Chapter 7: It's you

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Warning: Depictions of heavy violence, gore, strong language and cruelty. Reader's discretion is advised.

As Luo Xue looked on, she noticed that there was no spot on the boy's body left untouched. Unhealed gashes covered his entire back, stretching from his neck all the way down to his lower spine. Blood poured out from his wounds, staining the tattered pants he wore.

Didn't he run away? How did he get caught?

Luo Xue frowned. Sensing traces of her mental force lingering in the air nearby, there was no doubt that her ribbon was still on him. She had intended to get it back after everything was over, but she didn't expect it would come back to her in this manner.

"8000. Will anyone go higher than 8000?" Chu Yuanchen asked, observing the bidders who appeared reluctant to bid anything higher. The price of eight thousand spirit coins was beyond what most people could afford, but he believed that people's greed knew no bounds. In this place he created, where the wealthiest degenerates gather, he must present an offer so alluring that one would wager their entire fortune.

"Everyone, listen." Chu Yuanchen's crafty grin grew wider as he squeezed Pei Yufeng's jaw harder. "As a display of my generosity, I will include this girl, Pei Yufeng, as part of the deal when selling that slave. Don't think of her as any ordinary girl, but someone whose identity will bring you immense wealth. As the sole daughter of the most well-known trade empire, the Pei family, getting your hands on her will only bring you more benefits. With great wealth within your reach, what is there to lose? For the price of one slave, you get two."

The room suddenly fell into a deafening silence after hearing his shocking statement. However, it didn't take long for the audience to grow enthusiastic. Recognising it was as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they knew the most important aspect was to have ties to the family, whether through legitimate or illicit means. Acquiring wealth would then be as effortless as taking a breath.

"...Going once, going twice, sold to the highest bidder at 18,000 spirit coins!"

Trembling in anger and fear, Pei Yufeng was in disbelief as she processed the fact that she had been sold. "You can't do this to me!"

"Why can't I? You're in my hands now."

Chu Yuanchen turned his head, staring at her as he blew into her ear, finding pleasure in her disgusted reaction.

Pei Yufeng once again trembled, feeling an even stronger urge to get away from him. To resist him, she sank her teeth into his hand until it bled, forcing him to shove her away. After breaking free, she quickly picked herself up and ran, but her hasty pace caused her to stumble.

Pei Yufeng fell to the ground and glanced back, locking eyes with Chu Yuanchen, whose intense glare sent shivers down her spine. She moved backwards, crawling away from him until she noticed she was on the verge of falling off the stage. Desperate, she frantically looked around for help, but the audience seemed indifferent to her plight.

Chu Yuanchen stood before her, his bleeding hand stretched out, repeating the same deadly action that had claimed the lives of many before her.

Right as Pei Yufeng was about to give up, a sudden realisation struck her — there was still one more person who was trapped in the same dire situation as her. Knowing that Luo Xue might face a similar tragedy, she desperately wanted to warn her, urging her to escape before it was too late. However, as her gaze fell upon the cage, she discovered that there was no one inside.

No one?

Pei Yufeng was left dumbfounded, staring blankly at the empty cage.

Intrigued by her sudden change of expressions, Chu Yuanchen followed the direction of her gaze, only to find nobody in her line of sight. Instantly, he felt something was wrong.

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