Positive Negativity

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Dream just now got finished baking another batch of cookies, making them for the kids and staff at school. He was making chocolate chip cookies, red velvet cookies, glazed cookies, blueberry cookies, macadamia nut cookies. He was doing the works. He even wanted to get adventurous and make citrus based cookies; Orange citrus, to be specific. He found it to be a rather interesting idea so, he went with it.
Before he could sit down at the kitchen table to rest and to allow the cookies to rest before un-sticking them from the parchment paper, a small series of knocks came to his door, having to quickly catch himself before sitting down

"Who is it?" He asked, untying his apron as he made his way towards his door. "..Nightmare." The name from the other side made his chest bump, remembering their last altercation. Though he remembered it, he put it to the back of his mind, opening the door and seeing Nightmare in front of him, his purple eye looking down at the ground.
"Hey, Nighty. What's the occasion?" Dream asked this as he stepped to the side to let him in. Nightmare walked in without saying anything at first, holding his books closer and almost losing his breath at the smell of such delicious cookies in the air. He didn't let that sway him though, as they probably weren't for him anyway.
"You doing okay there? You're uh..still not upset, are you..?" Dream was now getting worried, haven already closed the door and locked it.

"..Is..is it okay if I.stay here for a while..?" "..Is the occasion even more special? Sleep over? -gasp- Did you miss mee~ee?" Dream was starting to get excited, a big and bright smile coming to his face.
Despite Nightmare blushing a slight bit, "N-no. That's not it.." "Aww shucks" "..I'm here because..my apartment caught fire." Now there were no more smiles and funny antics. 

"D-did yo get out safely? Are you hurt anywhere?" He got close so he could try and examine his brother, but he stepped back, wanting his space. "Y-yes. I am fine. I wasn't there when it happened so, i'm just fine." Gently sighing of relief, Dream rubbed his face in the same manner, smiling gently. "That's good. That's wonderful." Nodding, the moon awkwardly asked if he could try and get comfortable, with the sun saying that he could, going to do so when given said permission.
Once he sat on the couch, the feeling of slowly sinking into it made his body relax like the ocean after a storm, the deep and sudden need to sleep hitting the rims of his eye sockets. 

"Did you.have anything that could have been saved, if possible?" "No. I didn't. All I had was a mattress, a nightstand, and a few books on hand. Other than that, I didn't have anything else of substantial value." Nightmare had opened one of his books and was now reading it, saying his answers in his usual monotone tone. Dream nodded in unseen understanding, smiling more since his brother simply wasn't hurt. He seemed to get this feeling in return but, he pushed it aside, simply wanting to focus on his books right now. 

Now, since all of the batches of cookies were done, and this last batch should be done cooling down, Dream went to bag the last of it all. But, he did want to do a little something for Nightmare before it was time for them both to go to bed. 

Waking up later that morning, a book over his face, Nightmare picked it up off his face and noted what chapter he was on again before closing it, yawning very deeply. 
He laid there for a moment, looking up at the ceiling that he couldn't see from the darkness. Though once his eyes adjusted, he could see everything is if he had night vision. This being one of the special things about he and Dream. 
Gathering his bearings after thinking about what all was going on between him and Dream, his apartment burning up, and the things that he had to go through at his job, he sat up, deciding to push it all away since there was nothing that he could do about it.

Once he did, he saw a plate of cookies wrapped in plastic wrap on the table in front of him, a note beside it. Being a bit suspicious, but picking up the note and reading it; 'Hey, Nighty. This is Dream. Your brother, as you know. It should be morning as you wake up and I will be sleeping upstairs if you are curious. You might not be since you already know this but, why not point it out anyway, right? ..Yeah, sorry- but, I left you some cookies here just in case you wanted to try some. I also have some milk in the fridge if you want to try some with them. I hope you like them.  -Your brother, Dream.'

Fighting a smile that was about to come, he looked towards the cookies, the curiosity of wanting to know what they tasted like becoming more and more apparent. He hasn't had Dream's cookies in a little bit of a while now, so he wonders how they are after all of this years. 

...They've gotten better. They were already good in the beginning but, they've only gotten better with time. They were so good that they could probably draw tears from even the most grumpiest of men. Nightmare wasn't one of those people but, he was about to let a few tears fall from how good they were, but kept them in.

..After eating at least half of the cookies, his favorite being hard to chose but..if he had to he would probably say  the citrus one or the blueberry one. He liked citrus and blueberries. The chocolate chip was good too but, he just like citrus things and blueberry things. ..The raisin ones were good too but, not as good as the citrus and blueberry. 
The rest were good too but, simply not as good.

..After a little bit of a while of sitting and staring at the ceiling..he wanted to do something. The small yet big childhood tick of his still not leaving. From this tick, he's had a pretty bad case of insomnia. He is able to handle it by reading and walking around town and such but..it could never be quenched properly.
Despite him being able to sleep not too long ago..he really needed to do this.

Opening Dream's bedroom door and poking his head through, he saw that he was sleeping soundly facing the window, snoring as gently as he always does. 

Taking a deep breath before entering, a dusting of purple coming to his face, he slowly and quietly entered, closing the door behind him just as slowly and quietly. He stood for a moment before making his way over, looking at the time and seeing that it was 3 am. ..It was always 3 am when he woke up. Or at least close to said time when he woke up.
Slowly getting on the bed, making sure he didn't move too much, he got about as close he wanted to be. Though, something told him to get close, and he did. He got close enough to where his forehead was gently pressing against Dreams's upper back, simply being at an angle so that would be all that would be touching him. He din't want to disturb him too much. 
After a moment or so, his eyes so heavy. Heavy like a stack of books. He couldn't even keep his eyes open even if he tried. So, hugging himself, not moving an inch more of his body, he let his eyes close, feeling himself get pulled down into slumber. 

Later that morning, he awoke with a groan and to the smell of oranges and apples. Or better yet, he awoke to the warm presence of oranges and apples. The scent filled his being rather quickly, wanting to get as close as possible to it since it simply felt comfortable to be close to. As he did get closer, his nose pressed into it, being filled more with said scent. He wanted to pull it closer, wanting it to be even closer but, he found his arms being too comfortable to move right now.

Dream held back a giggle, smiling more from watching this scene. He wanted to give him some head rubs but, he didn't want to disturb him. He would be late getting to school, already haven called the principle and telling him so. So he would be here at home for at least another couple of hours, smiling more at the thought of it.

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