decision on their part ,but even at that we still have cases of students showing off ,are you scared that I'm one of them ,initially yes but after chatting with you I realize that I judge you without even knowing you and I'm sorry about that ,its cool I get that a lot ,suddenly the bell rang and he stood up its break time you can go back to the hostel and eat see you later ,OK bye ,hi don't tell me you just replaced me I heard Faisal said as he walk towards my desk ,weren't you having fun with your girl friend just now I teased, God don't remind me he said making a face ,come on she can't be that bad ,she's worst, tell me about, I really don't know how to deal with her but she's all over me like she's choking me literally, oh my  poor baby sorry ,stop it I'm serious I don't think I can last any more seconds with her attitude, if you're not comfortably then you tell to  change your sit its that simple , I did but she refuse ,you have to be patients then until the result are out when we get a new class representative they might be able to help ,you're right  now come let's go get something to eat because I'm hungry ,I took my bag and we walk to the door together and he insist on walking me to the gate of the girls hostel because no boy is allow to enter the girls hostel and same goes to the girls, what are you going to eat he asked ,I'll eat whatever Senior Aisha prepared what about you ,I will eat whatever senior Ransom prepared we both laughed at that and when we got to the gate he gave me hug as usual before running off and I went inside and a plates of fried rice ,senior Aisha this smells amazing I said as I breath in the sweet aroma of the food ,thanks for the compliment she replied smiling at me ,wait how where you able to Cook this weren't we just coming from class just now ,I parboiled the rice and prepared all the ingredient before going to class this morning so when it was five minutes before break  time I took excuse and came to cook because I know a certain someone will be hungry ,ahh thank you so much as I took the plates she has dished out for me I can't help but look at her once again I really can't remember the last time someone cared about me this much she just makes me feel so comfortable around her and she has that look of a mother pampering her child on her face whenever she does these things for me ,why haven't you started eating yet  be fast before they ring the bell there's some I packed for your friend already take them when you're going I'll leave now I have something to do in class she said as she kiss my forehead before storming out .

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