Chapter 2: The discovery

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"A couple of days later"
(It's been four days since the rest of the rest of the crew seen Smg4, 3 and Mario they all began to worry. The main person that was worried was the former inkling herself Meggy. She hasn't seen 4, 3 and Mario in days she wonder what happened to them.)

Meggy: Hey, Tari

Tari: Yes, Meggy

Meggy: I think Smg3, 4 and Mario might be in danger.

Tari: Why would you say that Meggy?

Meggy: Because we haven't seen them in days and something is telling me that they need are help.

Tari: Um okay, do you want me to get the rest of the crew to help us find them.

Meggy: Yeah we need all the help we can get.

Tari: Okay, I'm on it Meggy.

(As Tari went to get the rest of the crew Meggy had a bad feeling that whatever or whoever had their friends they were going to pay for capturing them and they will be shown no mercy that's a fact.)

"Deep in the forest"

(Mario, Smg4 and Smg3 were just sleeping on Dawn's soft fur. As they were sleeping Dawn was just staring at the lake thinking.)

Dawn mind: Hmm, I wonder where the smiling critters are. I need to talk to my brother DogDay.

(As Dawn was thinking to herself she heard crawling sounds but she knew exactly who it was, it was her brother DogDay.)

DogDay: Hey sis, how are you?

(Dawn told her brother to hush and he was confused.)

DogDay: Sis is everything al...

Dawn put a paw on DogDay's mouth and whispers: Not so loud bro their are people still sleeping.

(DogDay was confused at first but then draw his attention to the three people that were sleeping on her.)

DogDay whispers: Who are these people sis?

Dawn Dog whispers: This is Smg3, Smg4 and their dumb friend Mario and they found me when I was singing here in the forest.

DogDay whispers: Oh okay, anyways how are you doing today sis?

Dawn Dog whispers: I'm fine what about yourself.

DogDay whispers: I'm good just had a little argument with CatNap before I came here also sorry for being late I would have been here sooner if CatNap didn't eat all my food up so I had to go to the store and buy some more and I put them somewhere where CatNap won't find it.

Dawn Dog whispers: I'm pretty sure he'll find your food sooner or later.

DogDay whispers: Yeah, I know but it wouldn't hurt to try and hide it

Dawn Dog whispers: Yeah, I can tell anyways have you found your legs yet.

DogDay whispers: Yeah, no I asked CatNap and he told me he forgot where he put my legs, so I'm still crawling as you can see.

(Dawn laughed at what her brother said and then started to talk with him a bit more, a few minutes passed while they were talking and finally the two Meme Guardians and their avatar woke up.)

Dawn Dog: Oh I see you three finally woke up slept well.

Smg4: Yeah actually that was the best sleep I ever had in ages, that's just an expression, heh

(Smg4 chuckled awkwardly)

Mario: Mario slept like baby.

Smg3: And I slept pretty good myself .

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