Chapter 4: Control

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(It was the middle of the night and Smg4 and his friends were sleeping except for one and it was Smg3. He was having trouble sleeping, why you asked well that's because he was still angry at the CEO for hurting Dawn and that is something that he will never forget, but he has to control his anger somehow before he could accidentally hurt someone, but how he thought for a moment.)

Smg3 mind: How can I control my anger without hurting anyone? Oh I know I can try to practice on my new powers that I have outside.

(So he went outside to practice on his newly founded powers and tried so very hard to control them but it was very difficult no matter how hard he tried he could get the hang of it every time he tried it just backfires badly. And what made it more difficult was the memories of the CEO hurting Dawn and DogDay made him so angry that he cracked the ground but his new power from his spirit animal almost made the whole earth crack almost, so instead of trying to suppress his anger he tried to think positive thoughts but that didn't happen this continued until he heard singing from a distance.)

Smg3: I guess I'm not the only one awake.

( Smg3 decided to follow the sound of singing and knew all too well who it was by her voice. It was Dawn but this time she was singing in a tree while sitting on a branch high up. As he saw her up there safe and unharmed he smiled and all the thoughts of her getting hurt by the CEO faded away, so he decided to climb up there and sit next to her. So as he started to climb the tree thankfully that it was easy since he had the metal claws on his back to help him climb up where she is as soon as he made it where she was he used one of the metal claws to tap on her shoulder but before he could she said.)

Dawn Dog: I knew you were awake Three.

(He was a bit surprised that she knew he was awake.)

Smg3: H-how did you...

Dawn Dog: Know that you were going to follow me, it was quite simple actually but I rather not go into full detail about that.

Smg3: Oh, okay

Dawn Dog: Why are you awake anyway Three?

Smg3: Oh, I just wanted to practice on controlling my new powers an my anger on my own so yeah

Dawn Dog: Your that determined to control them aren't you?

Smg3: Is it that obvious?

(Both Dawn and Three laughed and then Dawn spoke and said.)

Dawn Dog: Okay, how about this we can start you training after a little while what do you think?

(Smg3 thought for a moment and said.)

Smg3: Sure, I can do that

(Dawn chuckled a little then looked back at the stars in the sky and then smiled as Smg3 looked at her he smiled knowing that she and her brother are safe from the CEO he was fine but he still didn't forget about what he did to them but as long as their okay he doesn't have to worry anymore. A few hours have passed and Dawn and Smg3 were looking at the stars then Dawn got up and said.)

Dawn Dog: Are you ready Three?

(Smg3 got up and said.)

Smg3: I was born ready.

(Dawn looked at Smg3 and saw a look of determination on his face which means he was definitely ready to learn how to use and control his power and made Dawn smile and said.)

Dawn Dog: Alright then, let's get started!

(Dawn jumped up from the tree branch that her and Three were sitting on and started to attack Smg3 with her power balls which Three immediately catches on to what she is doing and dodged her power balls he looked up to see if she was still there but the dust from the power balls was so heavy that when it cleared she was nowhere in sight so he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and tried to find where she might attack him from and he noticed that she was behind him and he moved quickly out of the way when she tried to attack him and she was very impressed by his sudden movement and said.)

Dawn Dog: Well done, Three how did you know that I was going to attack you from behind?

Smg3: I just closed my eyes and smelled where you were?

Dawn Dog: Well, spiders do have a keen sense of smell like wolves do that's one thing for sure.

(After Dawn said that she decided to do a close range attack this time she took out her claws and ran towards Smg3 and this time he used two of his metal claws to block her attack and use the other two to attack her from below and he did causing her to back up in pain as he saw what he did he was about to apologize immediately until he heard her laughing and she looked up at him and said.)

Dawn Dog: Nice shot Three I did not see that coming.

Smg3: But I hurt you, so are you alright?

(Dawn chuckled a bit got back up then said.)

Dawn Dog: I'm fine some little jabs didn't hurt me that much and besides I can't heal myself pretty quickly so I'll be fine shall we continue.

(And with that being said he smiles then gets back in position and they continue with the training and the aura that surrounded him before came back again but this time it was much stronger as Dawn saw this she told him that he can summon small red spiders to help him in battle against his enemies and she told him to focus on summoning them as he tried to focus but was interrupted by different sounds he couldn't summon them as Dawn saw this she spoke and said.)

Dawn Dog: Smg3 if you can't focus on summoning them to help you focus on the people you want to protect.

(As soon as she said that Smg3's eyes went small as all the memories of his friends came to his mind and how he wanted to make sure Dawn and DogDay were safe he closed his eyes and summoned an army of small red spiders and he pushed all his anger into them to protect his friends and even Dawn and DogDay and the Dawn said.)

Dawn: Good, now focus your aim on the target and then attack.

( So he aimed the army of small red spiders at the target and they tore the target into pieces. As Dawn saw this she smiled then started to slow clap an walked towards him and said after the small red spiders disappeared and then he looked at her.)

Dawn: Well done Three, you finally learned how to control your powers, now we need to work on you controlling your anger.

Smg3: I don't think so

Dawn: Oh, and why is that Three?

(Smg3 smirks and then says.)

Smg3: Because I already controlled it.

Dawn: How, may I ask?

Smg3: Well, when you told me to focus on the people that I wanted to protect I put all of my anger that I had boiling inside me into the small red spiders and that's how the target was in pieces, I wanted to protect you, your brother and all my friends from evil see.

(He pointed at the target that was in pieces Dawn looked at it then back at Three then said.)

Dawn: Well done Three, very well done.

Smg3: Just doing what I am told Mistress. he said as he kneeled down on one knee in front of her with his head down and eyes closed.

(Dawn looked down at him then smiled evilly then said.)

Dawn: Well, I really do appreciate you listening to me and being obedient to me.

Smg3: I'd do anything to keep you, your brother and my friends safe.

(Dawn chuckled then said.)

Dawn: Is that so?

Smg3: Yes

Dawn: Then let's put that to the test shall we? She said with a smile on her face and chuckled slightly

(Smg3 looked up at her then smiled showing his fangs as she continued to giggle then smiled evilly.)

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