Commitment: Nia

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C H A P T E R 14

"W-what? You're lying." I stutter, taking a step back. Draco watches my movements with a smile.

"Believe what you want but know, the Italians aren't done with Apollo and if you choose to stay by his side you will die there as well."

"The Italians? What does-" A loud banging interrupted me and I turn around just in time to see Davi walking in.

"Times up." He tells me, grabbing my arms and forcing me away from Draco.

"Wait! I wasn't done speaking to him."

"You've had enough time alone with him, Nia. Now go because Apollo is two seconds away from dragging you himself." He scolds.

Draco laughs at us as we leave out of the room and his words echos in my head on repeat.

You're a pawn in this whole thing..

Your real name is Nia Rossi

Who the fuck is a Rossi and why haven't my mother tell me anything about it before she died? I've always been a Holloway, born and raised but now I'm thinking... what else don't I know?

How the fuck am I supposed to handle this information? And what truth does Apollo know?

"Davi." I say softly, planting my feet to the ground to stop him from dragging me. He looks down at me and raises a brow.


"What were you talking to Draco about before i came downstairs?"

Davi face pales. "Nothing you should be worried about."

"Davi, tell me the truth."

He sighs. "You will have to talk to Apollo."


"Nia." Apollo says sternly behind me in the hallway. "Come here." He motions with his hands.

I look back at Davi who was watching me.

"Nia, bring your ass on before I drag you over here." Apollo says with stone cold expression on his face. I moved slowly towards him and he grabs my hand. "Come on, we need to talk." He says in a panic.

He drags me into his office and shuts the door with his foot before locking it. I watch him warily. "What does Draco mean when he said that you know the truth about me?"

Apollo lets go of my hand and walks towards his desk, running his hands through his hair. "Sit down."



"Stop being a dick for one second and tell me the fucking truth ."

Apollo takes a couple of deep breathes before he asks "Do you know what your last name is?"

"Why?" I frown.

"I will ask again," his jaw ticks. "Do you know what your last name is?"


COMMITMENT: BWWM ✔️   Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now