chapter thirty seven

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After the three of them left for the hospital to get better information on what's actually going on but as for us left at home we where basically what you can describe as a crying mess.
None of us was strong enough to comfort the other so we stood there each with his own thoughts I guess somehow we all felt he didn't survive but still hoped for a miracle.
Its been more than two hours since they left for the hospital but we haven't heard from them and their phones has been switched off living us more worried than before, rose suggested we go to the hospital as well and just as we were about to leave moses came in with a gloomy face followed by Williams and then my uncle walked in with his head bow low and walked straight to his room., at this point even a blind person will be able say correctly that Samson is gone I couldn't believe it so I asked, is he OK should I get hot water and some clothes and go to the hospital to take care him as I spoke I quickly began to gather what I've mentioned trying to convince myself that everything is fine I was still doing that when moses came and hugged me stopping me from continuing my action at that moment I felt like my world is crumbling right in front of me but there was nothing I could do about it ,I lost the ability to cry I just stood there looking at nothing in particular why do I have to endured so much pain that right now I think I'm gradually becoming immune to pain .
Family members ,friends and well wishers started flowing in one after the other after moses made the phone calls it's was getting late so everyone went to rest but I couldn't because once I close my eyes I kept seeing his face and the good times we shared together, the memories kept flooding me and I couldn't bear it anymore so I shouted in a very loud voice waking everyone they last thing I remembered was my uncle face telling me that everything will be alright .
I tried opening my eyes but its like a log of word was place right on top of my eyelid making it difficult for me to open my eyes so I rested for awhile before trying again this I rubbed my eyes with hands before finally opening my eyes but the brightness of the light was too much for me so I closed them back again, I tried opening my eyes a little at a time to get adjusted and I finally adjusted I looked around and realizes I was laying on my bed inside the room I shared with rose so that's must means that I was just having a terrible dream concerning Samson's dead ,wow that was so real I said to myself .,I stood up and even prayed thanking God that it was just a bad dream and ask for it not to come true .after saying my prayers and fixing my bed I stood wondering what time it is ,from the brightness I can say it's afternoon but why will rose allow me to sleep in the afternoon that has never happened before ,what's going on and what's with the noise coming from outside,why do I feel like I've forgotten something very important its like my brain is closed one side while the other side is wide open, well I better go and find out rather than stand here asking myself questions I don't have answers to .I walk out of the room saw some faces I can't say for sure where I knew them from or even knew them at all I politely say hello to them as I walk past them but they all keep giving me that look that says"poor thing you been through a lot "or " look how shattered she looks are you sure she is OK "what's going on my head was exploding with questions that need answers ,I just can't seem to find any of my family members around so I walk outside the main house going towards the garden and there I sighted my uncle sitted with some of his friends but my uncle suddenly look like he has aged 5 times more than his original age ,what exactly is going on ,its like walking is taking too long so I ran towards my uncle and just when I was about to greet and ask what's going on I saw a poster on the wall with Samson on it and there was this big bold printed title at the top saying" GONE TOO SOON"followed by all other information that I tried very hard to read but its seems like something is clearly blocking my view, Nabila!Nabila!!Nabila!!! I could clearly hear my uncle and moses calling me at the same time I turned look at them and I feel like I'm floating on air ,so it was not a dream after all I said before darkness took over me completely.
When I wake up this time around I was very clear headed, I know Samson is dead ,but I don't know how to react to the news ,I walk out of the room and overhead some people saying "the burial is supposed to be held tomorrow but if Nabila didn't wake up before then it means its has to be suspend since big Daddy says he can't be buried without her present. Oh wow from what I just heard I must have past out for a long time and the big Daddy mentioned can only be my uncle, I suddenly remember that everyone is hurting and me passing out must have cause them more worries, why I'm I so stupid and weak I asked myself feeling irritated already, why do I have to make everything be about me ,how can I be so stupid as to forget that my uncle just lost his son and is also hurting and my cousins just lost their brother so they should be hurting as well and instead of helping them in anyway I can I just made things worst.
I quickly went out to look for my uncle and I found all of them sitting in the living room including my cousins I greeted them before I went on kneels in front of my uncle to apologize but he didn't even let me say a word saying he understand, in fact they all understand considering the fact in the whole of the house we were the most closest to each and moses said he regretted ever fighting and quarreling with him ,they all showed their regret as to why they never got along so well with their brother and promised that from then onward we will all live together as one big happy family and that we will always support one another no matter what happens.
We sat there together with each one having his or her thoughts but I just couldn't help but ask what exactly happened., my uncle looked at Williams and Williams in turn look at moses ,so moses said ,when we got to hospital we could bearly recognized him due to how badly he was injured, they passers by who witnessed what happened said that it was at a gallop and when he was about crossing the gallop on his bike a truck was driving at full speed and the truck was loaded with cement so when he got to the gallop he couldn't hold the breaks because it was too late and so he hit Samson, after hitting him the truck rode on top of him before the driver was able to stop the car people gather around trying to tell the driver that the truck was on top of Samson but the driver misunderstood them and thought that they wanted to attack him so he dropped from the truck and ran away ,before the could find alternative ways of lifting the truck off him he was already dead .,hmm what a painful way to died what did he do to deserve all of that I couldn't help but say ,I said the same thing too replied my uncle ,so what are going to do about his friends moses asked ,well I have no idea we shouldn't do anything for now since they haven't done anything either Williams replied., what about his friends I asked ,well they're insisting on getting justice for him my uncle replied, but that's not bad now after all the driver deserve to take responsibilities for his action moreover if he is to get away with it this time how sure are we that there will not be a repeat of such incidence in the future., whatever it is I don't want too much noise after all whatever they do won't bring him back so let's just please allow peace to reign my uncle said look exhausted.
Its OK dad if you say so but we must arrest the driver to ensure there's no future occurrence said Williams., OK by the way how do you feel now Nabila my uncle asked ,I'm fine and I'm very sorry for making you all worried ,come over it go and take your bath because you sure look like a nightmare said rose., I stood up and look at my reflection on the glass window and didn't wait for her to say it a second time before running away living them laughing at me .

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