A Chemical Romance - I

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"Where are the papers?!" "i-I don't know. sir..!" "Then find them! We don't have time to be wasting!" Sci practically yelled, about ready to burst at the seams from his impatience and excitement. He and his team have been working on a particular experiment. This experiment being one that was left behind by a collection of three Gaster, as they were not able to finish this. So Sci decided to take it upon himself to finish it for them. Or at least do something to make them proud.

With this being the case, he and his team have not been able to even come close to what seemed to  be a proper experimentation. Time and time again they tried and failed, tried and failed. They've been trying for the past two months, and they still haven't become fruitful in it. Each time they think they have made an improvement, it ends up being a failure in disguise. Or in a different anthology;  Each time they tried to take a step forward, they would get tossed five to ten steps back. And that was something was unacceptable in Sci's eyes.

He wanted to see this through. He wanted to complete it. He wanted to make the three Gaster's that worked on this proud. Even if it brought him close to Death's door again. Or even if it killed him. 

"Papers!" "R-right here sir!" Alphys brought them to him, as he took them and fixed his glasses to get a better view. . . .Haven taken a long enough but quick moment to look over it and make sure that it was correct, he smiled rather brightly and quickly made his way to the room of sequencing. Or the room of action that some would call it. Or the experiment room as some others would call it. Politely asking the shy and petite dinosaur to follow him.

Once there, he immediately went to his usual scientist mode.

"Tony! Start the engines! Samantha! Run the calculations! Edgar! Start of the Sequencer! Tony, Billiard, Undyne! Start up the Singulator! And George! Go to the switches, and wait for my signal! Understood?!" 

With everyone understanding, they quickly went to do what they were told.

Tony started the engines. Flipping the three red switches and pressing the red button that was on the side, watching as the system booted up once again and began to vibrate and produce smoke and electricity as a byproduct.
Samantha made sure to tell everyone that was at the panels to proper and approximate calculations. From ratios, to fractions, to decimals, to even doing -PEMDAS- to made sure that she was a precise as humanly possible.
Edgar started the sequencer. Pushing up the switches with all of his weight. Stepping back afterwards and watching the screen begin to pull in and add all of the calculations that were put in and still being put in.
Tony, Billiard, and Undyne started the singulator, needing to pull on a lever that was on the wall. Two tubes starting to generate a black and white ball within them. The white ball of mass being surrounded in a multitude of colors, while the black ball of mass was surrounded by nothing by a bright blue outline.
George went to the room that was in the back of the room, lifting up the rectangular box-lever and inserting the key in the slot, but not yet turning it or pressing the button. Waiting for he signal.

Everyone then stood back, Sci holding up the walkie so he could tell George when. He and his team stood nervously, anxiously, in fear. They watched and waited for the screen to get to 100. They watched and waited, having only two outcomes of the current situation at hand, as they all were betting on the ladder rather than the former.




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