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     "Ladies first." Once again the guys are left shocked as Niko continued to treat you like you were a saint, unfairly put in a room with immature adults. Chunkz and Aj looked baffled at each other as the taller boy puts his hand around the back of your seat, and leans closer to whisper something in your ear. In their many years of knowing and working with Niko, they had never witnessed him be so... flirty.

     When you had initially been invited to a beta squad video, you were thrilled. Not only did you love their group dynamic, but you were also a really big fan of their content. You weren't unknown, if your millions of followers had a say in it, but being recognized and asked to collab by some of the biggest people on the internet was humbling.

     While you were often calm, collected and could socialize very easily, today was a little different. In a room of all very famous men, there was no such thing as arriving relaxed. You were terrified, akin a little girl starting a new school. Upon meeting them though, your worry was quickly washed away. They were incredibly nice while introducing themselves and had a comforting thing about them that instantly made you feel better.

     The video you were filming was for one of their most known series and today it was 'Guess the Influencer' seeing as you were an influencer, guessing who had the same lifestyle as you wouldn't be too hard. Or you had thought.

     Niko watched with a teasing smile as you wondered who to vote out. To begin with, Aj who was sitting on the other side of the table was supposed to vote someone out, but as he got ready, Niko interrupted him.

     "Y/n should go first." When Aj threw him a look of both disbelief and spite, Niko continued, and you guessed it was to redeem himself. "Since she's a guest and all."

     Aj hadn't looked too thrilled, but just shrugged, ultimately not putting up a fight like he usually would. But now, as everyone awaited an answer, you wished he'd gone before you.

     "Fuck I don't know who to pick." At your words, all of them let out a laugh, Kenny's obviously being the loudest. "Shit."

     Like little school boys, the guys continue to giggle over your choice of words. Hearing you cuss shouldn't have had them this appalled, it had become kind of like your trademark in the industry after all, but seeing it live made it all the more funnier. Niko who still chose to stay close to you, leaned even closer to you.

     You kinda figured that he was flirting with you along the way. If his gaze and words didn't make it clear, his urge to stay close to you did. First, you had tried to be professional, but as his efforts became more frequent you couldn't help but submerge yourself in the feeling of being wanted. You weren't dumb enough to pass up an opportunity to flirt with Niko Omilana of all people.

     "I'm voting contestant 2" If the guys heard him, Niko knew they'd never let him live it down. One thing was flirting with someone, but being so blinded by desire to cheat was something he'd never hear the end of.
So with that knowledge, the Omilana made sure they couldn't hear.

     To them, it just looked like he was saying more flirty things. "Niko stop distracting, Y/n."

     Chunkz took a hold of Niko's neck, pulling him back to sit straight. With a grin, he let himself be pulled, hands raising in surrender as a little chuckle escaped his mouth. "My bad." He didn't hold any remorse at all.

     His stare was hot on you as they all waited for an answer. From the contestants to the beta squad, everyone was eager to get to the voting part, and were waiting for you to start.

     What had possessed you to say it, you didn't know. But as you looked at Niko after your words left your lips, his smirk and cocky expression showed everything his mouth didn't tell.

     "I vote contestant 2."

Original author on tumblr: @b4tasquad

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