Chapter 16

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I saw that asshole approached their table, and as I glanced over at his friends, I noticed how their numbers lined up, three girls for three guys.

Yeah, this shit was not happening.

When the girls had started singing, I couldn't help but laugh and enjoy their spectacle along with everyone else. It'd been cute, fun, and unexpected, and their song choice had been all the hint that I'd needed. Though I didn't know who the third girl was, I already knew that Rena was on my side, so there was a strong possibility that she had played that song for me and Lyrical. Now, if she hadn't...well, it didn't matter. I'd already convinced myself that she had, so that means she did.

"Looks like she forgot all about you while she was in Minneapolis, Nix," Linc remarked as he took in the guy that had approached their table.

My insides hollowing out was not a pleasant feeling. "He could be approaching Rena or the other girl," I pointed out.

"Which one is Rena," Jackson asked.

"The blonde," I answered automatically. "I'm not sure who the other woman is, but it was those two that had started the show, so maybe it's one of them who caught his eye."

Linc snorted. "Yeah, Nix. His eye and the eye of the other two dudes he's with. Do the math, little brother."

I took my eyes off Lyrical's table long enough to glare at Lincoln. "I did, fuckface. That's why you and Jackson are going to go over there with me, so that there's no room for confusion as to who belongs to whom."

Jackson choked on his beer as Linc said, "Uh...I'm pretty sure we can't just go over there and claim them like that, Nix."

"Why not?"

Linc's face took on a bewildered look. "Uh, because this is America, and you can't just own another human being. It's sort of against the law."

"I beg to differ." Did I mention Jackson as being an asshole earlier? Because if I did, I take it back now as he refuted Lincoln's claim. "You can legally own another human being under the ceremony of marriage, dear brother."

"Are you for real right now?" Linc asked, still bewildered. "That's a partnership, Jackson. You don't suddenly own another person just because you say 'I do'. It doesn't work that way."

Jackson snorted. "The fuck you don't," he countered. "The woman who becomes my wife is going to be owned and operated by me, and only me." He smirked Linc's way. "But, hey, if your wife is going to be free to do whatever she wants, then more power to you, Lincoln. I just know that I couldn't do it."

Lincoln arched a brow coolly. "My wife will do whatever I tell her," he stated with an authority that he knew he didn't possess.

"Not if she's free and can't be owned," Jackson laughed.

"Fuck you, Jacks-"

"Dudes! Can we focus here on the asshole currently trying to lure Lyrical home, instead of the fictitious wives that you guys don't even have yet?" I snapped, seriously losing it. I mean, I literally spent all night inside Lyrical, so there was no reason that she should be talking to another guy right now.

No. Reason. At. All.

"Damn, Nix," Lincoln whistled. "Never seen you lose your shit over a woman before."

"I am not losing my shit," I lied through my clenched teeth. "Now, here's what's going to happen. We're all going over there-I don't care which female you guys claim-but know that you're claiming one, and we are going to sit with them, drink with them, maybe dance, and just have a merry fucking good time for the rest of the night. Got it?"

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